
牛津小学英语 2A Unit 1 Where I live


2a unit 1 where i live
teaching aims
1、able students to use imperatives to give simple instructions.
2、let students know the sentences and the words about their own city.
3、able students to identify the words.:bin,park,road,building,shanghai.
4、able students to identify the letters:aa,bb。
5、foster students love their hometown.
teaching focus and difficult
1、the pronunciation of bin ,park, road, building, shanghai.
2、using the sentences:where do you live? i live in… i love…to communicate
3、teach the new sentences: clean the desk, please.sweep the floor, please.
4、 to be able to use suzhou, beijing and so on to replace shanghai.
teaching method
1. read and say
2. look, read and learn
3. think and guess
4. think and guess
5. look and read
teaching aids
tape recorder, tape,
word and picture cards,
some objects.
teaching period
5teaching procedure

peorid 1
teaching contents:
1. review the commmunicative language vocabulary:park,building.
2 vocabulary:park,building.
3 pattern: i live in… i love …
teaching steps:
step 1 greetings
t:good morning , boys and girls! i am miss chang.
s: …
t: how are you today?
s: …
step 2 free talk
t: what’s your name?
s: …
t: nice to meet you !
s: …
t: how old are you ?
s: …
t: how are you?
s: …
t: hello, boys and girls, i’m very happy to see you . welcome back to our school and our classroom.
(ss say the word ‘classroom’ together several times.)
first please say ‘hello’ to your partner.
ss do it.
step 3 presentation and new items
(1)t: my name is miss chang,i live in yangzhou .where do you live ?
then teach “live” [liv] :first teacher pronounce,ask students follow me.use the sentence “i live in yang zhou”.
(2)t:i live in yang zhou , yang zhou is very beautiful so i love yang zhou.(make a love post )
teach students read “love”.
step 4 pratice
aks some groups to read the new word one by one .choose the best group.and then let stundents say four sentences “i am ,i am 8, i live in , i love yangzhou 。
“park, building”
t:how many buildings in our shool ?
s: …
t:how many parks in yangzhou .?
step5 homework
1.teach your parents to say i live in… , i love ….’
2. listen to the tape and repeat the words.
针对本课句型where do you live? 的回答,可以让学生从自己居住的城市开始,然后换一些学生熟悉的、知道的城市,最后过渡到课文中的shanghai, pudong的学习。

peorid 2
teaching contents:
1. review the commmunicative language
2 words: road bin
teaching steps:
step1 greetings
step2 free talk
t:where do you live ?
s: …
t:what’s the weather like today?
s: …
t:i live in …3页,当前第1123
s: …
step3 presentation and new items
1、show the picture of “bin”,let student guess it mean.
teach pronounciation of bin (ask some students to read it one by one)
a.make sentences:
i use the bin every day!(let student read after me )
2、 show a picture of “park”, teach the pronounciation of it.
ask some students to give example about park of yangzhou .
3、show the picture of “road and shanghai”, teach pronounciation of bin (ask some students to read it one by one)
(1)ask ss to repeat. ( in high or low voice.) ask students to read them together one by one ,ask some interviews to read them. correct the mistakes which they have made.
s1: i see a bin.
s2: that’s a building.
s3: let’s go to the park.
(2) say something about the wall-chart, using the new words ss have just learned.
t : do you know shanghai?
ss: yes.
t: do you like shanghai?
ss: yes/no.
t: shanghai has got many bins, roads ,parks and tall buildings. it’s a nice city. i like it too.
but also in our city yangzhou, there are many…..( ask ss to say)
t: i live in yangzhou,i love yangzhou.so i keep it clean.
teach “clean”,explain the meaning of it .pratice: ask students read them together one by one ,ask some interviews to read them.
step4 homework
1.teach your parents to say bin and road
2. listen to the tape and repeat the words.

peorid 3
teaching contents:
1.review the words and sentences that we learned yesterday.
2.sentences: a:clean the desk,please ./sweep the floor ,please.
b: ok.
teaching steps:
step2:free talk
t: what’s your name ?
s: …
t:what’s the weather like today?
s: …
t:where do you live ?
s: …
t:how are you ?
s: …
step3 revision
put the pictures of five new words on the blackboard,then ask some students to read them .(bin park road building shanghai )
step4 presentation
(1) open the book and look at the picture one,what can you see?(ask one student to answer teacher).teach the sentence “clean the desk,please”
(2) look at the picture one,what can you see?(ask one student to answer teacher).teach the sentence “sweep the floor ,please”
step5 pratice
(1)t: and now please look at miss cheng’s desk. it’s very dirty. i will clean the desk. ( t wipe the desk with a rag.) please clean your desks.
ss follow t and say ‘ clean the desk’.
(2)t invite a more able s to come to the front. give the rag to him/her and say ‘clean the desk, please.’
(the s performs the action and repeats t’s command.)
(3)t invite more ss to come to the front. let the more able s give the command and others do the action. repeat with several groups of ss.3页,当前第2123
t invite another more able s to come up and say the command ‘sweep the floor, please.’ ( t tell the s secretly)
(4)guess the meaning of ‘sweep the floor.’
then one s performs the action.
(repeat 2).
clean the desk please,sweep the floor please.(ask some students to read them,last read it together.)
(5)divide ss into pairs. have one s give the commands and the other mime the actions. then let them change roles.
eg: show me your pencil-box. take your chair. clean the pencil-box/chair/window/door…
sweep the floor….
invite pairs of ss to act out the dialogue . ss vote for the best pair
step5 homework
1、 practise with your deskmate,one say another do.
2、 draw the words on the paper

peorid 4
teaching contents:
1、 teach the letters aa and bb
2、 reviw the words and the sentences of unit1
step2:free talk
t: what’s your name ?
s: …
t:how old are you ?
s: …
t:where do you live ?
s: …
(1)bin park road building shanghai
(ask all students to close the book, let students recall the five words which have learned)
(2)ask some student to make pose of “clean the desk, sweep the floor”
(1)read “apple” and say “what the first letter of the apple”,then let students look at blackboard ,teacher write the alphabet “aa”(let students read after teacher).
read “bird” and say “what the first letter of the bird”,then let students look at blackboard ,teacher write the alphabet “bb”(let students read after teacher).
(3) ask students use “bin” to make a sentence .eg:i use the bin every day.
step5 homework
find the words that the first letter is a and b.
单词的呈现方式可以通过看、猜等方式呈现,由park联系到需要交通工具,需要road, 然后在它旁边有building, 在公园里面有bin, 教育学生要有爱护环境的意识和好习惯。

peorid 5
step2:free talk
t: what’s your name ?
s: …
t:what’s the weather like today?
s: …
t:where do you live ?
s: …
t:do you love yanghzhou ?
s: …
show the picture of word one by one and ask students to translate it into chinese,and then change.
ask students listen to the tape ,and then teacher teach them sentence by sentence.“i love shanghai,like sam and may,i use the bin every day.i love shaghai,like sam and may,i keep it clean every day.”(齐读后,分组读看哪一组读的最好,表扬最好的一组。男生读第一段女生读第二段,读后在齐读一遍)
step4 homework

上一篇:2A Unit8 Dinner time 3 下一篇:Unit 4 Clean the table, please 第五课时