
Unit 7 Dumplings Around the World


Unit 7 Dumplings Around the World

lesson two(一)大声读单词:1. flavor  n. 味道,风味,调料2. chili   n. 红辣椒 3. coconut  n. 椰子,椰肉4. dessert  n. 甜食 [ di'zə:t ]  5. russia   n. 俄罗斯6. potato  n. 马铃薯7. serve   v. 服务8. chicken   n. 鸡肉9. candy  n. 糖果10. russian   adj./n. 俄罗斯的,俄罗斯人11. fry   v. 炸,煎12. butter   n. 奶油13. full  adj. 充满的,饱的 (二)重点词汇:1. flavor  要点:n. 味, 味道例句:you may choose from six popular flavors.  你可以从六种流行口味中选择。i like the flavor of chocolate.  我喜欢巧克力的味道。要点:n. 韵味, 风味例句:it gives our little meals an eastern flavor. 它给我们的便餐增添了一种东方风味。2. dessert要点:甜点心;餐后甜点例句:after dinner, we had ice-cream for dessert.  吃过晚饭之后,我们吃冰淇淋作为甜点。3. russia 要点:russia – russian 例句:moscow is the capital of russia.   莫斯科是俄罗斯的首都。do you speak russian?    你会说俄语吗?4. potato  n. 马铃薯要点:potato – potatoes 例句:i like to cook dishes with potatoes.    我喜欢用马铃薯炒菜。5. serve   要点:服务例句:he serves in a shoeshop.    他在鞋店卖鞋。要点:侍候(顾客等);供应(饭菜)例句:she served me a cup of coffee. 她给我端上一杯咖啡。要点:搭配食用例句:we serve dumplings with sugar and coconut sauce. 要点:我们用糖和椰汁搭配饺子一起吃。 6. fry 要点:油煎,油炸,油炒例句:she fried eggs for breakfast. 她煎蛋当早餐。7. full 要点:be full of  充满例句:this bottle is full of milk.  这个瓶子里装满了牛奶。   (三)课文解析: 1. reading-dumplings around the world people all over the world love dumplings 要点:around the world ,all over the world  全世界2. there are many different kinds of dumplings- big ones, small ones, vegetable ones, meat ones or even sweet ones. 译文:有很多不同种类的饺子,大的,小的,蔬菜的,肉的,甚至还有甜的饺子。要点:one 指代上文说过的物品(单数名词)ones 指代上文说过的物品(复数名词) 要点:different kinds of  不同种类的  3. in china, we like dumplings with meat or vegetables. 译文:在中国,我们喜欢肉或者蔬菜馅的饺子。要点:with 有,有…特点 ; or “或者”4. some use pork or shrimp, and others use chicken. 译文:一些饺子用猪肉或虾肉做,另外一些用鸡肉做。 要点:some ... others  一些,另一些  例句:there are a lot books on the table. some are about chinese dumplings, and others are about cooking.2页,当前第112

Unit 7 Dumplings Around the World

5. we make ours with sweet rice, and fry them with sugar and coconut.  译文:我们用糯米做饺子,然后用糖和椰子肉炸饺子。 要点:make sth. with sth. 用…制作… ;fry sth. with sth. 用…炸… 例句:i make porridge with rice.  我用米饭做粥。       i fry dumplings with oil.   我用油炸饺子。 6. in russia, our dumplings are bigger and heavier.   译文:在俄罗斯,我们的饺子更大,更重。 要点:big - bigger – biggest ; heavy – heavier – heaviest  例句:basketball is bigger than baseball.   篮球比棒球大。     elephants are heavier than monkeys.  大象比猴子重。 2页,当前第212
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