
新目标九年级Unit 2复习教案


新目标九年级Unit 2复习教案

unit 2 i used to be afraid of dark.

一. 教学内容:

unit 2 i used to be afraid of dark.

[语言目标] language goal:

talk about what you used to be like.  谈论你过去的外表。


  1. 学会陈述自己过去常做的事情

  2. 学会陈述自己过去的爱好等

  3. 能够表达自己现在和过去在外表、性格、娱乐等方面的变化

  4. 能够表达朋友、家人等现在和过去的变化

二. 教学重点难点:

    短语used to 的用法

三. 重点词和短语:

1. used to           过去常常

2. be afraid of=be terrified of    害怕

3. a couple of days           两天

4. look different            看起来不同

look the same             看起来一样

5. wear glasses/contact lenses   戴眼镜/隐型眼镜

6. have a great memory               记性很好

7. have long/straight/curly hair      留着……发型

8. be interested in =take an interest in 对……感兴趣

9. on the swim team           在游泳队

10. people sure change.     人是会变的。

11. be/live alone             独处/单独居住

    feel lonely            觉得孤独

12. speak in front of a group        在众人面前讲话

13. go to sleep with the light on      开着灯睡觉

14. worry about sth./ sb.=be worried about sth./sb. 担心

15. study all the time     一直学习

16. go right home       直接回家

17. spend time (in)doing sth.        花时间做某事

18. no longer=not. . . any longer      不再(延续性)

    no more=not…any more       不再(短暂性)

19. chat with sb.     与……聊天

20. take sb. to a concert      带某人去音乐会

21. hardly ever            几乎不

22. miss the old days       怀念/想念过去的那些日子

23. in the last few years     近几年

24. daily life              日常生活15页,当前第1123456789101112131415

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25. make sb. stressed out     使某人精疲力尽

26. a fifteen-year-old boy       一个15岁的男孩

27. problem child              问题少年

28. afford sth./to do sth.          负担得起

he couldn’t afford to pay for his child’s education.

29. as…as          与……一样

as well as…      与……一样好,也

as well as she could       尽她全力

30. get into trouble with the police  与警察发生冲突

31. be patient with sb.        对……有耐心

32. in the end     最后

33. make a decision on sth./doing sth.   决定做某事

=make up one’s mind to do sth.=decide to do sth.

34. send sb. to+地点           送某人去某地

35. cause a lot of trouble (for sb. )  引起很多麻烦

36. leave the school            退学

37. waste one’s time           浪费时间

38. to one’s surprise           使某人吃惊

be surprised at sth.         吃惊于……

to my surprise, a phone call changed his life.

39. feel good about himself  很有自信

40. head teacher       班主任

41. it’s necessary to do sth.    必须做某事

42. even though=even if (+让步状语从句)  即使

even though he is eighty, he looks young and healthy.

43. take pride in=feel/be proud of    为……而自豪

i take pride in being a chinese.

    i am/feel proud of being a chinese.

44. give up     放弃

  don’t give up. 不要放弃。

四. 重点、难点、考点及疑点注释:

1. over here! don’t you remember me? (p11)过来!你不记得我了吗?

(1)over here相当于come over here,意为“过来”。


◎remember/forget doing sth.表示“记得/忘记做过某事”,强调事情已经做了。

i remember posting your letter. 我记得替你寄过信了。

they forget locking the door. 他们忘记锁过门了。

◎remember/forget to do sth.表示“记得/忘记去做某事”,强调事情还未做。

i remember to post your letter. 我记得替你寄信。

they forget to lock the door. 他们忘了锁门。

2. wow! people sure change. (p11)哇!人确实是会变的。15页,当前第2123456789101112131415

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◎表示“可以”,“当然”,“没问题”,常用来答应他人的请求,相当于 yes. / ok. /great. /certainly. /of course.

—did you have a good trip?旅途愉快吗?

—sure. /of course. 当然。

—would you like to go with us?愿意和我们一起去吗?

—sure. /certainly. 好啊。

◎be sure about/of意为“确信,对……有把握”,后接名词,代词或v-ing形式,表示对客观事物有肯定的认识和判断,主语必须是人。

i’m sure of passing the examination. 我相信我会通过考试。

he lives in this building but i’m not sure about the room number.


◎be sure to意为“一定”,“肯定”,后接不定式,往往表示局外人的推测、评论,主语不一定是人。

it’s sure to rain tomorrow. 明天一定会下雨。

she is sure to understand much more than before. 她一定比以前懂得更多了。


the old woman is sure to live to more than ninety.


the old woman is sure of living to more than ninety.


◎be sure to 用于祈使句时,是“务必”,“一定”的意思。

be sure to review the text after class. 课后务必复习课文。

be sure to come tomorrow,everyone. 大家明天一定要来。

◎be sure接that从句时,意为“认为……一定会”,主语必须是人,连词that可以省略。be sure后面还可以接由whether, where, when或who等引导的名词性从句,这时主句通常是否定形式。

i’m not sure whether i can come tomorrow. 我明天是否能来还说不准。

i’m sure that i can run faster than you. 我确信我比你跑得快。

3. i’m terrified of the dark. (p12)我十分怕黑。

terrified为形容词,意为“受惊吓的,恐惧的”,表示“害怕……, 恐惧……”,固定用法be terrified of相当于be afraid of。

i’m terrified of being at home by myself. 我很害怕独自呆在家里。



there are several persons terrifying the little boy.


4. i go to sleep with my bedroom light on. 我开着卧室的灯睡觉。

(1)with my bedroom light on为介词短语,在句中用作状语,表示伴随情况。

he walked out of the room with his coat on. 他穿着外套走出了房间。



the teacher came in with a book under his arm.


the poor woman walked through the street with a baby on her back.


(2)on在此处是形容词,意为“开着的,接通的”,常见的结构有:be/turn on。

—is the light on in the room? 屋里的灯开着吗?

—no. it’s off. 不,关着呢。

turn on the radio, please. i’ll listen to the weather report. 15页,当前第3123456789101112131415

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5. before i started high school, i used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends, but i just don’t have the time anymore. (p14)在上高中之前,我常常花费大量时间和朋友们一起做游戏,但是如今我再也没有这样的时间了。

(1)high school相当于middle school,意为“中学”,常指高中。


◎sb. spends some money/time on sth.

she spends a lot of money on books. 她花很多钱买书。

◎sb. spends some money/time in doing sth.,其中介词in可以省略。

they spent two hours (in)looking for the cat. 他们花了两个小时找那只猫。


take, pay与cost也可以表示“花费”:


“it takes (took)+时间/金钱+动词不定式”(表示“做某事花费了多少时间/金钱”)和“it takes+sb.+时间/金钱+动词不定式”(“做某事花费了某人多少时间/金钱”)。

it’ll take only ten minutes to walk to the supermarket.


it took yang liwei about 21 hours to circle the earth in his spaceship.



how much did you pay for all these books? 这些书你是花多少钱买的?

◎cost也可作“花费”解,其主语是“物”或“事”,常用于sth. costs (sb.)some money结构。

the dictionary cost me 40 yuan. 这本字典花了我40元钱。

(3)not. . . any more意为“不再……”,相当于no more,一般用来表示动作或行为的不再发生或重复。

they don’t use animals to do farm work any more.


6. these days, i hardly ever have time for concerts. (p14)现在,我根本没有时间去听音乐会。

(1)本句中的these days意为“现在,目前,如今”,相当于nowadays, at present。

we are not poor any longer these days. 如今我们不再贫穷了。

they still remember that old saying these days. 现在他们仍然记得那句古谚语。

(2)hardly用作副词,意为“几乎不”,相当于almost not,本身含有否定之意,修饰名词时,常和a或any连用。

i’m so tired that i can hardly walk any farther. 我太累了,简直不能再走下去了。

there was hardly a cloud in the sky. 天空几乎没有一丝云彩。



误:he hardly knows what to say, doesn’t he?

正:he hardly knows what to say, does he?


hardly本身含有否定意义,构成反意疑问句时,后半部分要用肯定形式。类似的词有few, little, never, none, nobody, nothing等。



7. now, i don’t mind them. (p14)现在我不介意它们了。15页,当前第4123456789101112131415

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he doesn’t mind closing the window. 他不介意关上窗户。


would you mind doing. . . ?句型常用来向别人提出请求,对方如果表示介意,就说“yes”;如果表示不介意、不反对,应说“no, not at all. /no, of course not. ”。

— would you mind telling me how to remember english words?


—no, not at all. 不,不介意。



what do you make up your mind to be when you grow up?



never mind不要紧,不介意;keep in mind记住;make up one’s mind下决心,下决定;set up one’s mind to do sth.立志做某事; change one’s mind改变主意。

8. i really miss the old days.


how he misses his mother while she is away in london!



i’m afraid that jim will miss a lot of his lessons.



i missed catching the 2:15 train.


④missing 失去的,缺少的,不在的,失踪的。

they are looking for the missing child.


9. it seems that yu mei has changed a lot. (p15)俞梅似乎变化很大。


◎it seems+that 从句

it seems that he would never be able to work out the question.



your father seems quite happy. 你的父亲看起来很高兴。


li fang seems to know everything. 李芳好像什么都知道。


“it seems+that 从句”通常可以转化成“名词/代词+seems+动词不定式短语”这一简单句型,如果动词不定式短语是“to be+形容词”,to be可以被省略。

it seems that his temperature is all right.

=his temperature seems (to be)all right. 他的体温似乎很正常。

it seems that she doesn’t get on well with her classmates.

=she doesn’t seem to get on well with her classmates. 她似乎与同学们相处得不好。

10. however, after his father’s death a few years ago, martin’s life became much more difficult. (p16)然而,几年以前,在他父亲死后,马丁的生活变得更困难了。


he is dead, but his name will live in our hearts forever.


her grandfather has been dead for more than two years. 她的爷爷去世两年多了。


die, dying, death也可以表示“死”。


his mother died two years ago. 他的母亲两年前去世了。


新目标九年级Unit 2复习教案

this dog is dying. 这条狗快要死了。


it makes me very sad when i think of my little dog’s death.


11. . . . but to his surprise, this phone call changed his life. (p16)……但是,令他惊奇的是,这次通话改变了他的人生。

本句中的to one’s surprise意为“令某人惊奇的是”,常常置于句首。其中to是“致使”的意思,后面接表示情感的名词,指一个事件使某人心中产生了某种情感。

to my surprise, he failed in the examination. 使我奇怪的是,他考试不及格。

to everyone’s surprise, mr king refused. 使每个人感到惊奇的是,金先生拒绝了。


to one’s joy/horror/satisfaction“使人高兴/惊恐/满意的是”。


in surprise意为“惊奇地”。

the two men looked at each other in surprise. 那两个人惊奇地互相看着。

“how did you come to know it?” i asked in surprise.


12. she also told me that even though my father was no longer with us, he was watching me, and would always take pride in everything good i do. (p16)她也告诉我,尽管我父亲不再和我们在一起了,他还是在关注着我们,并对我所做的一切好的事情感到骄傲。

(1)even though意为“即使,纵然,尽管”,用来引导让步状语从句,可以与even if替换。

he won’t tell me about it even though (even if)he knows the news.


even though (even if)you aren’t lifting anything, your muscle gets tired.


(2)本句中的no longer可以与not. . . any longer替换,主要用来表示时间或距离的“不再”,意在对现在的情况和过去的情况加以比较,故多用于现在时。

you are no longer a child. (=you aren’t a child any longer. )



◎no longer一般修饰延续性动词,表示某个动作或状态不再延续下去。

he no longer lives here. (=he doesn’t live here any longer. )


◎no more相当于not. . . any more,主要用来表示数量和程度,常常修饰短暂性动词,表示某动作不再重复发生。

the baby no more cried. (=the baby didn’t cry any more. )


he is no more a student. (=he isn’t a student any more. )


(3)take pride in意为“对……感到自豪”,往往强调一时的行为,动作性较强。其中in是介词,后面接名词、代词或动词的-ing形式作宾语。

the young man took pride in his work. 这年轻人以他的工作而自豪。



13. and didn’t give up trying to help him (p17)没有放弃努力帮他

本句中的give up意为“放弃,停止”,相当于stop doing sth.,其后可接名词或动词的-ing形式。

don’t give up halfway. 不要半途而废。

you mustn’t give up studying foreign languages for even a day. 15页,当前第6123456789101112131415

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◎give up还可以表示“认输,投降”。

i give up. tell me the answer. 我认输了。告诉我答案吧。



误:smoking is bad for your health, so you must give up it.

正:smoking is bad for your health, so you must give it up.

五、语法:本单元语法重点内容是used to这个句型。

  1. “主语+used to+动词原形+其它”。在这个句型结构中used to的含义为“过去常常”。表示过去的习惯,暗示现在已无此习惯,请看图:


    dave在过去几年中一直在factory中工作,但现在他在supermarket中工作,所以dave used to work in a factory. 隐含的意思是:dave worked in a factory before but he doesn’t work there now.

  2. 我们可以说i used to work…/she used to have…/they used to be…等等,也就是说used这个词没有人称的变化,to后面接动词原形。


    when i was a child, i used to like chocolate.

    i used to read a lot of books but i don’t read much these days.

    liz has got short hair now but it used to be very long.


    ann used to have a piano, but she sold it a few years ago.


    used to的否定形式是i didn’t use to….

    when i was a child, i didn’t use to like tomatoes.


    问句形式是did you use to…?

    where did you use to live before you came here?


  3. used to这个词组只用于讲述过去,我们不能用use to来讲述现在

    i used to play tennis. these days i play golf. (不说  i use to play golf. )

    we usually get up early. (不说we use to get up early.)


used to do、be used to doing 、be used to do 和 be used for sth./doing .

    ①be used to ( doing )sth.是“习惯于做某事”,to是介词,后面接名词或动名词,可用于现在、过去、将来的多种时态。如:

    i am used to the weather here. 我已经习惯这里的天气了。

he is used to hard work. 他习惯于艰苦的工作。

he will be used to getting up early. 他将会习惯于早起。

②get(或become)used to指的是从不习惯到习惯这一过程的转变,另外,它往往包含着克服困难去适应的意思。如:

you will soon get used to the weather here. 你会习惯这里的天气的。

    in the end, i got used to doing the hard work. 最后,我终于习惯干苦活了。

    ③ be used to do sth. “被用于做某事”,不定式表示目的。15页,当前第7123456789101112131415

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    wood is used to make paper. 木材被用来造纸。

    ④ be used for + n. / v-ing 意思是“用于,用作……”,介词for表示用处。

    the pen is used for writing. 钢笔是用来写字的。


i. “used to” 句型转换

1. i used to be really shy. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)

          you                         really shy?        ,               .

2. my mother used to hate cooking meals. (对划线部分提问)

                  your mother         to hate?

3. i used to go outside on sundays. (改为否定句)

  i                         go outside on sundays.

4. did you use to enjoy shopping on weekends? (改为肯定句)

  i                         shopping on weekends.

5. my little brother used to be afraid of the dark. (完成反意疑问句)

  my little brother used to be afraid of the dark,                 ?

ii. “used to ” 中考真题

1. mike         afraid of dogs, but now he can play with them. (黑龙江佳木斯)

  a. is used to being    b. used to being   c. used to be

2. dennis         really quiet, but now he is very outgoing. (内蒙古呼和浩特)

  a. used to be  b. was used to be  c. is used to be  d. used to being

3. ---my aunt goes to climb mount gu every sunday.

  ---oh? but she         hate climbing mountains. (福建福州)

  a. used to   b. use to   c. uses to   d. is used to

4. look, that’s our new school building. there         be old and low houses. (福建厦门)

  a. is going to  b. had  c. used to

iii. 用used to, be used to, be/get used to 或be used for 的适当形式填空。15页,当前第8123456789101112131415

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1. alice                 be a doctor.

2. this room                 keeping all the junk.

3. my mother                 drinking coffee after dinner.

4. tom                 the cold weather after having lived here for two years.

5. cookers                 cook by cooks.


i. 1. did; use to be; yes; i did  2. what did; use  3. didn’t use to / used not to 4. used to enjoy   5. didn’t he / usedn’t he

ii. 1-4 caac

iii. 1. used to  2. is used for  3. is used to  4. has got used to  5. are used to


考点1. used to

maria        shy, but now she is quite outgoing. she has made lots of friends. (宁夏)

a. was used to be   b. used to be   c. was used to being   d. is used to be

【要点简析】used to 是情态动词,其后接动词原形,表示过去的习惯或经常发生的动作。注意:be/get used to 是“习惯于”之意,used是形容词,to是介词,其后接名词或v-ing形式。选b。

考点2. spend, cost, take, pay

his parents were worried that he        too much time chatting on line. (北京)

a. spent   b. cost   c. paid   d. had

【要点简析】spend表示“花费金钱、精力等”。常用的结构为:spend some time / money on sth. / (in )doing sth. 选a。

考点3. hardly

after a long walk, the man was so tired that he could        walk any farther. (福建漳州)

a. suddenly   b. luckily   c. hardly   d. mostly

【要点简析】hardly (= almost not )意为“几乎不”,表示否定。选c。

考点4. seem

it       that it is going to rain. (江苏扬州)

a. seem   b. seems   c. seemed   d. is seemed


考点5. give up + n. / v-ing

we shouldn’t       the chance to study. (山西临汾)

a. look for   b. give up   c. wait for

【要点简析】give up“放弃”,后接名词或v-ing 形式。选b。


i. 单项选择15页,当前第9123456789101112131415

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1. uncle wang________ a worker and he is seventy now.

  a. uses to          b. used to     c. used to be     d. was used to

2. it’s time to________ the things on the list.

  a. pay            b. pay to      c. pay for       d. pay on

3. he must be in the room, because the light in the room is      .

   a. in   b. on   c. off   d. open

4. when he was young, he used_________ swimming in the river.

a. to going         b. going      c. to go        d. go

5.    seems that jane has known the bad news.

  a. she   b. it   c. this   d. that

6. my sister has been in america for half a year. she _______ the life there.

  a. is used         b. used to      c. is used to     d. uses

7. _____ you _____ to go to the park when you were children?

  a. did, use   b. did, used   c. do, used   d. do, use

8. _______ you afraid_______ standing_______ on the wall?

  a. are;of;highly    b . do;from;highly

  c. are;from; high     d. are;of;high

9. jack likes playing     soccer, but he doesn’t like playing       piano.

  a. /, /   b. the, /   c. the, the   d. /, the

10. you needn’t worry         your daughter. she can take care of herself.

a. about     b. of         c. at           d. on

11. i_________ a worker, but now i am an actor.

  a. used to be                      b. used to being

  c. was used to be                   d. was used to being

12. zhao ruirui is_________ the chinese women’s volleyball team.

  a. at           b. on            c. to          d. of15页,当前第10123456789101112131415

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13. i used to be afraid of_________ in an airplane.

  a. fly            b. to fly       c. flying      d. flew

14. there were lots of white houses_________ trees_______ them.

a. with; after                 b. with; in front of

c. with; in the front of          d. with; on

15. i spent 50 yuan_______ the basketball.

  a. in          b. for          c. on            d. at

ii. 完形填空

  “where is the university?” this is a question that many visitors to cambridge(剑桥)ask. but no one can give them a   16   answer, for there is no wall to be found    17   the university. the university is a city. you can find classroom buildings,    18    , museums and   19     of the thirty-one colleges.

    cambridge was already a   20   town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years ago. it grew up by the river granta, and the river was once  21    the cam. a    22   was built over the river as early as 875. so the town got its name “cambridge”.

    in the 14th and 15th centuries(世纪)more and more land was used for college buildings. the town grew much    23   in the 19th century after the opening of the railway in 1845. cambridge became a    24  in 1951 and now it has a population of over 100,000. many young students in other countries   25   to study at cambridge. thousands of people from all over the world come to visit the university town. it has become a famous place.

16. a. true        b. clear        c. right          d. real

17. a. around      b. in          c. near          d. by

18. a. cinemas     b. parks       c. zoos         d. libraries15页,当前第11123456789101112131415

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