
牛津英语2B Unit 3 Let’s talk There is a /an … in my room

一.教学内容和目标1.教学内容:牛津英语unit3 let’s talk2.教学目标1) 知识目标:听说认读课文中的重点句型能力目标:能描述介绍个人的房间,there is a /an … in my room能替换关键词进行对话交流。2)  情感目标:让学生更深层度得了解个人和他人的喜好。二.教学重点和难点  本课时是对话教学,本课的教学重点和难点是there is句型。用该句型介绍各个方位所存在的物品,替换关键词进行对话交流也是本课的一个难点。三.课前准备1.教师准备录音机和本课时的录音带2.教师准备let’s learn部分的单词卡片,以及其他已知的食物卡片如noodles等等3.教师准备白纸若干份,小袋子4.教师准备多媒体课件四.教学过程 1.warm-up1) song: ten little rabbits2) review the pronunciations of 26 letters. especially the letter s, b, d, t and w3) teacher says the first pronunciation of the furniture words, let the students guess what it is.for example  /s/ /s/ sofa   /b/ /b/ bed4) review the words: on in under2.在cai出现各种家具sofa,bed等,通过各种家具复习单词room3.t: look, this is a bag. what’s in the bag?  ss: a book.引出there is a book in the bag.--- there is a … in the bag. 跟读,用袋子中的物体来猜guess for three times.teacher asks students: what’s in the room? ss: there is a bed in the room.     there is a sofa in the room.4.看一看,猜一猜  cai中出现如下       t: what’s in the bag?ss: there is a …in the bag.s1: there is a book in the bag.教师一一校对答案,给答对的小组加星5. cai看一看选一选,说一说桌子上还有哪些食物  there are many things on the table. t: there is a watermelon on the table. there is an apple on the table.  can you guess what others there are on the table?s1: there is a pear on the table.s2: there is a hot dog on the table.s3: there is a hamburger on the table.s:…6.cai中出现may的房间,说一说房间中都有些什么东西(小组比赛)s: there is a computer in the room.  there is a sofa in the room.(对于一些生词可以适当的用中文解释,增加学生的课外知识)7.cai 中出现“皮卡丘”的房间,设计自己的房间(背景音乐:轻音乐)  每个学生在白纸上设计自己的理想的房间,可以包括宠物,植物等。8.小组讨论,说一说你的房间里都有些什么东西     s: there is a bed in the room.      there is a window in the room.      there is a book in the room.
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