
英语牛津教材上海版2B-Unit3教案 UNIT 3 Let’s learn Period 2

teaching aims:1.    basic aims:   to learn the seven words: window, door, bed, room, sofa, table, lamp.2.developing aims: using the words to describe a room.main points: to learn the words.difficult points: using some english to describe the words. materials: cassette, picture cards, a big picture of a room. 

teaching procedures: pre-task preparation1.    sing a song.2.make short dialogues. while-task procedure1.    to learn the word : window(1). point to the window and say.   look at the window. it’s clean.(2). read it.  e.g. one window, two windows.(3). make some rhymes.  e.g.  window, window, clean,     clean, clean, window.2.    to learn the word: door(1). t: this is a window.   point to the door: is this a window?(2) read it.  e.g. one door, two doors.(3) make some sentences.  e.g. clean the door.  look at the door.(4) make some rhymes.  e.g.  door, door, open.       open, open, door.     3.    to learn the word: room(1)           look! what’s this? it’s a room.(2)           read it. (3)           make some phases.e.g. a big room4.    to learn the word: bed(1)           t: this is a room. (show a picture)        it’s my room.  what’s in my room?     guess to elicit: bed(2)           read it.  e.g. one bed, two beds.5.    to learn the word: sofa(1)    what else do i have in my room?to elicit: sofa(2)    read it.  e.g. one sofa, two sofas.(3)    ask and answer.e.g.  what can you see in my room?6.    to learn the word: table(1)    what’s this in my room?  to elicit: table(2)    try to say.(3)    follow the teacher.e.g. table, table, i can see.    table, table, for you and me.7.    to learn the word: lamp(1)           point to the light. what’s this? it’s a light.show picture card for ‘lamp’ and ask:is this a light? no, it’s a lamp.(2)           read it. e.g. one lamp, two lamps.(3)           ask and answer.   e.g. have you got a lamp?       what colour is it?8.    sing a song. post-task activity1.    read the words together.2.    which is changed?3.    free talk.e.g.--- look at the lamps. how many lamps?   --- one, two, two lamps. assignment1.  read the new words.2.  do work book  p9  营造轻松活泼的学习氛围。  开门见山,直接引入。  有机结合单复数的对比与训练。为以后的学习打基础。通过儿歌记忆单词,容易上口。   采用造句的方法来引导学生将词句进行有机结合。     促使学生对语言的新旧知识的融合。  通过师生间的问答来引入房间中的其他三个单词。使学生能够积极主动的学习。                 调节学习气氛。   

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