
七年级英语It’s raining教案


七年级英语It’s raining教案


unit 6  it’s raining.

(section b)

ⅰteaching aims and demands

3. knowledge objects

key vocabulary

target language

read and write passages about what people do in different weather.

4. ability object

train students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

train students’ integrating skills.

5. moral object

do in rome as romans do.

ⅱ. teaching key points

the key vocabulary.

how. what questions.

read and write passages about what people do in different weather.

ⅲ. teaching difficulties

   train students’ listening and speaking skill.

ⅳ. teaching methods

   listening, reading, writing and speaking methods.

 read and write passages about what people do in different weather.


ⅴ. teaching aids

   a tape recorder

   a computer


ⅵ. teaching procedures


greet the class as usual.

check the homework.

stepⅱ 1a 1b

1. match the words with the pictures. write the letter of each picture in front of the word it goes with.

2. ask and answer questions about the weather in the pictures in activity 1a.

3. work in pairs. ask several pairs to present the conversations to the class.

stepⅲ 2a

      1. listen carefully and write down the answers maria and sam give to the question how’s it going?

2. play the recording twice. students listen and write down the answers the second time they hear it.

stepⅳ   2b

       play the same recording at least twice and use the pause button. students listen and write down the answers in the chart.

stepⅴ 2c

       role play conversations between maria and sam in pairs.

       ask one or two pairs to share their conversations with the class.

stepⅵ  3a   3b

       1. read the passage carefully. underline the things that people are doing  and circle the words that describe the weather.

       2. check the answers.

       3  fill in the blanks with suitable words. you may look at the pictures for help.

       4 check the answers by asking several students to read their completed articles to the class.

stepⅶ  3c

      have students write their article s on their own.

       you may use the one in 3a or 3b as a model.

stepⅷ 1  4

      ask students to choose as many types of weather as they can ask as many classmates as possible.2页,当前第112

七年级英语It’s raining教案

stepⅸ 3b   1  2  3   just for fun!

      1 ask students to check all the words they know.

      2 write five new words in their vocab-builder on page 109.

      3 let students look at the chart below the pictures. do the activity independently.

      ask all the students look at the pictures and read the conversation.

stepⅹ summary

       summary the target language in this lesson.

step? homework


                  blackboard design

      unit 6  it’s raining.

what are you doing?

i’m visiting my grandmother.

how’s the weather there?

it’s terrible. it’s cold and raining.

上一篇:Unit 11 Work Around the House 下一篇:Where’s your pen pal from