
Unit8 Clothes(1)

let’ s learn
language focus:
using nouns to identify clothing items: e.g. belt
language skills:
identifying key words in an utterance by recognizing stress.
pronounce words properly
learn the names and sounds of the letters “m,m
student’s book 2a page 39. cassette and cassette player.
pre-task preparation:
put up some picture cards from the previous units. under each picture card write three words including the correct one. ask students to come up and circle the right word.
while-task procedure:
introduce the words “tie”, “belt’, “socks”, “shirt”, “dress” and “coat” using the picture and word cards.
play the cassette tape for student’s book page 39.students listen first and then join in to practise the pronunciation when you play the tape again.
on the left side of the broad put up the word cards for all the new words and on the right sight their picture cards but in a different order. ask some students to come up and draw lines between the right pairs.
ask individual students to choose one clothing item on the broad they need and say “i need “
show students the picture card for “moon’ and say moon begins with the sound “m”. show the word card for “moon” and say “m ’moon”. repeat. show alphabet cards “m” and “m”. have students compare the capital letter “m” with the small letter “m”.        play the tape for the students to follow in their books.
post-task activities:
show any one of the word cards to a pairs of students. ask one to read the word and the other to find its picture card.
hide any one of the word cards at your back and ask individual students to guess which word?
unit8 clothes(1) 来自皮皮范文网。
上一篇:Unit 6 Christmas 第四课时 下一篇:Lesson 33