
7A Unit 2 My day教案


7A Unit 2 My day教案

7a  unit 2 period 5 grammar 1

teaching aim   personal pronouns are used to avoid repetition. help the students to get to know, understand and use it.

personal pronouns are used to avoid repetition. help the students to get to know, understand and use it.

type of the lesson    new

teaching methods    认知法 情景法 交际法

teaching aids   a computer

teaching emphasis  singular and plural forms of pronouns and how to use them in different situations.

teaching process

step1 introduce my self using i. then ask the students some questions such as : what’s mr hu’s job? how old am i? etc.

show some photos of beckham, herben and the twins. ask the students to think and fill in the blanks.(6ms)

step2 ask the students to talk about the teacher using prons. (4ms)

step3 show another 2 pictures and ask them to talk about them. (4ms)

step4 talk about different persons of prons. ask them to work out  singular and plural forms. (6ms)

step5 change the singular into plural or plural into singular. (3ms)

step6 do more exercises and discuss. help solve the problems. encourage them to hands up.(12ms)

step7 have a concluding and act it out. (8ms)

review what we learnt today. practise by introducing one friend to others in class. the teacher may offer some questions, such as: what is his/her name? how old is he/she? how many people are there in the family? who are they? what’s his/her hobby? etc. they can also ask and answer.

encourage them to act it out in front of the class.

step8 homework. (2ms)

      describe his/her best friend.(50 words) the article must include the followings:

what is his/her name?

how old is he/she?

how many people are there in the family? who are they?

what’s his/her hobby?

tell the students how to write such an article. we may begin like this: i have a friend… jone is my best friend… we can end like this: i like him very much. we are best friends. this is my friend. etc.

if time is free, do it in class.

design of writing

                      unit 2 grammar1 

pronouns or prons.

i   you  we

beckham he  the girl she  the boys  they


    英语不同于其他基础学科,它是一门实践课,其语言技能是需要通过学生个人的实践才能培养和提高.在教本节语法课中,其主要内容是会应用人称代词的主格。它的教学后果应以学生的学习效果为依据,而学习效果在很大程度取决于学生的主观能动性和参与性,即学生是否知道在陌生人面前用"i am ..." "he is ..."来介绍自己或别人,会说,敢说,能说是这节课的教学目标.3页,当前第1123

7A Unit 2 My day教案


7a  unit 2 period 6 grammar2

teaching aim   different kinds of“to do”s used after personal pronouns. learn to use “to do”in the positive and negative sentences  help the students to use personal pronouns to describe what we do in a day.

type of the lesson    new

teaching methods    认知法 交际法 操练法

teaching aids   a computer

teaching emphasis  different pronouns are followed by different verb “to do”. do more exercises. refer to the text we learnt before. how to use what we learn to describe what we do in a day.

teaching process

step1 class begins. show the aims of the lesson. ask the students some questions like: who are you? how is your father? how old is your mother? etc. to review the personal prons we learnt before. write them down on the blackboard.

step2 ask questions like: do you have any good friends? what are they like?  are they 14 years old? do they have much homework? do you often play together?  they show the third slide. ask them to fill in the blanks.

step3 talk about the hobbies of the students. ask: do you like swimming? does lucy like swimming? do they like watching? etc. then open the fourth slide. fill in the blanks. do more practice about the third person. pay attention to the usage of “does”. open the fifth and sixth slide. ask the students to talk about their own and their friends’ hobbies. let them have a concluding of the usage of “does”. write them down on the blackboard.

step4 open the seventh slide. ask the students to talk about the singing club. after filling the blanks, ask the students to read by themselves and answer the questions about miss zhang.

step5 open the eighth slide. first fill in the blanks. then ask :does she go to school by bike? does she have time to chat with her classmates? etc. then do the same as the ninth slide. group the students into six or eight to talk about one of them. then ask them to make a dialogue. have a competition to see who is the best.

step6 ask the students: do you have any friends? do you often write letters? do you talk about your family? etc. then, open the tenth and the eleventh slide t fill in the blanks. answer the questions after going over the letter again.3页,当前第2123

7A Unit 2 My day教案

step7 ask the students what we have learnt this class. then do some exercises. help any time. encourage them to ask questions.

step8 homework. help them solve the problems.

design of writing

                unit 2 grammar2

i  we  you  she  he  it  they

do i (you, we, they) like… yes, i (you, we, they) do.

does he (she ,it, lucy) like… yes, he (she ,it, lucy) does.


1. 本节是语法的第二课时,内容是关于do和 does构成的一般疑问句的用法,并且能用所学的东西进行一些交流。必须进行大量的训练。


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