
Unit 2 Colour课堂教学实录


Unit 2 Colour课堂教学实录

unit 2 colour

teaching record (课堂教学实录)

title (课    题): unit2 colour  comic & welcome

period (课   时):period 1

time (执教时间):-9

class (执教班级):class 2, grade 9  

school:xichang middle school

teacher (执教老师):zhang guanglin

teaching procedures (教学过程):


step 1 warm up 


t: today we are going to pick up a new lesson, unit 2. in this unit, we will know

about many colours. do you know colours?

ss: yes.

t: how many colours do you know? look, what colour are the walls?

ss: they are white.

t: what colour is the blackboard?

ss: it’s black.

t: good. look at our clothes, what colour is her coat?

s: red.

t: look! what colour are his trousers?

s: they’re blue.

t: if you mix two different colours, you can get another colour. now, listen carefully, what colour can we get if we mix red and white?

s: pink.

t: what about red and yellow?

s: we can get orange.

t: what about red and blue?

s: we can get purple.

t: what colour are the following things, the sky, the sun, a leaf and an apple?

s1:the sky is blue.

s2: the sun is yellow.

s3: a leaf is green.

s4: an apple is red.

t: ok. we know many colours. all of us are living in a world full of colours. the world would be a dull place without them, right?

ss: yes.



step 2 presentation     

t: now, the four pictures on page 24. are they talking about the rainbow, too?

ss: no, they’re talking about the clothes.

t: please look at the pictures of eddie and hobo, listen to the tape and then answer some questions. eddie and hobo are talking about colours too. look at

  (looking at the pictures and listening to the tape)

t: question 1: why would eddie rather wear blue than pink?

s: because he thinks pink is a girl’s colour.

t: good. question 2: does eddie look nice on blue? why not?

s: no, he doesn’t. because the blue one is also a girl’s dress.

t: question 3: hobo says to eddie, “blue looks good on you.” does he really think so?

s: no, he doesn’t think so.

t: very good. you all did a very good job.



step 3 practice

t: who can read this dialogue?

s: … 

t: now please read the conversation after the tape.

s: …

t: now read by yourselves.

s: …

t:i’ll let you prepare for several minutes and then choose some groups to act the conversation out with the actions and right gestures.4页,当前第11234

Unit 2 Colour课堂教学实录

   (let the students prepare for 5 minutes.)

t: now, i’ll ask some groups to come to the front and act out the conversation.

t: which group is the best?

   (let the students choose the best group.)

t: you all did a good job. who can tell me the chinese for the sentence ‘i’d rather wear blue than pink.’

s: 与粉色相比,我更喜欢穿蓝色。

t: yes. here we use ‘would rather ... than ...’ to express preferences. it means ‘like ... better than ...’. can you make more sentences?

s1: i would rather go tomorrow than today.

s2: i would rather go out for a walk than stay at home.

【设计意图】通过对重点句型i’d rather wear blue than pink.的操练、表演对话等活动进一步理解对话内容。


step 4 presentation

t: now please guess what the thing is according to my words, are you ready?

ss: yes.

t: it has seven colours and it only appears in the sky after the rain. what is it?

s: it’s a rainbow.

t: yes, you’re very clever. when there is both rain and sunshine and when the sun is low in the sky, we can see a rainbow. what colours does a rainbow have?

s: seven colours. they are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

t: excellent. the colours of a rainbow always appear in the order shown in the picture on page 25. now open your books and turn to page 25. look at the rainbow, write the names of the colours in the blanks.

(the students finish the exercises of part a on page 25.)

t: have you finished them?

ss: yes.

t: who can read out your answers?

s: i can. red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

t: do you agree with him?

ss: yes.

t: we live in a colourful world. now please work in pairs to talk about colours of the other things. let’s look at the conversation of part b. use amy and her cousin’s conversation as a model.

  (let the students have a discussion.)

t: now, i’ll ask some groups to come to the front and act out the conversation.

s1: i’ve just read a book about sea fish.

s2: really? is it interesting?

s1: yes, it has many pictures. sea fish have different colours.

s2: i’ve never heard of that before. what colours do they have?

s1: yellow, blue, black, grey, red and so on.

s2: oh, that’s really a sea world of colours.

t: very good. let’s give them some cheers.

【设计意图】要求学生填出彩虹七种颜色, 采用两两合作对话的形式进行,有利于降低难度,培养合作精神,提高学生运用语言知识的能力。


step 5 production

t: now, look at the exercises on the paper. please finish the exercises on the paper.


Unit 2 Colour课堂教学实录

1.看上去很好                      2. live in a world full of colours                    

3.没什么要紧的                    4.i would rather blue than pink.                    

5.宁愿                            6.tell sb about sth                               

7.朝窗外看                        8.which one do you like?                         


(   ) 1. i        buy the cheaper bike.

      a. want     b. think to     c. would like   d. would rather

(   ) 2. millie would rather        tv at home than        to the park.

      a. watch; go  b. watching; going   c. watch; to go   d. to watch; go

(   ) 3. i think this shirt looks nice        you.

       a.  at       b.  for      c. on         d. over

(   ) 4. there is        wrong with the machine. it works       .

       a. something; well   b. nothing; well    c. something; good    d. nothing; good

(   ) 5. —which isn’t the colour of the rainbow?

       —      .

      a. indigo   b. violet  c. white    d. red4页,当前第31234

Unit 2 Colour课堂教学实录

 (students finish the exercises on the paper.)

t: now, we’ll check the answers.

  mike, translate the phrases.

s: no. 1 look good no. 2生活在一个充满色彩的世界里 no. 3 nothing important no. 4比起粉色,我更喜欢蓝色。no. 5 would rather no. 6 告诉某人关于某事 no. 7 look out of the window  no. 8你喜欢哪一个?

t: well done. lily, the second part.

s: no. 1 d  no. 2 a  no. 3 c  no. 4 b  no. 5 c

t: ok, very good. what colour do you like best?

s: …

t: different people like different colours. do you want to know what different colours represent?

s: yes.

t: next lesson we will learn about this. and we will know how colours can affect our moods and which colour is suitable for different characteristics. it’s very interesting. do you think so?

ss: yes!



step 6 assignment

t: homework for today.

1. recite all the new words and phrases.

2. preview the new words of the reading and know its main idea.

3. finish the exercises on the paper.

t: class is over .goodbye, everyone.

s: goodbye, mr chen.



成功之处:本节课采用了“学-导-练”的教学模式,运用小组合作和自主学习的教学方法,创造性地使用教材,每个环节的设置都是从学生的兴趣、实际出发,把教材内容激活起来,从而使学生整节课始终保持学的热情,教师也保持教的热情。学生通过互相讨论、互相对话等学习方法加深了对课文的理解,始终处于主动寻求知识状态,体验到成功的快乐。“学源于思,思源于疑。” 学生探索知识的思维过程总是从问题开始,又在解决问题中得到发展。在本节课中学生既动脑思考,又动口表达,充分发挥了他们的聪明才智,调动了他们的学习热情,使他们真正地成为了学习的主人。





上一篇:中考英语复习学案Starter 1(unit 1—unit 6) 下一篇:中考英语中考短文填空专题知识点复习