
七年级英语下册Unit 1 Dream homes学案


七年级英语下册Unit 1  Dream homes学案

七年级英语下册unit 1  dream homes学案

课题:comic strips & welcome to the unit (第一课时)


1. 谈论自己的理想居所,思考不同的居住环境。

2. 识别不同国家的标志性建筑。

3. 认知不同国家及其首都的英语表达方式。

词汇:dream, palace, capital

词组:would like to…, live in, next to, the capital of

句型:would you like to…? i’d like to…

         which is your favourite?         the capital of… is…


一、 英汉词组互译。


1. 梦想家园 ______________________

2. 一家饭店隔壁___________________

3. 在不同的国家___________________

4. 法国的首都_____________________

5. 收集图片_______________________

6. 住在一座宫殿里_________________

7. 我最喜欢的城市_________________

8. 你想住在什么地方?_____________




france, russia, the usa, japan, thailand, the uk

1. mount fuji is in _________.

2. bangkok is in _________.

3. the statue of liberty is in _________.

4. the eiffel tower is in ___________.

5. big ben is in____________.

6. moscow is in __________.

二、 根据课文内容及首字母填空

eddie likes e________ very much, so he would like to live n________ to a restaurant. there ate many r_________ in beijing. can you guess w________ one is his f_________? yes, you are right. he like the b________ one! how do you think about eddie? he likes eating better than other things and he is a __________ dog.

三、 填表

    country capital language people





the usa   



一、 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。

1. david comes from ________, and he speaks ________. (england)

2. the football player doesn’t come from ________, but he speaks ________. (french)

3. this is a girl from __________. her _________is very good. (japan)

4. would you like ________ (watch) films with me tonight?

5. which is ___________ (big), the sun, the moon or the earth?

二、 按要求完成句子。

1. i’d like to live in a big city.(划线提问)

________ ________ you like ________ ________?

2. the capital of russia is moscow. (划线提问)

________ ________ ________ _______ of russia?

3. which singer do you like best? (改同义句)

who ________ your ________ _________?

4. would you like to go shopping with me? (改同义句)14页,当前第11234567891011121314

七年级英语下册Unit 1  Dream homes学案

_________ you ________ to go shopping with me?

5. 北京有很多大饭店。

________ ________ many big _________ in beijing.


一、 改错

(      ) ________ 1.where does he like to live next?

                    a    b         c    d

(      ) ________ 2.nancy would like dancing with her friend in the evening.

                         a         b          c         d

(      ) ________ 3.i favourite festival is christmas.

                 a    b     c        d

(      ) ________ 4.he wants the bigest one.

                  a   b       c   d

(      ) ________ 5.the capital of english is london.

                        a  b    c      d

unit 1  dream homes

课题: reading (第二课时)                 


1. 了解不同国家居住环境的情况。

2. 获取有关不同生活方式的信息。


阅读reading p8-9页的课文,回答下列问题。

stephen  where is he from?___________________

        where does he chat with friends?__________________

madee   where does he live?____________________

        who lives with her in her house?__________________

neil     where is neil from?______________________

        what is his favourite room?__________________

anna    what does she like to do after dinner?______________

        does she have her own bedroom?_________________14页,当前第21234567891011121314

七年级英语下册Unit 1  Dream homes学案



1. stephen lives in a ______ house in long beach.. it has _______ rooms. he likes the _______ best because he can ________ ________, ________ _______ and _______ _______ friends there. they love to sit on the _______ and _______ _______ at the _______ and the sea. he has a big bedroom. his friends think this is cool.

2. madee lives in a _______ house with her ______ in thailand. the house is _______ a river. she climbs a _______ to get into her house. there are _____rooms in the house. it is very ________ and _______ there, but it _______a lot.

3. neil lives in a small house in a _______ near ________. his favourite room is the_______. his family and he often sit there while his mother _______ _______. in the evenings, they watch tv in the ________ ________. his dog sleeps in the_______.  

4. anna lives in the ______ of moscow. she lives with her family in a ______ on a ______   street. it’s on the ______ floor. after dinner, they like to ________ _______ and _______ in the sitting room. anna ______a bedroom ______ her sister. they often ______ ______ music in their bedroom . their neighbours are very _______and they are very happy there.


一、 用所给单词的正确形式填空

1. jack is ________ (friend) to me.

2. there is a tv in our _______ (sit) room.

3. it ________ (rain) a lot in spring here.

4. there are many flowers in their g________.

5. people often cook meals in the k________.

6. do you often chat with your n________?

7. you must keep q________ in the reading room.

8. he often s________ his food with those poor children.

二、 单项选择

(    ) 1. i have lots of ______ and they are all very _______.

      a friend, friendly   b friends, friend    c friends, friendly   d friendly, friends

(    ) 2. the boy lives with his family ______ a flat______ a busy street.

      a in, on           b on, in          c in, in            d on, on

(    ) 3.mymother is ______ dinner while i _______ my homework.

      a making, do      b makes, doing    c make, do      d making, am doing

(    ) 4.a dining room is a room where you can _______.14页,当前第31234567891011121314

七年级英语下册Unit 1  Dream homes学案

      a cook meals      b have meals      c meet friends   d have a rest

(    ) 5.dad ______ many kinds of flowers in our garden. he likes them very much.

      a picks           b buys          c waters         d grows

(    ) 6.english will help us ______ in our work and study.

a. lot             b. a lot         c. a lot of        d. lots of

三、 翻译

1. 河上有座小木桥。

there is a small ________ bridge ________ the ________.

2. 晚饭后我们常坐在阳台上向外眺望沙滩、大海。

________ supper, we often sit on the ________ and look ________ at the ________ and the sea.

3. 现在我正和朋友漫步走在市中心的一条繁忙的街道上。

at the ________ my friend and i are ________ on a ________ street in the ________ of the city.

4. 妈妈在客厅看电视的时候,我常常在卧室里听音乐。

i often listen to ________ in my ________ ________ mum ________ tv in the sitting room.

5. 我很高兴能和朋友们一起分享快乐。

i’m ________ to ________ my happiness ________ friends

unit 1  dream homes

课题: reading (第三课时)                  



词汇:beach, see, town, over, river, climb, into, second, child, quiet, rain, while, its,

sitting room, fifth, garden, flat, street, seventh, share, neighbour, friendly, grow, dining room, most, cook

词组:chat with…, over a river, make dinner, in the evenings, on a busy street, share…with…, more than

句型:i live in…     i live / stay with…



1. 眺望沙滩________________ 2. 爬梯子___________________

3. 雨水很多_________________4. 做饭____________________

5. 在莫斯科中心______________6. 在一条繁忙的街道上_______

7. 和妹妹分享一个卧室______________8. 和朋友聊天________

9. 住在一间木屋里___________10. 既漂亮又安静________

11. 看漫画__________________12. 在伦敦附近的一个镇上_____

13. 在一幢公寓里____________14. 在厨房里_________________

15. 家里的第二个孩子_________16. 在六月五号______________

17. 在第七层__________________18. 很友好____________



1. there are many r___________ in beijing. you can have nice meals in them.14页,当前第41234567891011121314

七年级英语下册Unit 1  Dream homes学案

2. david comes from e________. he speaks english.

3. the c________ of china is beijing.

4. his house is very beautiful. it’s like a p________.

5. boys like football best. so football is his f_________ sport.


1. i would like something to drink.(一般疑问句)_______________

2. the biggest apple is my favourite.(划线提问)_________________

3. there are some big restaurants in hong kong. (否定句)_________



(    ) 1. i like to chat _______ my friends at school.

        a. to        b. on         c. with         d. about

(    ) 2. don’t look _____ the classroom. you should listen to your teacher carefully.

        a. out at     b. out on      c. out for       d. out of

(    ) 3. look! there are lots of red apples ______the tree.

        a. in        b. on         c. over         d. above

(    ) 4. in _______homes, people cook meals in the kitchen.

       a. most       b. the most     c. most the     d. lot of

(    ) 5. the teacher ______ the children ______ their toys.

       a. ask, share   b. asked, shared  c. asks, to share d. ask, shares

(    ) 6. i live _______a big town _____ beijing.

        a. in, at       b. in, near       c. at, in      d. on, at

(    ) 7. i often do my homework ______ my mother cooks supper.

        a. what       b. why         c. while      d. whose

(    ) 8. anna enjoys _______ music in her bedroom.

        a. hearing   b. to hear    c. listening to   d. to listen to

(    ) 9. i had a funny ________ last night.14页,当前第51234567891011121314

七年级英语下册Unit 1  Dream homes学案

       a. dream      b. dreamed         c. dreams

(    ) 10. he would like _______ a new house in nanjing.

        a. to buy     b. buy           c. to buying

(    ) 11. his ____ took fire(着火了), so he made his ____ in a hotel.

        a. home; house     b. house; home     c. family; home



1. 我很高兴和你共用这个房间.

i’m glad to ______ ______ ______ _______ you.

2. 我最喜欢的城市是南京.

 _______ ________ ________ is nanjing.

3. 孩子们喜欢在沙滩上做游戏.

the children like playing games _____ ______ _____.

4. 那条河上有座桥.

there is a bridge ______ ______ _______.

5. 海南是旅游的最好的地方.

hainan is _______ ______ _______ _______ travel.

6. 我们班有五十多个同学.

there are ______ _______ ______ students in our class.

7. 大多数的人喜欢在早晨锻炼.

______ _______ like ________ in the morning.

8. 他们很喜欢种花.

they like _________ ________ very much.

unit 1  dream homes

课题:vocabulary (第四课时)               


1. 识别并掌握各种家具陈设的名称。

2. 将各种类型的家具陈设与其所属的房间进行匹配。

词汇:armchair, bedside table, coffee, coffee table, lamp, bookcase, shower, bathroom, bath, toilet



扶手椅___________   床头柜__________  茶几_________    碗柜__________    台灯_________    沙发___________


一、 将下列方框中的词归类。

cupboard   sofa   bed  computer  tv  lamp  toilet  bath  armchair  fridge  table bookshelf  sink  coffee table  printer  bedside table   shower

1. kitchen: __________________________________________________________

2. sitting room: ______________________________________________________

3. bedroom: _________________________________________________________

4. bathroom: ________________________________________________________

二、 根据句子或所给的中文完成句子。

1. there are some bowls and plates in the _______ (碗橱) .

2. there is a ______ (冰箱) in the kitchen.

3. he has a bath in the ______ (浴室) every day.14页,当前第61234567891011121314

七年级英语下册Unit 1  Dream homes学案

4. there is a big and modern _______ (厕所)in the building.

5. my grandfather likes sitting in his _______(扶手椅)and reading newspapers.

6. we usually sit on the ________ (沙发)and watch tv in the sitting room.

7. he’s tired now, so he sleeps in the b_________.

8. with a bright l_________, he can read books clear.

三、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. there are some ________(balcony) in this building.

2. she is enjoying _________ (lie) in bed and listening to music.

3. frenchmen come from ________ and they speak ________ (french)

4. he spends half an hour _________ (watch) tv with his family every eveing.


一、 用适当的介词填空

1. don’t look out ______ the window in class.

2. ______ dinner, we often go out ______ a walk,

3. sam lives _______ the centre _______moscow.

4. we share a kitchen ______ my uncle.

5. there is a new bridge ______ the river.

6. we love beijing, the capital _______ china.

二、 将下列句子翻译成英文。

1. 我很高兴和你共用这个房间。

i’m glad ________ ________ the room ________ you.

2. 我最喜欢的城市是南京,这是个有着悠久历史的美丽城市。

my ________ ________ is nanjing. it’s a ________ city ________ long history.

3. 他在花园里种花,每天早晨他都给花浇水。

he __________ flowers in the __________ and _________ them every morning.

4. 河边有个小木屋,那里非常美丽幽静。

there is a __________ _________. it’s __________ and ___________ there.

5. 海南是旅游的好地方,那里有很多美丽的沙滩。

hainan is a good _________ _________ _________. there are many nice ________.

6. 我们班有五十多个学生,彼此之间非常友好。

we have __________ ___________ students in our class and we’re _________ ___________ each other.

7. ——和我一起去长城怎么样?——好主意!

——would you ________ _________ go to the great wall with me?

——_________ _________!

三、 仿照课文,简单介绍一下自己居住的地方

hello, everyone! my name is _________. i live in ___________. i live with _____________. there are ____________________ in my family. my favourite place at home is the _________ because _________________________. after dinner we often _____________ in the ______________. my neighbours are _________ and we are happy here.

unit 1  dream homes

课题:grammar (第五课时)                 


1. 运用方位介词辨别、表达事物的位置。

2. 正确运用基数词和序数词谈论时间、日期、得分、价格、金额、电话号码和结果。14页,当前第71234567891011121314

七年级英语下册Unit 1  Dream homes学案

词汇:between, chalk, tidy, zero, sixteen, nineteen, seventy, ninety, thousand, million, third, fourth, ninth, eleventh, twelfth, twentieth, arrive, worry

词组:in front of, between… and…, on the seventh floor, on the seventeenth of february, the great wall, take… to…

句型:would you like to have a free day on monday, the eighteenth?


1. 大声朗读、记忆基数词0-100

2. 回忆一下我们学过哪些介词以及介词的基本用法。




一、 翻译下列词组


1 在两个窗户之间 _______________

2 在他家隔壁 ___________________

3 在老师的讲台上 _______________

4 在电脑前 _____________________

5 在门后面 _____________________

6 在邮局对面 ___________________

7 在房子外面 ___________________

8 在12楼 ______________________

9 在书架上 _____________________

10 在马路中间 ___________________

11 第四十四 ___________________

12 第二十 _____________________

13 第九十九 ___________________

14 六月七日 ___________________

15 空闲一天____________________

16 带你去长城 _________________

17 迫不及待地做某事 ___________

18 在长途飞行之后______________

19 听起来不错 _________________

20 别担心。____________________


二、 用所给词的适当形式填空

1. this is my _________ (two) day in shanghai. 

2. they go shopping _______(two) a month.

3. on ________ (five), he arrived in beijing.   

4. december is the ________ (12) month of a year.

5. it is my grandfather’s ______ (ninety) birthday today.  

6. the ______(nine) question is more difficult than this one.     

7. do you think these __________ (build) are beautiful?

8. he ________ (score) 68 points in the last english exam.

9. there are two __________ (bookshelf)of books in my study.

10. three __________ (hundred) students came to the park yesterday.



in front of, under, next to, between, over, on, in, at, in the front of, opposite, next, from… to…, behind

1. people often sit ________ the trees because it is hot in the sun.

2. there is some chicken ________ the plate. how delicious!

3. our school usually starts __________ 7:30 a.m.

4. he stands ________ me, because he is shorter than i.

5. we have to go to school ________ monday _________ friday.

6. our teacher often stands ___________ the classroom and gives us lessons.14页,当前第81234567891011121314

七年级英语下册Unit 1  Dream homes学案

7. do you know the difference ________ them?

8. the shelf is __________ my bed. there are some toys on it.

9. go to the other side. the supermarket is ________ the bus stop.

10. he’ll arrive __________ nanjing on saturday with his friend.


take…to…, after the long plane journey, can’t wait to, have a free day,

go to the summer palace, spend the holiday

1. he ____________________ see his mother because he missed her so much.

2. you _______________________ this sunday, right?

3. we’ll go to beijing ________________________.

4. i was very tired _________________________.

5. my parents ________ us ________  the palace museum next week.

6. would you like ______________


1. the garden is behind the house. (划线提问)

_________ ________ the garden.

2. my telephone number is 85606031.  (划线提问)

__________ is your telephone number?

3. there is a computer in kate’s room.  (同义句)

   kate ________ a computer _________ her room.

4. daniel sits behind kitty.  (同义句)

kitty sits __________ _________ _________ daniel.

unit 1  dream homes

课题:integrated skills & study skills(第六课时)


1. 听一篇描述家的布局的介绍,在相对陌生的语境中识别具体信息。

2. 识别有关家和家里各种物件的单词。

3. 了解房间和家具的位置。

4. 熟练运用打电话时的常用表达方式。


词组:be different from, be free

句型:may i speak to daniel, please?  this is daniel.  who’s calling, please?

         what is it like?



1. madee’s house is ________ the river.

2. there are lots of beautiful houses ________ the park.

3. i want to put the heavy box _______ the coffee table.

4. we often meet each other ________ the post office.

5. it is cool _______ the house, but it is very hot ______ the house.

6. look! millie’s dog is _______ the door.

7. the poster is ________ the window.

8. mr wu is standing _______ lucy and her twin sister lily now.


一、 补全对话

a: hello! may i _______ to amy?

b: i am _______ she isn’t _________ now .can i _______ a message?

a: yes, please ______ her to call me.

b: ok! may i _______ your name?

a: of course .my name is millie.

b: ______ your phone number?

a: oh, she _______ that.

b: well, i’ll ask her to call you _______.

b: _______. goodbye.


一、 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词或词组14页,当前第91234567891011121314

七年级英语下册Unit 1  Dream homes学案

1. please be q________. mum is sleeping in her b_________.

2. we g_________ flowers and v__________ in the g__________.

3. madee climbs a l________ to get into her w_________ house.

4. i often have a s__________ or take a bath in the b________.

5. your house is really d________ from the flats in beijing.

6. i’ll go to see you when i am f_________.

7. most children like to have their o_________ toys.


(     ) 1. thank you for ______ me the viedo.

       a to send       b sending         c send         d sent   

(     ) 2. which of the followings is not in the bedroom?

       a bed          b lamp           c sink          d wardrobe

(     ) 3. his room is different from ______.

       a my           b mine           c me          d myself

(     ) 4. how many days are there in the second month in ? there are__________.

a twenty-eight    b twenty-nine     c thirty        d thirty-one

(     ) 5. ——excuse me . may i speak to jill, please ?”


a. yes, i am               b. do you know him?  

c. i am speaking            d. this is jill speaking.

(     ) 6. when will mr green ________?

       a get to         b reach           c arrive in      d arrive

(     ) 7. ___________________? it’s small but tidy.

       a where is your house       b what’s your house like?

       c where do you live?        d how do you like your house?14页,当前第101234567891011121314

七年级英语下册Unit 1  Dream homes学案

三、 改错

1. he very likes his new house.                ______________________________

2. would you like to share the table and me?     ______________________________

3. you will tired after the long walk.           ______________________________

4. there are five hundreds books in the study.   _______________________________

5. sixty plus thirty is ninty.                  _______________________________

6. he will arrive at seventh of june.            ______________________________

7. your seat is between his and me.            ______________________________

8. excuse me, how many is your telephone number?         ____________________

9. timmy got three hundreds and nine points. he came third.  ____________________

10. may i speak it in chinese again?                       ____________________

unit 1  dream homes

课题:main task (第七课时)      


1. 学会在写作前先理清思路。

2. 运用调查问卷的形式获取相关信息。

3. 在写作中选择需要的语言和结构。

4. 激发想像力和创造性, 并用语言表达出来。

词汇:ground floor, other, metre

词组:at least, on the ground floor, swimming pool, have a shower, at the same time

句型:there are no other rooms on the second floor.

it’s fifty metres long.


一、 阅读短文,回答下列问题

1. how many floors and rooms are there in simon’s dream home?


2. what rooms are on the second floor?


3. what other facilities(设施)does his dream home have?


4. how long is the swimming pool?


5. why does he have a room with twelve showers and four baths




1. look! stephen is _________(lie) on his bunk bed.

2. we often watch tv in the ________(sit) room.14页,当前第111234567891011121314

上一篇:Lesson 33 下一篇:Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?(第二课时)