
九年级英语第二单元Unit 2 Self-Check and Reading学案人教版


九年级英语第二单元Unit 2 Self-Check and Reading学案人教版

九年级英语第二单元unit 2 self-check and reading学案人教版

       unit 2

self-check and reading





■重点短语:①in the end②make a decision③to one's surprise④even though ⑤no longer

⑥take pride in  ⑦pay attention to ⑧give up ⑨a fifteen-year-o1d boy


①it seems that yu mei has changed a lot.

②she also to1d me that even though my father was no longer with us,he was watching me and would always take pride in everything good i do.



1.最后;终于                    2.even though                    

3.对……注意;留心               4.to one's surprise                 

5.对……感到自豪                 6.make a decision                 


7.how o1d is martin murray?


8.has martin changed in the end?




1.death n.死;死亡

  例如:his petdog’s death made him very sad.宠物狗的死使他很伤心。


①die u.意为“死”,强调的是“死”的瞬间动作,为非延续性动词,不能和表示一段时间的短语边用。如果和时间段边用,须用be dead。

②dead adj.意为“死的;死亡的”,强调的是“死”的状态,如果表示“死了多长时间”,则用“have/has been+-段时间”或“died+-段时间ago"。


(1)he died two years ago(同义句转换)

he                       for two years.

【辨析】③dying为die的现在分词,也可以作形容词,意为垂死的;要死的”,如the dying bird,可用作定语或表语。4页,当前第11234

九年级英语第二单元Unit 2 Self-Check and Reading学案人教版

 ④death n.意为“死;死亡”,动词die的名词形式。



the                her mother was sudden.

2.afford v.负担得起;买得起,后跟名词、代词或动词不定式。

  例如:i can't afford the big house.我买不起那栋大房子



  i              to buy a car.

3.make a decision做决定;下决心,后常跟to do,其同义短语为decide to do。


(4)he decided to work hard from now on.(同义句转换)

  he                        to work hard hom now on.

【拓展】make意为“使;让”时,用作使役动词(如:make,1et,have等),其后常跟宾语或宾语补足语,宾语补足语主要由名词、形容词或动词不定式等充当。构成短语make sb.do sth./make sb.+adj.等。



worrying abot things so much         me                .

4.to one's surprise令某人惊奇的是

【拓展】in surprise意为“惊讶;吃惊”


(6) 出乎我的意料,他通过测试。

              ,he passed the exam.


1.it seems that yu mei has changed a lot.


【精解】seem v.似乎;好像,其用法如下:seem+形容词;seem+动词不定式;it seems+that从句。



it seems          .


it          they are able to do the work.

2.she also to1d me that even though my father was no 1onger with us,hewas watching me and would always take pride in everything good i do.


【精解】①eventhough意为即使;纵然;尽管”,相当于even if引导让步状语从句。



i’llgo to the concert           it rains.

【精解】②take pride in意为“对……感到自豪”,其同义短语为beproudof。


(10)we all take pride in liu xiang.(同义句转换)

we      all            liu xiang.



1.she is a good nurse.she is very p       with sick people.

2.he worked out the problem by h       .no one helped him.

3.p1ease pay a       to your pronunciation.

4.l       ,she didn’t hurt herself.4页,当前第21234

九年级英语第二单元Unit 2 Self-Check and Reading学案人教版


5.his mother couldn’t afford       (pay)for the house.

6.we are sorry for its       (die).

7.—haveyoumadea       (decide)?  —no,i haven’t.

8.he wants to give up       (1earn)english.



  she has                son.


                          he speaks englishwell.

11.最后我们完成了工作。    ,

                          wehnished thework


john runs         fast         i.


(  )1.english is difficult for him so he wants to       .

       a.give up it    b.go on   c.give back     d.give it up

(  )2.a11of chinese are       fei了unlong.

       a.prideof    b.proud of  c.pride in    d.proud in

(  )3.—how do you feel when you watch the national flag go up?

        —lt makes me         veryproud.

       a.felt     b.to feel     c.feeling     d.feel

(  )4.this week,the weather       to change every day:one day is hot,the next is co1d.

   a.seems   b.to feel     c.feeling   d.feel

(  )5.—i don’t have a partner to play table tennis with.  

—why       asportsclubtopracticealot?

       a.don’join    b. not joining    c.not to join   d.don’t you join


only mother love is true love.it gives everybody everything a11 her life.when you are still a baby,mother takes good care of you as p    6   as she can.in your walking hours she always ho1ds you in her arms.when you are ill,she looks after you day and night and for gets about h   7  .when you are growing up day by day,she feels very happy.when you are o   8   enough to go to school,mother still looks after you a11 the time.o   9    co1d winter days she always tells you to put on more c1othes.she always stands in the wind4页,当前第31234

九年级英语第二单元Unit 2 Self-Check and Reading学案人教版

   10   for you back from schoo1.when you hurry to 1eave home for schoo1 with l  11  breakhst,she always feels w  12  about you at home.she usually knows about your study and s   13  much money on your school things.when you do w

   14   at schoo1,you will see the brighte stsmile on her face.

  mother is always ready to give everything she has to her children,not to r  15  what true love that is in the world! we’ll remember mother 1ove  forever.

6.      7.       8.     9.          10.        

11.     12.        13.         14.       15.4页,当前第41234

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