




1. jack's father is ______ doctor.

    a. a

    b. an

    c. some

    d. /

 2. he often does some washing ______ sunday.

    a. at

    b. in

    c. on

    d. by

 3. this room is ours, and that one is ________.

    a. they

    b. them

    c. their

    d. theirs

 4. tom is _______ boy in his class.

    a. tall

    b. taller

    c. tallest

    d. the tallest

 5. "can you come here next friday?"

     "sorry, i _______."

    a. can't

    b. mustn't

    c. needn't

    d. may not

 6. did you ______ the football match last night?

    a. see

    b. watch

    c. look

    d. read

 7. there ________ many high buildings in this city.

    a. is

    b. are

    c. have

    d. has

 8. john has two brothers. one is an artist, ________ is a scientist.

    a. the others

    b. another

    c. the other

    d. others

 9. the man asked the policeman _______.

    a. let hime to go

    b. to let him to go

    c. let him go

    d. to let him go

 10. please _______ page 54 and read lesson twelve.

    a. turn to

    b. turn into

    c. turn in

    d. turn on

 11. he did not go home ______ he finished the work.

    a. of

    b. because

    c. until

    d. since

 12. the old man was _______ tired that she couldn't walk on.

    a. so

    b. too

    c. very

    d. quite

 13. we are busy ________ our lessons these days.

    a. prepare

    b. preparing

    c. to prepare

    d. prepared

 14. i'll go with you if i ________ free tomorrow.

    a. will be

    b. shall be

    c. am

    d. was

 15. do you know ________?

    a. where does he live

    b. where he lives

    c. he where lives

d. he lives where





  不知道动作由谁发出,或由于某种原因没有必要说明谁发出动作。如: this table is made of wood.   需要突出或强调动作的承受者时,如: this park was built for children. 9页,当前第1123456789


注意:主动句中的主语如果是people,they,somebody等含糊的表示"人或人们",没有确指执行者是谁,为被动句时,通常省略"by+执行者"。如:the door was opened secretly. but nobody came in.

  注意:在主动句里,不定式在make,see,hear等动词后面作宾语补足语时都不带to,但变成被动句时,后面的不定式都需带to。如:he was made to do that work.

主动语态不能变被动语态的情况:学了被动语态,别以为主动句和被动句可以随意转换,千万要注意呀!有些主动语态不能转换成被动语态。当宾语是反身代词时, 如:you should take care of yourself. 当谓语是表状态的而不是表具体动作的及物动词时,如:does the skirt suit you?



1. the stars _______ in the daytime.

    a. can't see

    b. can't be seen

    c. can't been see

    d. see

 2. a present _______ to me by mother next week.

    a. will give

    b. is given

    c. will be give

    d. will be given

 3. the communist party of china _______ in shanghai in 1921.

    a. was found

    b. found

    c. was founded

    d. founded

 4. great changes _______ in my hometown since liberation.

    a. have been taken place

    b. took place

    c. have taken place

    d. were taken place

 5. i was astonished (吃惊) to hear that the colour tv set _______ 5,000 yuan.

    a. has cost

    b. cost

    c. costed

    d. was cost

 6. he was seen _________ something from the shop.

    a. steel

    b. to steal

    c. to be stolen

    d. stealed

 7. she has _________ by her classmates.

    a. laughed

    b. laughed at

    c. been laughed

    d. been laughed at

 8. the computer ________ in the room.

    a. can use

    b. can be use

    c. can be used

    d. can used

 9. that clock ______ big ben.

    a. call

    b. calling

    c. is called

    d. calls

 10. the film _______ again sometimes next week.

    a. shows

    b. will shows

    c. will be showed

    d. shows



1. i have never seen _____ ufo in ______ sky.

    a. a , the

    b. an , the

    c. a, a

    d. the, a

 2. --how is your brother's housework done?


    a. good

    b. all right

    c. quite well

    d. very bad

 3. they come from england . they are _______.

    a. englishman

    b. english


    d.an english

 4. would you please give me _____ colour pencils? 9页,当前第2123456789


    a. any

    b. some

    c. a little

    d. much

 5. my father is sleeping now, could you ____ the radio a bit?

    a. turn up

    b. turn on

    c. turn down

    d. turn off

 6. it will be children's day soon and we're now ____ busy ____a bee.

    a. as...as

    b. as ... like

    c. like...as

    d. so ... like

 7. --well ,______?

     --i have a headache, doctor.

    a. how do you do

    b. what's the matter with you

    c. how are you feeling like

    d. what kind of illness do you have

 8. the teacher told the boy _____ it again.

    a. don't do

    b. does not do

    c. to not do

    d. not to do

 9. i left here, ________.

    a. mary does

    b. so does mary

    c. mary did so

    d. so did mary

 10. --who teaches _____ english?

     --mr lin.

    a. you

    b. your

    c. she

    d. tom's

 11. have you finished _______ the book?

    a. read

    b. to read

    c. reading

    d. reads

 12. the farmers taught us ______.

    a. to how pick apples.

    b. how pick apples.

    c. how picking apples

    d. how to pick apples

 13. --______ i watch pro. brown from morning till night?

     --no, you needn't.

    a. must

    b. can

    c. may

    d. need.

 14. do you know ________?

    a. how long has he lived here

    b. how long he has lived here

    c. he has lived here how long

    d. he has lived how long here

 15. we will go to the great wall if it ______ tomorrow.

    a. doesn't rain

    b. won't rain

    c. isn't raining

d. didn't rain




  反意疑问句: 在陈述句之后附上一个简短问句,对陈述句所叙述的事实提出相反的疑问,这种疑问句叫做反意疑问句. 如前面陈述句部分是肯定式,后面问句部分一般用是否定式;如前一部分是否定式,后一部分一般用肯定式.前后两部分在人称,数及时态上通常保持一致. 如:you are a student,aren't you?(你是学生,对吗?)

在祈使句后面用反意疑问句,要注意人称的变化。  如:go to the cinema,will you?

  在省略的感叹句后面,要注意主语的单复数。 如:what fine weather,isn't it?

   陈述句部分的主语如是i,疑问部分要用 aren't i.  如: i'm as tall as your sister,aren't i?

   陈述部分用never,hardly,few,nothing,nobody,few,seldom,hardly,little 等否定含义的词时,疑问部分用肯定含义. 如: he seldom came here,did he? 9页,当前第3123456789


   陈述句部分的谓语是used to时,疑问部分用didn't+主语或usedn't +主语. 如: he used to go to school at seven, didn't he? / usedn't he?

   陈述部分有had better + v. 疑问句部分用hadn't you?  如: you'd better read it by yourself, hadn't you?

   陈述部分有you'd like to +v.疑问部分用wouldn't+主语. 如:you'd like to go with me, wouldn't you?

   主语是everyone, someone,anyone,no one等不定代词时,多用they 指代. 如:everyone is here,aren't they?(所有的人都来了吗?)

   主语是everything,something,anthing,nothing时,用it 指代。省去主语的祈使句的反意疑问句,疑问部分用will you。如: don't do that again, will you? 注意 let's 开头的祈使句,后用shall we? let us 开头的祈使句,后用will you?

   陈述部分是"there be"结构的,疑问部分用there省略主语代词。如: there is something wrong with your watch, isn't there?

  特殊疑问句: 注意疑问词 how many how much , how often , how old, how long, what, what time, what day , what colour, which , when , who, whose等疑问词的用法。


 1. don't forget to give the baby some food ,______?

    a. will you?

    b. shall we

    c. won't you

    d. do you

 2. you have met before, _______?

    a. haven't you

    b. have you

    c. do you

    d. don't you

 3. she has never read the book before, _______?

    a. has she

    b. hasn't she

    c. is she

    d. isn't she

 4. mike has to finish her work now, _______?

    a. has he

    b. hasn't he

    c. does he

    d. doesn't he

 5. --"don't smoke in the dining-hall, will you?"

    -- "_________."

    a. yes, i agree

    b. yes, of course,

    c. yes, i don't think so

    d. what's wrong

 6. --______ did you stay in urumqi last summer?

    --for two weeks.

    a. how often

    b. how

    c. how long

    d. how many times

   7. he nearly hurt himself in the accident, _______?

    a. doesn't he

    b. didn't he

    c. did he

    d. does he

 8. --_______ will your aunt be back from work?

    --in an hour.

    a. how soon

    b. how often

    c. how long

    d. what time

 9. the old man had to do the farm work himself, ________?

    a. did he

    b. didn't he

    c. had he

    d. weren't he

 10. --"________ do they have a meeting?"

     --"every two weeks."

    a. how long

    b. how often

    c. when

    d. what time



 1. mr williams will visit our school again some _______ day. 9页,当前第4123456789


    a. the other

    b. another

    c. an other

    d. other

 2. we shall never laugh _________ people when they are _______ trouble.

    a. on, in

    b. at, in

    c. on, to

    d. to, at

 3. "thank you for your help._______."

    a. you are welcome

    b. it doesn't matter

    c. you are kind

    d. it's no need

 4. to learn english well is not easy, ______ it is important for us.

    a. and

    b. so

    c. or

    d. but

 5. "must i get there before eight?no, you______."

    a. can't

    b. mustn't

    c. needn't

    d. must

 6. my sister isn't there, she _______ to beijing.

    a. went

    b. will go

    c. has been

    d. has gone

 7. new factory _______ in our hometown next year.

    a. build

    b. will build

    c. will be built

    d. is building

 8. i don't think he is doing his homework,______?"

    a. is he

    b. isn't he

    c. does he

    d. don't i

 9. i enjoyed _______ to school in the morning last year.

    a. to run

    b. run

    c. runing

    d. running

 10. sorry, i've kept you ________ for a long time.

    a. wait

    b. waiting

    c. to wait

    d. waited

 11. _______ mother told _______ an interesting story yesterday.

    a. mine, i

    b. my, i

    c. my, me

    d. my, my

 12. his grandma ______ in 1968. she has been _________ for years.

    a. died, died

    b. dead, died

    c. dead, died

    d. died, dead

 13. the old man is _______ under the tree.

    a. lying

    b. lie

    c. laying

    d. to lie

 14. he runs ________ than his classmates.

    a. fastest

    b. the fastest

    c. fast

    d. faster

 15. the twins' father is standing ________ them.

    a. among

    b. between

    c. during

    d. above

【第13讲:句子的种类(二) 】




   感叹句用法很简单, how和what放句前, how与形、副词类连, what后面名词添.主语谓语不用变,省掉它们也常见. 当然,what 感叹句和how 感叹句有时可以互相转换。当what修饰单数可数名词时,如果这一名词有形容词修饰,也可用how引导感叹句,但不定冠词a或an 需放在形容词之后。如:what a large factory = how large a factory it is!

   祈使句: 祈使句所需注意的是:含有第二人称的祈使句的否定句用don't.含有第一、第三人称的祈使句的否定句用 let+not+动词原形或 don't let+第三人称代词的宾格或名词。 9页,当前第5123456789


  下面稍微提一下常考的强调句:我们学过的强调句是it引导的句子。记住:强调句的连词只有两个,that和who。当强调的部分是人,且为句子的主语时,才用 "who",其余用"that". 句式是:it is (was) 被强调部分+that(who) + 句子其他部分。此结构强调的成分仅限于主语,宾语和状语。判断一个句子是否是强调句,只需看去掉it be… that是否还是一个完整的句子。


   it is twenty years ___ miss feng returned to china.   a. that b. when c. since d. as

   答案c.本题易误选为a(that). 其实本句不是强调句。若是,去掉it be… that还应是一个完整的句子。而本句去掉 "it is...that",只剩下ten years miss feng returned to china.不成句。因此本句不是强调句。



1. it was yesterday _______ xiao ming finished all his homework.

    a. that

    b. when

    c. where

    d. at

 2. you are not in grade two, ________you?

    a. aren't

    b. are

    c. do

    d. don't

 3. she has never read the book before, _______?

    a. has she

    b. hasn't she

    c. is she

    d. isn't she

 4. --i want to shopping this afternoon. what about you?


    a. so did i

    b. so i did

    c. so i do

    d. so do i

 5. it's time for supper now. let's ______ it.

    a. stop to have it

    b. stop having

    c. to stop to have

    d. stopping to have

 6. _______ lovely she smiles !

    a. how

    b. how a

    c. what

    d. what a

 7. thank you for _____ me with my english.

    a. help

    b. helped

    c. helping

    d. helps

 8. --would you please _______ the shoes on the floor?

    --i'm sorry. i won't do it again.

    a. not throw

    b. don't throw

    c. not to throw

    d. didn't throw

 9. lily has not visited many places of great interests in china. ________.

    a. so has her twin sister

    b. neither is her twin sister

    c. so her twin sister

    d. neither has her twin sister

 10. don't _______ books again! you must be careful _______ now on.

    a. lost, from

    b. lose, from

    c. lost, since

    d. lose, since



1. when i entered the room, i saw the little boy _______ in the corner.

    a. to stand

    b. stands

    c. stood

    d. standing

 2. it is a great shame for me _______ in front of so many people.

    a. to laugh at

    b. to laughing at

    c. to be laughed at

    d. to have laughed at 9页,当前第6123456789


 3. he dares to climb that tall tree, ________ he?

    a. doesn't

    b. daren't

    c. hasn't

    d. isn't

 4. please ______ anything you can remember about the accident.

    a. fill in

    b. draw out

    c. write in

    d. put down

 5. -will the clouds lift in the afternoon? --_______.

    a. i hope so

    b. i hope it

    c. i hope that

    d. i hope such

 6. we had to stay at home ______ the heavy rain.

    a. as

    b. since

    c. because of

    d. because

 7. they will visit our school ______ next week.

    a. sometimes

    b. some time

    c. some times

    d. sometimes

 8. although he tried hard, he was ______ maths.

    a. good at

    b. doing well in

    c. weak in

    d. interested in

 9. the stars ______ in the daytime.

    a. can't see

    b. can't be seen

    c. can be seen

    d. see

 10.this kind of cars _______ in shanghai.

    a. is made

    b. are made

    c. are making

    d. is making

 11.mr black's just come back from the england, _______ he?

    a. isn't

    b. doesn't

    c. hasn't

    d. is

 12._______ ten years since i left my hometown.

    a. they

    b. it is  

    c. there have been

    d. it was

 13.is this ________ looking for?

    a. you were

    b. that you were

    c. what were you

    d. what you were

 14.the blacks _______ go to the seaside to have their holidays, but now they no longer go there.

    a. were used to

    b. used to

    c. usually

    d. seldom

 15.don't hurry. only one person can enter the room________.

    a. at a time

    b. in no time

    c. in time

    d. on time




  以that引导的宾语从句。    如:i hear that you have passed the examination. good luck!

  以if 和whether引导的宾语从句。   如:i don't know if you can come tomorrow.

  以连接代词或连接副词引导的宾语从句。   如:please tell me how you can get here.




    如果宾语从句表示的是客观真理,事实时,即使主句是过去式,从句仍用一般现在时。 9页,当前第7123456789



1. she asked me if i knew _______.

    a. whose pen is it

    b. whose pen it was

    c. whose pen it is

    d. whose pen was it

 2. i don't know _______ he still lives here after so many years.

    a. whether

    b. where

    c. what

    d. when

 3. i don't know ______ he will come tomorrow. _______ he comes, i'll tell you.

    a. if, whether

    b. whether, whether

    c. if, that

    d. if, if

 4. the small children don't know ________.

    a. what is their stockings in

    b. where is in their stockings

    c. where is their stocking in

    d. what in their stockings

 5. can you tell me ________?

    a. when does the ship leave

    b. when the ship will leave

    c. when the ship leave

    d. when will the ship leave

 6. can you tell me ______?

    a. when did he come

    b. when he came

    c. when did he came

    d. he came when

 7. can you tell me ______ the radio ?

    a. how did he mend

    b. what did he mend

    c. how he mended

    d. what he mended

 8. he asked his father _________.

    a. where it happens

    b. where did it happen

    c. how it happened

    d. how did it happen

 9. i didn't know what colour_________.

    a. is the bag

    b.the bag is

    c. was the bag

    d. the bag was

 10. could you tell me ______ with the money?

    a. how to do

    b. what should i do

    c. how should i do

    d. what i should do



1.we are _____ going to the factory and work there.

    a. briefly

    b. lately

    c. recently

    d. shortly

 2.for most students, their teacher's advice is more important than ______ of their parents.

    a. one

    b. what

    c. which

    d. that

 3.they talked in a low voice ______ be heard by others.

    a. so not as to

    b. so as not to

    c. so as to not

    d. so as to

 4.not until this evening ______ that the meeting had been put off.

    a. i did know

    b. did i know

    c. i knew

    d. i have known

 5.we are looking forward to seeing you again,and we'll be very disappointed if you ______.

    a. didn't come

    b. haven't come

    c. won't come

    d.don't come

 6.if i _______ there earlier, i ________ him.

    a. had arrived ,would have met

    b. have arrived, would have

    c. arrived, have met 9页,当前第8123456789


    d. arrived, had met

 7.lily is said ______ for london last month.

    a. to have left

    b. to leave

    c. to be leaving

    d. to be left

 8.life on earth ______ impossible unless we stop destroying the forest and poisoning the oceans.

    a. was

    b. has been

    c. will have been

    d. will be

 9.the twins will go fishing with us this weekend _______ they are free.

    a. though

    b. if

    c. whether

    d. but

 10. --______ we go at 8:00? --what about _______ it a little earlier?

    a. shall, making

    b. shall, to make

    c. will, making

    d. will, make

 11.new york is bigger than ______ in the united states.

    a. any other city

    b. any cities

    c. any city

    d. other cities

 12.her mother ______ for more than three years.

    a. has died

    b. had died

    c. is dead

    d. has been dead

 13.all the guests _______ got to the classroom on time.

    a. invited

    b. being invited

    c. inviting

    d. to be invited

 14.at twelve that night we arrived in the village _______ we once lived.

    a. what

    b. which

    c. where

    d. that

 15.he ran from house to house, ______ people the good news.

    a. told

    b. telling

    c. tell

d. to tell

上一篇:unit2重点句型和词组 下一篇:中考英语总复习教案集粹一