
Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own&


Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes知识点归纳

unit 3 teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes知识点归纳

section a











以上句子中反复出现的should be allowed是含有情态动词的被动语态。

< 1 > 英语有两种语态:______________ 和 ________________。主动语态表示主语是动作的__________;被动语态表示主语是动作的___________。

< 2 > 被动语态的谓语部分由“___________ +____________ ”构成,主动词be有_______、_______和_______ 的变化。

1.many people like football.          _______语态

 football is liked by many people.     _______语态

< 3 > 被动语态的基本用法

1 > 不知道动作的执行者时,用被动语态

2.the window was broken last night. ( 翻译 )______________________

2 > 没有必要或不想指出谁是动作的执行者时,用被动语态

3.this school was built last year.       ______________________

4.i heard you were asked to go home.    ______________________

3 > 强调或突出动作的承受者时,用被动语态

5.this kind of watch is made in japan.      _______________________

4 > 用被动语态时,如果需要指出动作的执行者时,可用“_______ +动作的执行


6.the picture was painted by a woman artist.   _______________________

7.the room was cleaned by them.      _________________________

< 4 > 本单元主要讲含有情态动词的被动语态。其结构为: 情态动词 + be + 过去分词


teenagers ________ ________ ________ to surf the internet.( 改为否定句 )

teenagers ________ ________ ________ to surf the internet.( 一般疑问句 )

 ________ teenagers ________ ________ to surf the internet?

 —yes, ________ ________. /  —no, ________ ________.


a. 应该允许安娜自己选择衣服。anna ____________________________________.

b. 课堂上不应该允许学生听mp3.

mp3 ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ students in class.

c. 我能使用这台计算机吗?

  _______ this computer _______ _______ _______ _______?

d. 这本书严禁借给别人。

  this book _______ _______ _______ to others.

e. 这张照片可能是他XX年拍的。            4页,当前第11234

Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes知识点归纳

  the photo may _______ _______ in _______ _______.

< 5 > 常见的其它几种时态的被动语态

一般现在时:主语 + be ( am / is / are ) + 过去分词 + ------

一般过去时:主语 + was / were + 过去分词 + ------

一般将来时:主语 + will / shall + be + 过去分词 + ------


a. 现在许多人讲英语。english _______ _______ _______ many people now.

b. 那本书是鲁迅写的。the book _______ _______ _______ lu xun.

c. much food _________ ( make ) in china and ________ ( sell ) to foreign countries.

d. tom _________ ( take ) to his grandfather by his mother.

e. a lot of trees __________ along the river last year, and i think more trees __________  in one year. ( plant )

2. ___________________________________________________________________


< 1 > allow doing sth.           _____________________

allow sb. to do sth.        _____________________

be allowed to do sth.       _____________________


we don’t ________ ________ answers in the exam.


my parents ________ ________ ________ ________ tv at night.

3. we won’t allow _____ in the cinema. but you are allowed ____in the rest room. ( smoke )

< 2 > 句中get their ears pierced“穿耳孔”,属于get + 宾语 + 过去分词结构,

即get / have sth. done 常用于表示请或让某人做某事。

1.he had his bike ________ ( repair ) yesterday.

2.i’ll have my hair ________ ( cut ) tomorrow.

3. —我家有许多规定。_______________________________________________

—我们家也是。    ___________________________________

句中so引导的是倒装句。其结构是 so + be / 助动词 / 情态动词 + 主语,在时态上与前句保持一致,意为“------也是这样”,表示所叙述的事与前面所讲的事一致。

1.我喜欢英语,他也喜欢。i like english. ________ ________ ________.

2.jim会说汉语,我也会。 jim can speak english, ________ ________ ________.


结构“so + 主语 + be / 情态动词 / 助动词”,则表示同意别人的看法,意为“的确如此”。如:

   —他学习很刻苦。  —he works very hard.

—他的确很刻苦。  —so he does.

3.—他们昨天玩的很愉快。   —they enjoyed themselves yesterday.

   —确实很愉快。          —________ ________ ________.

4—你的朋友要到国外去。    —他们是要去,而且我也去。

—your friends will go abroad.

—_______ _______ _______, and _______ _______ _______.


 一、  单项选择4页,当前第21234

Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes知识点归纳

(  ) 1. 一. 将下列单词或短语翻译成英语

< a > 1. 刺穿,刺破_____________ 2. 执照;许可证_____________

3. 傻的____________        4. 耳环_____________      

< b > 1. 和朋友一起外出____________________________          

2. 十六岁的孩子___________________________________           

3. 做兼职工作______________________ 4. 穿耳孔________________

5. 去商场______________________ 6. 驾照___________________  

7. 不够严肃____________________________

8. 不够沉着___________________________9. 剪头发______________

10. 停止佩戴那只可笑的耳环_______________________                  

11. 需要时间做作业___________________________                                    

12. 代替,而不是_______________________ 13. 熬夜_______________     

14. 在上学的每天晚上_____________________15. 打扫,整理__________   


(  )1. the fruit should be well _____ during winter.

a. keep      b. kept      c. keeping      d. to keep

(  ) 2. i have a _____ daughter.

a. six years old   b. six year old   c. six-year-old   d. six-years-old

(  ) 3. he is too young. he is not _____ to join the army.

a. old too     b. too old     c. enough     d. old enough

(  ) 4. we disagreed _____ this plan.

a. of        b. to       c. with        d. about

(  ) 5. you need _____ warm clothes, or you’ll catch a cold.

a. to wear     b. wearing     c. wears     d. be worn

(  ) 6. i allow tom _____ my computer.

a. use       b. using       c. to use       d. uses

(  ) 7. young trees should be _____.

a.taken good care  b.take good care of  c.looking after well d.well looked after

(  ) 8. boys and girls, please stop _____ so much noise. it’s time for class.4页,当前第31234

Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes知识点归纳

a. to make     b. to produce     c. making     d. producing

(  ) 9. mr. green has lived in the _____ hotel since he came to china.

a. five-star    b. five-stars     c. five star’s    d. five stars

(  ) 10. he often has some photos _____ when he goes to the beach.

a. taken      b. takes      c. to take      d. took


1. what news __________ ( mention ) in his speech yesterday.

2. tom watched tv instead of __________ ( listen ) to the radio.

3. your homework __________ ( do ) today.

4. the museum __________ ( build ) in 1956.

5. football __________ ( play ) in our school every day.

6. we know the olds __________ ( take ) good care of by __________ ( 他们 )。

7. his sister wants to get her ears __________ ( pierce ).

8. please stop __________ ( smoke ) in public. it’s impolite.

9. the flowers should __________ ( water ) in the morning.

10. my bike needs __________. i’ll have it __________ tomorrow.  ( repair )4页,当前第41234

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