
Language in use教学设计


Language in use教学设计

                       module 11 population

             unit 3 language in use


1. 继续学习冠词的用法。

2. 掌握前两单元重点单词和短语的用法。

3. 总结本模块的知识点。






冠词分为不定冠词和定冠词,不定冠词a / an , 定冠词the.

1. 不定冠词的用法

﹙1﹚ 在叙述时用于第一次提到的某人或某物。如:

this is a book.

﹙2﹚ 表示“一个”的概念。如:

      population is a big problem for cities.

﹙3﹚ 表示“每一”的概念。如:

      i go to the cinema once a month.

﹙4﹚ 指某人某物,但不具体指哪个人或哪个物。如:

      lend me a storybook, will you?

﹙5﹚ 用于表示时间、速度、价格等意义的名词之前,有“每一”的意思,相当于every,如:  five lessons a week      two kilometres an hour

﹙6﹚ 用于可视为一体的两个名词前。如:

      a knife and fork

2. 定冠词的用法

﹙1﹚ 表示特指的或上文提到过的人或事物。如:

     i have a book. the book is very interesting.

﹙2﹚ 表示世界上独一无二的事物。如:

     the earth moves around the sun.

﹙3﹚ 用在序数词、形容词最高级前面。如:

     she is the most careful student in our class.

﹙4﹚ 用在姓氏的复数形式前表示一家人或夫妻俩。如:

     the greens are watching tv now.

﹙5﹚ 用在单数可数名词前表示一类人或事物。如:

     the orange is orange.

﹙6﹚ 用于由普通名词构成的专有名词前。如:

     the great wall    the summer palace

﹙7﹚ 与某些形容词连用表示一类人。如:

      the rich should help the poor.

﹙8﹚ 用在方位名词前。如:

      jilin is in the north of china.


      i like playing the piano.


1. 大数字的表达方式,我们要掌握其读法特点。注意每三个数为一个单位,按照百、十、个向下读,729读作seven hundred and twenty  nine,然后前面进位的读法分别为thousand, million,billion;6,500,431,729读作six billion,five hundred million,four hundred and thirty  one thousand, seven hundred and twenty  nine.

2. 年代读法一般是两位两位地读。如:

1993读作nineteen, ninety  three    读作two thousand and eight4页,当前第11234

Language in use教学设计


专项练习:在下列各题的横线上填上a , an 或 the

1. do you know Chinese Taiwan, jenny?

yes ,of course. Chinese Taiwan is        island. it belongs to china.

2. there is       park in the center of the city.

3. do you enjoy school life?

yes ,of course. i’v had       wonderful time here.

4.         cat is an animal.

5. i can see a bird in       sky.

6. changjiang river is        longest river in china.

7. we stayed at a very nice hotel . but i can’t remember       name of it.

8. sue could play       piano at       age of four.

9.        book on the desk is       useful one.

10.english is       useful language in       world.

11.        new bridge has been built over       huangpu river.

12. this is        orange .       orange is on the table.

13. we work five days       week.

14. after       dinner, he stayed at home and played       violin.

15. i’v tried it three times .let me try        fourth time.

16. he is         english teacher.

17.        whites are watching tv.




2.自读language use中的句子,分析分析每句中冠词的用法。









   there are many people in the world now. there will    1    a lot more people next century.    2    earth will be very crowded   3     there will be little room   4    each person. maybe there will be    5    room only on the

earth 600 years   6    . that will be a very serious problem.

   so man is  7      of a way to solve the    8     .4页,当前第21234

Language in use教学设计

   the moon is the   9     of the earth . maybe man will go to  10     on the moon one day. but there   11    no air , no plants ,no life there. so  12  are

doing experiment  13      many ways. they  14     solve many problems

  15    man can live on the moon .i’m  sure our dream will come true in the next century.

(       ) 1.  a. be       b. are       c. has       d. have

(       ) 2.  a. /         b.the       c. an        d. a

(       ) 3.  a.but       b.or        c.and        d.so

(       ) 4.  a.to         b.at        c.with       d.for 

(       ) 5.  a.standing   b.sitting   c.sleeping   d.doing

(       ) 6.  a.faster      b.later     c.earlier     d.sooner

(       )7.  a.saying     b.telling    c.thinking   d.knowing

(       )8.  a.matter     b.accident   c.question  d.problem

(       )9.  a.satellite    b.sun       c.star       d.sky

(       )10. a.see        b.stay       c.look       d.live

(       )11. a.are        b.is          c.am        d.was

(       )12. a.farmers   b.teachers    c.workers  d.scientists4页,当前第31234

Language in use教学设计

(       )13. a.in        b.with         c.on        d.of

(       )14. a.may      b.have to      c.can       d.will

(       )15. a.before   b.after          c.since     d.til


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