
Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?(第二课时)


Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?(第二课时)

unit 3 why do you like koalas?(第二课时)

ⅰ.teaching aims and demands

1. knowledge objects

key vocabulary

   target language

    read and write a description of an animal.

2. ability object

  train students’ listening, speaking, reading, writing skill.

  train students’ communicative competence.

  improve students’ spoken english.

3. moral object

  love all kinds of animals

ⅱ.teaching key points

key vocabulary

   target language

   read and write a description of an animal.

ⅲ.teaching difficulties

what questions

write descriptions about animals.  

ⅳ.teaching methods

   reading and writing methods

   group work


   listening and practicing methods

ⅴ.teaching aids

   a tape recorder

   a computer

ⅵ.teaching procedures

step ⅰrevision

      ask several students to take turns describing an animal they like. the rest of the class guess what animals they described.

step ⅱ 1

      1. match the description words and the animals.

      2. check the answers on the blackboard.

step ⅲ 2a 2b

       1. play the recording of a conversation between tony and marin. listen and circle the description words on the list for 1a.

       2. play the same recording again. listen and fill in the chart with the animals maria and tony talk about and the adjectives they use to describe the animals.

step ⅳ 3

      1. make similar conversations using the animals and the description words in activity 1.

      2. get students to work in pairs to talk about the animals they know.

      3. ask several pairs of students to present their conversations to the class.

step ⅴ 3a 3b 3c

       1. read the descriptions carefully. and write the letters of the animals in the blank lines above the descriptions. (3a)

       2. fill in the blank lines, using words from the box. (3b)

       3. get students to complete the paragraph on their own.

       4. check the answers by asking one or two students to read their completed paragraph to the class.

       5. write a description of any animal you like. (3c)

       6. ask several students to read their passages to the class.2页,当前第112

Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?(第二课时)

step ⅵ 4

       divide the class into groups of four. each students will have to guess what animal the other students in your group wrote about.

step ⅶ 1 2 3 4 and just for fun!

        1. ask students to check all the words they know.

        2. write five new words in their vocab-bulider on page 108.

        3. get students write the passage on their own. draw two different animals in the frames first. then write two passages to describe them.

        4. read the cartoon and ask students some questions.

step ⅷ  summary

         summary the target language of this section.

step ⅸ  homework

         memorize all the key words in this unit.

blackboard design

      unit 3 why do you like koalas?

     what animals do you like?

     i like panda.

     what other animals do you like?

     i like koalas, too.

上一篇:七年级英语下册Unit 1 Dream homes学案 下一篇:Unit 1 Getting to know you教案