
You can write poetry教案


You can write poetry教案

unit 1 you can write poetry

一. 教学内容:

unit 1 you can write poetry

(lesson 1—lesson 4)


1. 重点单词。

n.  poetry             poem           description 

happiness          hill             warmth 

topic              direction        haiku      

form              poet            pattern     

syllable            interruption      middle


v. decide             express          wish                

adj. clear              tiny             brave   

pale              golden           related

noisy             particular         set


adv. just              softly            simply     clearly   


2. 重点短语。

learn / know …by heart           记住……; 背诵……

(be) related to…                 和……有关;涉及     

a set number of                  固定数量的;一定数量的   

in the middle of                  在……中间      5页,当前第112345

You can write poetry教案


3. 交际用语。   

make suggestion. (提出建议)

let’s write a poet! 

what / how about having the meeting tomorrow?

why don’t you pretend to be jenny’s friend?

why not try writing a funny poem?      


二. 重点、难点解析及词语辨析。          

1. i haven’t decided what to write about.               


what to write about 是一个由疑问词what + to do 构成的宾语从句。     

在宾语从句中,当主句的谓语动词为know , ask , decide, be sure 等时,


①jenny wanted to learn how to cook chinese food.    

= jenny wanted to learn how she could cook chinese food. 

jenny 想学习怎样做中国食品。                      

②he asked where he could put the books.

= he asked where to put the books.   


③i don’t know what i should do next.      

= i don’t know what to do next.     



2. you could express the way you feel about it.


express  vi. & vt.  表达,表示       

①i can’t express to you how grateful i am for your help. 


②her english isn’t good enough to express herself.  


express   n. 快车; 快递 


3. i described something i love. 我描述了我热爱的东西。(l1)

describe  v.  描写,描述 ;形容            

①he described himself as a doctor. 他自称是医生。   5页,当前第212345

You can write poetry教案

②can you describe your feeling at that moment?    


    description  n.  描述; 描写   

③it’s a description of spring scene.    



4. i know it by heart, i don’t need to read it.          

我已经背过了,不用读。  (l1)      

need 用法小结:                       

(1)情态动词, 无人称和数的变化,也无时态的变化。

you needn’t go now. 你现在不用走。  

(2)vt. 需要   the flower needs sunshine. 


    必要,必须  the flower needs watering.    


    值得,该有   the thief needs a good beating.  


(3)n. 需要,困境 a friend in need is a friend indeed.



need (anx.v.) + do   you needn’t do it yourself.  你不用自己做。

need (vt.) + to do    i need to go shopping.   我需要去购物。    

need (vt.) + doing    the chair needs repairing.       

                  the chair needs to be repaired. 这张椅子需要被修理。


5. hills, loud with new water , running swiftly under ice as clear as glass.

唤醒了沉睡的山,在如镜的冰川下潺潺流淌。  (l2)   

as + adj. / adv. + as  表示 “和……一样……”,    

否定为 not as…as 或 not so … as,表示前者不如后者

①i can run as fast as jenny.   5页,当前第312345

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②i can run as/so fast as li ming.       


6. does the poem make you think of spring? 

这首诗使你想起了春天吗?  (l2)    

think of 想起,记起;思考,考虑    

①what are you thinking of? 你正在想什么?

拓展:think about   考虑      think over 仔细考虑         

②we are thinking about having a meeting.


③you should think it over before you do it.



7. before you start writing your poetry, think about your topic.


start doing sth.  开始做某事    

△start   vt.

start/ begin + to do  开始做某事   

① they began / started to sing. 他们开始唱歌。     


② i couldn’t start the car. 我发动不了那辆汽车。  

△start   vi.              

出发,动身,后常跟 of ,out, for 

③we will start at six tomorrow morning.  


拓展:start=build, open  创办,建立,成立    

      start=set out/ off   动身,起程     

      start=begin      使开始   

    辨析:start  和  begin        

    start 和begin 都表示“开始”,后可接to do ,也可接doing.     

但start 还可作名词,表“开始,开端”,反义词为end; begin 的名词形式为 beginning。

at the beginning of this term, we held an english party.


8. use your imagination and have fun.           

发挥你的想象力,你一定会乐在其中。  (l2)        

    fun  n. 有趣的事           funny  adj.  有趣的   

①it’s fun.     那是一件有趣的事。(fun为名词,作表语)      

②it’s funny.   那件事真有趣。  (funny为形容词,作表语)    5页,当前第412345

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have fun = have a good time =enjoy oneself   玩得高兴            

have fun doing sth.  愉快的做某事       

③you will have fun learning english this term.      



9. quick unexpected frog goes.  突然青蛙跃入湖中。  (l3)        

unexpected 的变化规则是:             

expect  v. 期望,盼望        i expect to see you on the party tonight.


expected  adj. 意料中的      the result is expected.    


unexpected  adj. 出乎意料的  

he gave me an unexpected gift.  他给了我一件出乎我意料的礼物。


10. today scientists have grown some grapes without any seeds.   

现在科学家已经培育出了一些无籽葡萄。  (l4)      

grow  vt. 种植  着重栽培的过程;    

plant  vt. 栽种  着重种植的行为;   

keep  vt. 饲养,赡养  后跟人或动物

①he grows many kinds of flowers in the garden.        


②i planted a tree in front of the house last year       


③the old grandma keeps many hens.              


上一篇:Module 2 Education 下一篇:Module 3 Now and then