
Unit 2 My day


Unit 2 My day

初三英语组复习学案(7a unit2)

unit 2 my day


1. wake sb. up 唤醒某人        2. do morning exercises 做早操

3. have fun (doing) = have a good time (doing) =enjoy oneself  做某事很高兴

4. spend time / money (in) doing / on sth. 花 时间/金钱 做某事

5. practise doing 练习做某事       6. go to sleep  去睡觉   7. keep a diary 写日记      

8. different kinds of …. 不同种类的….  9. send sb. sth = send sth to sb.  送..给某人         

10. have lessons 上课     11. best friend 好朋友

12. use sth to do = do sth with……使用某物做某事    13. once / twice a week (how often)     每周一次/两次    14. be nice / friendly / kind to sb. 对某人好

15. read  newspapers 看报纸          16. much +不可数名词   many +可数名词

17. both a and b  (谓语动词复数)          18.look forward to doing 期望做…..

19. be busy (doing ) 忙着做某事              be busy with sth 忙于某事.

20. wish (sb.) to do 希望(某人) 做某事    21. each of …. (谓语动词单数)       

22. dislike / hate doing 不喜欢做… 23. the price of ……..的价钱

24. the reason for。。 ….的理由  25. be ready to do 准备做某事          

26 . be / get ready for sth. = prepare for  为 ….做准备

27. be closed / open  关着/开着        28. the answer to…. ……的答案  

29. be a member of …..…..的一名成员    30. teach us english 教我们英文

31. a swimmer 游泳者     32. be at home 在家    33. write (letters) to sb  写信给某人     

34. say hel lo to sb.  向某人问好             35. watch a football match 看足球赛  

36. watch too much tv   看太多           53. be good / bad for sb. 对某人有益/害     

37. too many +可数名词 太多too much + 不可数名词   much too +形容词  太,非常

38. have a trip  旅行 39. opening hours 营业时间40.thank you for doing 感谢你做某事              41. walk a dog 遛42. a day out 在外的一天    43. good news 好消息   2页,当前第112

Unit 2 My day

44. play together 一 起玩  45. all the time 一直,总是  46. meet up with sb. 与某人 会面     47. on the phone   通过电话48. what do you think of …….?   

how do you like / find ….? 你认为….怎样? 49. learn about 了解      

50. dancing lessons 舞蹈课         51. don’t worry !  别担心   

52. have time to do sth.  有时间做某事           have time for sth.

二、语法点:      代词    

 指示代词: 这个  this       这些    th ese   那个  that       那些    those

自身、反身代词 :

人称 单数 复数

第一人称 myself ourselves

第二人称 yourself yourselves

第三人称 herself themselves



不定代词: 作主语谓语动词用单数

指人:everyone , someone , anyone , no one , everybody , somebody , anybody , nobody

 指人的不定代词作主语,构成反意疑问句用 they ,   everyone is here ,  __aren’t they__?

指物:everything , something , anything , nothing , none

指物的不定代词作主语,构成反意疑问句用 it ,       something is wrong .,  isn’t it   ?

指量:some , any , much , many , (a) little ,(a ) few , all , both , each , either , neither , other  , another

牛刀小试   中考连接

1.is it time for __________ (she) ___________ (take) the medicine?

2.lucy, __________ (not close) the door, it’s too hot.

3.she usually__________ (help) her mother __ ________ (look) after her younger sister.

4.the boy with his si ster__________ (study) in a middle school.

5.she flies to nanjing three times a month. (对划线部分提问)

________  __________  _________ she ________ to nanjing ?

6. every evening she __________ (spend) about one hour __________ (read) english.

7.  this basket of apples ____________ (look) delicious.

8.  he is good at ____________ (swim); he is a good ____________ (swim).

9.  the new trousers ________ (be) for me. this pair of shoes __________(be) for you..

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