
Chapter 6 Food for thought 教案


Chapter 6 Food for thought 教案

chapter 6 food for thought


1. increase  vt. & vi. 增 加, 增大, 增多( 指“形状、大小、数量、程度等的增大”) 

n. 增加, 增大, 增多

e.g. her family increased.她家的人口增加了

increase in population made emigration necessar y.人口的增加使向外移民成为必要。

   习惯用语:increase with 随...而增长

同义词:rise, go up

   反义词:decrease  (强调数目的逐渐减少。)reduce 可以表示尺寸、数量、程度或强度的减少,词义引伸之后,可以表示地位、处境、状况的降低。

   e.g. the workmen want to decrease the number of working hours and increase pay.


he won' t reduce the rent of our house. 他不肯减少我们住房的租金。

2. bit  n.少量, 少许, 小片, 小块

e.g. there's been a bit of trouble at the office. 办公室里出了点儿麻烦事。

the floor is covered in bits of paper.     板上全都是碎纸片。

习惯用语:bit by bit  一点儿一点儿地, 逐渐地

e.g. as the mist cleared, the house came into sight bit by bit.

随着雾散天晴, 房舍逐渐呈现在眼前。

同义词: little by little逐渐地, 一点一点地  gradually逐渐地, 逐步地 

step by step 一步步地, 逐步地, 逐渐地

e.g. by little and little the wolf eat the sheep. 狼吃羊,一只一只进肚肠。

   we gradually forced ahead. 我们逐渐向前推进。

   he learnt the rules of the game step by step. 他逐步学会了游戏的规则。

3. dead  a dj.死去的, 已故的

e.g. mary threw away the dead flowers.玛丽把枯萎的花扔掉了。

习惯用语:be dead from/of  因……而死

   反义词:alive活着的, 在世的(做后置定语), 存在的  living活(着)的(做前置定语)

   e.g. he is still alive. 他仍然活着。

      she has no living relatives. 她没有活着的亲人。

4. influence  vt.影响, 感化   n.影响; 感化力

e.g. the labour enthusiasm of the workers strongly influenced us.


her influence made me a better person. 她对我的影响使我成为一个更好的人。

同义词:affect 影响  change the way sb thinks

   e.g. the tax increases have affected us all. 加税已经影响了我们所有的人。

   influence 所表示的影响包含着“力量”,比如“他是个有影响的人物”。有时它包含着“诱使”的意思。

   affect 的宾语是物时,它包含着足以引起反应的刺激,有时包含一定的改变。

e.g. the slight change of weather can affect her delicate health



e.g. he was in no way affected by their misery.他们的惨状一点也没打动他的心。

influence by 受…的影响    influence on  对…有影响4页,当前第11234

Chapter 6 Food for thought 教案

e.g. he had a great influence on those around him. 他对周围的人有很大的影响。

5. cattle  n.(总称)牛, 牲口 

   同义词:cow  n. 母牛  oxen  n.牛,公牛(ox的复数)   bull  n.公牛, 雄兽

6. delivery  n. 投递, 送交

   e.g. when can you take delivery of the car? 你什么时候才能收到那辆汽车?

   deliver  vt. & vi.递送, 交付

e.g. the telegram was delivered early this morning.这份电报是今天清晨送到的。

7. joke  n.笑话, 玩笑可笑的人、事物、情形    vt. & vi.开玩笑, 戏弄

e.g. his colleagues regard him as a joke. 他的同事们把他当作取笑的对象。

don't be upset; i was only joking.   不要生气, 我只是开玩笑。

   习惯用语:have a joke  说笑话,开玩笑  play a joke  讲笑话, 开玩笑

             have a joke with sb  和某人在一起讲笑话, 讲笑话给某人听

             play a joke on sb  对某人开玩笑 = make fun of sb. 拿某人取笑

   e.g. henry played a joke on john, and next day john got back at him.

亨利拿约翰开玩笑, 第二天约翰就对他进行了报复。

8. disbelief  n  怀疑

   e.g. he listened in disbelief to this extraordinary story. 他满腹疑惑地听着这个离奇的故事。

     同义词:unbelief  n. 无信仰; 不信; (尤指)不信上帝、宗教等[来源:学#科#网z#x#x#k]

             distrust 不信任, 怀疑

e.g . he looked at the stranger with distrust.他怀疑地打量着那个陌生人。

   i received the news with unbelief. 我对接到的消息带着不信任的态度。

9. proposal  n 建议

   e.g. they presented concrete proposals for improvement. 他们提出了具体的改进建议。

      please consider m y proposal. 请慎重考虑我的建议。

   同义词:suggestion  n.建议, 意见

   e.g. we are glad to agree to your suggestion. 我们很高兴同意你方建议。

   习惯用语: at /on sb.'s suggestion 根据某人的建议 make / offera suggestion 提议, 建议

on the suggestion of 在...的建议下

10. introduction  介绍,  引言, 导论

   e.g. mary was shy at her introduction to the company.在向公司介绍自己时, 玛丽感到胆怯。

      the introduction tells you how to use t he book. 引言告诉你怎样使用这本书。[来源:皮皮范文网]

   vt. 介绍, 引见

e.g. allow me to introduce myself.请允许我自我介绍一下。4页,当前第21234

Chapter 6 Food for thought 教案

   production is going up because we have introduced new techniques.

产量提高了, 因为我们采用了新技术。

11. compare  比(常指为了找出两种事物或现象的异同点而进行比较)

   compare one thing with another 将一物与另一物比较

   习惯用语:compare to 比拟, 比作   compare with (可)与...相比

   e.g. let's compare 1975 with 1979. 请大家对比一下一九七五年和一九七九年的情况。

      they all started to compare him to lei feng . 他们都开始把他比作雷锋。

12. amount  数量

   e.g. large amounts of money were wasted. 浪费了大量的钱。

   习惯用语:an amount of 相当数量的; 一些   a large amount of 大量


   e.g. a large quantity of beer was sold. 售出了大量的啤酒。

13. future  将来的

   e.g. her son really has a great future. 她的儿子确实前途无量。

   习惯用语:for the future 从今以后, 今后   have a great future 前途远大

have no future 没有前途  in future 今后, 往后  in the future 将来, 未来

14. put on weight  增加体重

15. come down  下降

   e.g. the plane came down safely in spite of the mist. 尽管有雾, 飞机还是安全着陆了。

      we go up and come down by lift.  我们乘电梯上下。

16. bits of(某物的)小块, 少量, 一点

   e.g. he made a model ship with bits of wood. 他用零碎木料做了一只船的模型。

   同义词: small pieces of

   习惯用语:a bit of  一点

   e.g. my aunt can be a bit of a terror. 我姑姑有时候还真有点讨人厌。

17. it seems + adj / to do / that 句子      似乎, 看来

   e.g. it seems as if there will be an election soon   --so it seems.

似乎不久就要进行选举了                --看来是这样。

it seems that he is living in the area. 他似乎现在住在这个区域。

i seemed to hear a voice in the distance.我好象听到远处有说话声。

he seems (to be) quite happy. 他似乎十分快乐。

18. be good to sb对…好;对…很慈善, 对……有益

   e.g. you should be good to others if you want others to be good to you.

你要想别人对你好 ,你就要对别人好。

some hair tonic will be good to your hair. 搽一点护发素对您的头发有好处。

   be good for sb对某人有好处

   e.g. eating more vegetables is good for your body. 多吃蔬菜对你的身体有好处。

19. contain  vt.包含;  容纳(着重“其中确实包含有”,)4页,当前第31234

Chapter 6 Food for thought 教案

e.g. whisky contains a large percentage of alcohol.威士忌的酒精含量极高。

同义词:include  vt.包括, 包含(强调“包括作为整体的一部分”)

        consist of  由…组成 (强调一个整体有哪些部分组成)

        have vt. 有

e.g. their course of study includes elementary hygiene an d medical theory.


the list included his name. 这个名单上包括他的名字。

the book consists of nineteen chapters.全书共分19章。

20. think about考虑…; 捉摸…

e.g. i should like to think about your suggestion before i give a definite reply.

我想先考虑一下你的建议, 然后给你一个明确的答

think of  想起, 记起; 想念, 考虑

e.g. will you think of me after i've left?我离开之后, 你还会记得我吗?

she thinks of no one but herself.她除了自己外不考虑任何人。


think of (about) , dream of (about)

think of (about) 可以用来表示对问题的看法或考虑某件事:

e.g. i think of it as impossible.我认为这是不可能的。

what do you think about it?你认为这件事怎么样?

she threw the bottle into the sea. she never  thought of it again.



dream of (about)的含义是“考虑那些自己认为不会发生的事”,这时应当用介词of,在表示“梦中看到什么”时,通常用about。

e.g. i dreamed about you last night.我昨夜里梦到你了。

he often dreams about home.他常常梦到家乡。

i never dreamed of happiness like this.我过去做梦也没想到象这样幸福。

   习惯用语:think over 仔细考虑一下(指想过了, 再想)

       think to oneself 心中想, 盘算, 自思自忖

21. nearby  adv.在附近, 在身边   adj.附近的; 不远的

e.g. they live nearby.他们住在附近。

   i have my lunch in a s nack bar nearby. 我在附近一家快餐店吃午饭。

he works in the nearby police station.他在附近的警察局工作。

   区别:nearby 既可作前置定语又可作后置定语 而near 只做前置定语及表语。

22. a variety of  adj.多种的

   e.g. a variety of food is sold at a supermarket. 超级市场各式各样的食物均有出售。

23. a lack of 缺乏  a lack of trust. 缺少信任

   e.g. a lack of funds brought the undertaking to grief. 事业因资金不足而失败。

24. risk  vt.冒险; 冒…险

e.g. don't risk your health.不要拿你的健康冒险。

习惯用语:at the risk of (=at risk to) 冒...之险; 不顾...之风险

e.g. he was determined to do it even at the risk of being ridiculed.


he saved the child at considerable risk to himself.


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