
Chapter 3 The night of the horse


Chapter 3 The night of the horse


chapter 3 the night of the horse reading 2



1. 课文语言知识

2. 重点句型




1. a newspaper ran a short story competition on famous tales from history.

1) run v. 举办,管理,经营

he is running the shop while the owner is away.


2) on  关于

the advice on how to learn english well


2. the soldiers came down the stairs—two at a time.

1) down  prep.  tears ran down her face.

up  prep.   he went up the stairs.

2) two at a time = he came down two stairs at a time.

3. but the captain of the guards was no longer listening.

no longer = not …any longer

but the captain of the guards was not listening any longer.

i could no longer stand it.  我再也忍受不了了。

i couldn’t stand it any longer.

4. look down at

look up at

he looked down at the valley on the top of the hill.

he looked up at the blue sky and saw a plane flying over the city.

look down upon  瞧不起, 歧视

we shouldn’t look down upon the poor.

5. the greeks have tried for ten years to capture our city.

1) the greeks  希腊人


the turners, the wangs

the chinese, the british, the japanese

2) capture our city = make our city their prisoner  占领我们城

capture + 人/地点/动物/事物

they were captured and thrown in prison.


it took 24 hours to capture the city.


how are they going to capture all the animals?


overseas firms captured almost 41 percent of the market.


6. you don’t have to think.

don’t have to=needn’t  没必要



① since you are ill, you _____ attend the meeting.

a. haven’t to         b. don’t need               c. needn’t to          d.  don’t have to

② mrs. li _______wash the dishes this evening. her daughter has washed them for her.

a. doesn’t need      b. doesn’t need to c. needn’t to         d.  has not to

答案:( d b )

7. drag (用力而缓慢地)拖拉

drag sth.

and so the trojans dragged the wooden horse into the city with ropes.

she dragged a chair across the room to join them.


drag sb. 硬拉,硬拖

the greeks seized the captain and dragged him away.3页,当前第1123

Chapter 3 The night of the horse

he grabbed her and dragged her away.

they overturned a car and dragged out the driver.

8. make jokes about  以……为笑柄,取笑

they made jokes about my old hat.

play a joke on 开(某人)玩笑

let’s play a joke on james and close the door so that he can't get in.

have a joke 开玩笑

she was having a joke with you.

9. everybody in troy went to sleep, _____ the guards.

a. include              b. includes            c. including          d.  included

there were six people in the car, including a baby.

there were six people in the car, a baby ______________________.

10. by midnight, the square was empty, except for the giant horse.

except for 除了……之外

the room is empty, except for a broken chair.

your composition was very good, except for several mistakes.

11. the greeks seized the captain.

eize  seizing   seized   seized

john seized her arm and dragged her into the kitchen.

the police seized him by the collar.


seize the airport

seize control of

seize power

seize an opportunity

12. it had returned in the darkness.

return= come back

hong kong ____ to china in 1997.

a. returns             b. returned            c. is returned               d.  had returned

13. in one night, they succeeded in capturing it by a trick.

1) succeed in doing sth.=be successful in doing sth.

we succeeded in passing all the examinations.

2) by (doing) sth.

edison made a living by selling newspapers when he was young.



1. this is a story one of the students sent in.


1) one of the students sent in 是定语从句

2) send in 将某物寄去某处参加比赛或进行处理,提交,派遣到某地

don’t forget to send in your entries for the competition.


we decided it was time to send in british troops.


2. outside the main gate of the city stood a huge horse made of wood.

1) 这是一个全倒装句。相当与:

a huge horse made of stone stood outside the main gate of the city.


outside stood the greek army. = the greek army stood outside.


under the tree lay a boy.

on the top of the mountain stood a temple.3页,当前第2123

Chapter 3 The night of the horse


here we are .

here it is.

2) a huge horse made of stone 其中过去分词短语作定语,相当于定语从句:

a huge horse which was made of wood.

desks made of wood

3) be made of…

be made from…

be made into…

be made in…

the desk is _______________ ________ wood.

paper is _______________ _____________ wood.

wood can be ________________ ____________ paper.

this kind of car is _______________ ___________ shanghai.

3. it is so big that they couldn’t take it with them.


such…that… 如此……以致于……

it was so fine that we all went swimming.

it was __________ ___________ fine day _____________ we all went swimming.


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