
Unit 11 Work Around the House


Unit 11 Work Around the House

lesson 2


1. blanket  n. 毯子

2. depend   v. 依靠,依赖

3. depend on 依靠于

4. make sure 确定

5. neither…nor 既不……也不,两者都不

6. set the table 摆桌子

7. spot     n. 景点

8. understand   v. 理解,明白

9. pillow       n. 枕头

10. spoon       n. 勺子



1. blanket 



1)a large piece of woven material used as a covering for warmth, especially on a bed.

    毛毯: 羊毛制的用于取暖的一大块覆盖物,尤指用于床上

    it is so cold in the room. please put another blanket on the bed


2) a layer that covers or encloses: 覆盖或包裹的一层

a thick blanket of snow.一层厚厚的雪  a blanket of mist 一层雾

vt. to cover with or as if with a blanket: (用或使用毯子)覆盖:

leaves that blanket the ground.叶子覆盖了地面

2. depend  



1)to rely, especially for support or maintenance: 依赖,尤指依靠支持或维持:

children must depend on their parents. 孩子们必须依赖他们的父母。

i haven’t a car, i have to depend on the buses. 我没有汽车,只能靠公共汽车。

2)(常与on 连用)to place trust or confidence: 信任,相信: 对……信任或相信:

you can depend on his honesty. 你可以相信他的诚实。

can i depend on you? 我可以信任你吗?

3) to be determined, conditioned, or contingent: 决定于: 被……决定、以……为条件或视……而定

    that depends. 视情形而定。

it all depends on how you tackle the problem. 那要看你如何应付这问题而定。

3. make sure 确定


    please make sure to get better grade next time. 请确保下次取得好成绩。

    do you make sure that the table has been cleaned. 你确定桌子擦了吗?

4. neither…nor 既不……也不,两者都不


    neither tom nor mary will go to the theatre. 汤姆和玛丽谁都不愿去看电影。

知识拓展:either …or…不是……就是……

    either you or i am mad. 不是你疯了,就是我疯了。

5. set the table 摆桌子

    dinner is ready. please set the table. 饭做好了,请摆好桌子。

6. spot    



1)a point of interest: 名胜,观光点:

there are a lot of spots to visit in the old city. 这座古城有许多可供参观的名胜。

2)a mark on a surface differing sharply in color from its surroundings.

    斑点: 鲜明地区别于背景的表面颜色的标记。

    she had spots on her face when she was ill.  当她生病的时候,她脸上有斑点。


this is a nice spot for a house. 这里是建房的好地方。2页,当前第112

Unit 11 Work Around the House

7. understand  

要点:understood, understood


1) to perceive and comprehend the nature and significance of; grasp.

理解;懂得: 知道和了解……的性质和重要性;理解

the porter, however, could not understand me.可是,那个搬运工人听不懂我的话。

2) to know thoroughly by close contact or long experience with:

    熟知,通晓: 通过密切接触或长期体验完全知道:

that teacher understands children. 那位教师了解孩子。

i can’t understand classical literature. 我不懂古典文学。

do you understand spain? 你懂西班牙语吗?

8. pillow      




    there are no pillows on the bed. 床上面根本没有枕头。


he used his boots for a pillow. 他用靴子作枕头。

vt. 枕在……上;作为……的枕头

he pillowed his head on a pile of books. 他枕在一堆书上。

pillow one’s head on one’s arm 把头枕在手臂上

the earth will pillow my head tonight. 今夜我将露宿。

9. spoon      


n. 勺子

    you must use a spoon for soup. 你必须用勺子喝汤。

    there are different kinds of spoons on the table. 桌子上有各种勺子。



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