
二年级牛津英语-Unit 5 Crossing the Road 全单元教案


let’s act
language focus:
1.  using the imperatives to give simple instructions.
language skills:
1.  locate specific information in response to simple instruction.
2.  using modeled phrases to communicate with each other.
tape. recorder. pictures.
i. pre-task preparation:
1.  show the picture of the red light and say it.
repeat and ask the students to follow you. ask:
if you see the red light, what should you do?
say: stop several times so that the students could follow you.
2.  repeat step 1 with : yellow light and wait, green light, and go.
3.  tell the students that when you say : go they should run out on the spot. when you say : stop, they should stand still. when you say : wait, they should be ready to move.
ii. while-task procedure:
1.  say: let’s play a game. let three students to come to the front to help you demonstrate. tell them to stand in a row facing you.
2.  explain that you are going to show them pictures of traffic lights. when they see the red light, they should say : read light, stop, stop, stop! and stand on the spot.
(use the same way to deal with yellow light, wait! green light, go!)
iii. post-task activity:
1.  tell the students the importance of paying attention to the traffic lights
2.  listen and act: t: red light/yellow light/green light
 s: (action)

let’s talk
language focus:
1.  using the imperatives to give simple instructions.
2.  using objectives to describe objects.
language skills:
1.  locate specific information in response to simple instruction.
2.  using modeled phrases to communicate with each other.
tape. recorder. pictures.
i. pre-task preparation:
1.  listen and act
red light! , stop!
yellow light! , wait!
green light! ,go!
2.  ask: do you watch the traffic on the road?
  what can you see?
ii. while-task procedure:
1.  show a wallchart for page 23. describe the picture.
2. try to ask some questions:
what did sam and his father do before crossing the road?
what did sam 乪s father say?
what color was the light?
what did sam say?
3. point to the bus on the wallchart and say: the bus us slow.
point to the car on the wallchart and say: the car is fast.
4.  play the cassette. listen and repeat
iii. post-task activity:
workbook page 15

let’s learn
language focus:
1.  using the imperatives to give simple instructions.
2.  using nouns to identify things.
3.  using objectives to describe objects.
language skills:
1.  pronounce words properly3页,当前第1123
2.  learn the names and sounds of letters :l l j j.
tape. recorder. pictures.
i. pre-task preparation:
1.  show the wallchart of page 23. point at the items for :”stop,  go, light, fast and slow” and say the words in english. repeat for the students to follow.
2.  put up the picture cards for the above five item on the board ask individual student to point at each picture and say the word.
ii. while-task procedure:
1.  put up the relevant word card beside each item on the wallchart. read the words slowly. let the students to follow you.
2.  put the word card up on the board in a horizontal now. call students up to draw the pictures of the words. revise by reading the words together.
4. show students the picture card for : ice-cream and say ice-cream begins with the sound.”i”
show students the picture card for : ice-cream and say “ce-cream”. repeat. show the alphabet card :i.
ask the students compare the capital letter : i乫 with the small letter : i.
do the same with : jj, jelly
play the tape for students to follow in their books.
iii. post-task activity:
1.  make a matching game for small groups
make a sets of cards—one with  a word from a word from this unit and the other with its picture. punch a small hole at the top of each word card and at the bottom of each word card. then the two matching cards can be joined with a string fastener.
2.  work page 16,17.

let’s play
cross the road
language focus:
1.  using the imperatives to give simple instructions.
2.  using objectives to describe colors.
language skills:
1.  using modeled phrases to communicate with each other.
tape. recorder. pictures.
i. pre-task preparation:
1.  get the whole class to stand up. tell the students that when you hold up the word card for “go”, they should run on the spot. when you hold up the card for “stop”, they should stand still.
ii. while-task procedure:
1. say: let’s play a game.
put three picture of traffic lights in three corners of the classroom. each shows a different color. get a pain of students to come to the front to help you demonstrate. tell them to stand facing you in a row. ask the students at the back to close his/her eyes.
2.  explain that when you say “look at the light” and point to the picture of the traffic lights in one of the corners, the students in the front should say: it’s  then the students at the back with his/her eyes closed should say “go!” or “stop”“ or “wait” according to the color of the light he/she heard.3页,当前第2123
3.  play the game with pairs of students when they are familiar with the game, you can ask some more able students to take up your role.
4.  open your book. play the recorder. let the students listen and follow in their book.
iii. post-task activity:
  workbook page 17
   listen and color the light. then use the same color for the correct word.

let’s enjoy
language focus:
1.  using the imperatives to give simple instructions.
2.  using objectives to describe objects.
language skills:
1.  identify the key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress.
2.  pronounce words correctly in connected speech
tape. recorder. pictures.
i. pre-task preparation:
1.  say: today we will learn a rhyme related to traffic.
ii. while-task procedure:
1.  move the desks and chairs to make the classroom look like a crossing. get three students to come to the front. ask them to pretend to be the car drivers.
2.  show a picture of the red light. then point to the “three cars” and say “stop, stop, stop. stop on the road. cars wait to go. hello, hello, hello. wave your hand at the “drivers” and have them wave back. repeat for students to copy you. do the same with the second verse, and ask the “car drivers”to “drive their cars” quickly across the road.
3. play the game with more groups of students to get them familiar with the scene and the words of the rhyme.
4. play the cassette tape for the student’s book page 26.  students listen and follow in their books.
5.  play the cassette tape again. students follow and say the lines
6.  invite groups of students to act out the rhyme following your demonstration at the beginning of the class. students vote for the best performer.
iii. post-task activity:
draw an oval-shaped racetrack on the board. divided it into twenty sections. divide the class into two teams. ask each team to choose a colored magnet. show a word card for this unit to team a. if team a knows the words, move the magnet to the next section. then show another card to team b. if team b can’t read the word, show it to team a. they then have a chance to move their magnet forward another step.
 oxford english (shanghai edition) practice and assessment series 2a unit 5 further grammar and vocabulary exercises as well as listening and reading skills development tasks.

上一篇:We love animals(第三册) 下一篇:Unit 2 In the circus(教案)