
Unit 1 Life on Mars


Unit 1 Life on Mars

unit 1 life on mars

一. 教学内容:

unit 1 life on mars

main task:

write your own guide to living on mars.


1. use ‘can, could, may, might’ to talk about permission.

2. express personal feelings concerning a future situation.


comic strips

1、how do you like life on mars? i hate it.  你觉得火星上的生活怎么样?我讨厌它。

①how do you like?  你觉得……怎么样? 主要用来询问对方对某事的印象,也可以改为“what do you think of …”这一句型。

eg. how do you like this book? i think it’s a good book.

how do you like china? i like it very much.

what do you think of china?

②hate 讨厌,不喜欢,后可跟名词、代词、动名词或动词不定式。

eg. i hate monday morning.

he hates her because she always plays tricks on him.

i hate watching tv, i prefer to read.

she hates to drive at night.

hate 的同义词是dislike, 反义词是like/enjoy。

2、i thought you liked mars. 我原以为你喜欢火星。

i thought …“我原以为…”,是指过去曾有这样想法,但事实却不是这样。

i think …是指现在这样认为,往往与事实是相符的。

eg. i think he is a thief.

    i thought he was a thief.

welcome to the unit

1、help daniel compare living on mars to living to earth at present.  帮助daniel把住在火星上与现在住在地球上作个比较。

compare “比为”、“比作”,常与to连用,意为“比喻”、“把……比作”,有时也表示“将……同……作比较”。

eg. we may compare the world to a stage.

    life is often compared to voyage.

2、we will be cared for by robots.  我们将由机器人来照顾。

    care for  照顾、照料,相当于look after / take care of

eg.  the sick must be cared for.

we care for one another here.

care for 还可表示“喜欢”、“愿意”。

eg.  she doesn’t care for skating.

3、food will be in the form of pills.  食物将是药丸的形状。

in the form of … 呈现…形状,处于某种形式,form形状,形态。

eg.  the cakes are all in the form of stars.

    he saw a strange form in the fog.

4、make people feel very ill. 使人们感到很不舒服。


1、moving to mars   移居、适居到月球上。

move v. ① 适居、搬迁,常跟to 连用

eg. they’re going to move.

are you going to move to beijing next month?   你们下个月将迁到北京去吗?

② 搬动、移动

eg. we’d better move the desk into the next room.

please move your car. it’s in my way.   请把你的车动一下,它挡路了。

③ vt. 打动、使感动

eg. what he said moved everyone.

the story moved us deeply.

move有二个形容词形式,即moving和 moved


moved “感动的”,其主语往往是人。3页,当前第1123

Unit 1 Life on Mars

eg. the play is very moving.

    we were greatly moved by what he said.

2、at the moment, it may be difficult to imagine, but ….  现在,很难想象,但是…。

at the moment  “现在、目前”

eg. we have no cars at the moment. 我们现在还没有汽车。

my mother is cooking the meal at the moment. 我妈妈现在正在做饭。

imagine   v. 想象、设想,后跟名词、动名词或从语作宾语,也可跟复合宾语。

eg. little tom likes to imagine himself an air pilot.  小汤姆喜欢想象自己是个飞行员。

can you imagine her becoming a pilot?

you can’t imagine how i missed you.  你们不能想象我多想念你们。

imagine v.→imagination n.→imaginative adj.

3、by the tear 2100, we will live on the planet mars.  到21XX年,我们将生活在火星上。

by  介词,“到……为止”,后跟将来时的时间,用一般将来时;后跟过去时的时间,用过去完成时。

eg. by next month, we’ll finish learning book three.

    by last year, they had worked there for 20 years.

4、first of all, transport should be much better.

first of all = first  首先,第一;指在所有的事中,首先要做的事

eg. first of all,let me say something about our plan.

at first  最先,当初;指事物最先的情况,而后来往往有变化。

eg. at first i didn’t like him, but now i do.

5、at present, our spacecraft are too slow to carry large numbers of people to mars.  眼下,我们的太空飞船太慢了,不能把大批人送到火星上。

large numbers of = a number of … “许多、大量”,修饰可数名词的复数

eg. chinese is spoken by the largest numbers of people.  讲汉语的人最多。

    large numbers of my friends / a number of my friends came to the party.

6、to prevent this, humans on mars have to wear special boots to make themselves heavier. 为了预防(防止)这一切,在火星上的人必须穿上特制的鞋子来给自己加重。

prevent ① vt. 防止、避免

eg. prevent accidents

② vt. 阻挡、制止

prevent sb. (from) doing sth.

eg. the rain prevented us from coming in time.  下雨使我们没有及时到来。

nobody can prevent us from getting married.  什么也不能阻止我们结婚

类似的短语有: stop sb. (from) doing sth

                   keep sb. from doing sth

eg. he stopped the child from playing near the river.

the rain kept us from going out.

7、every student will have a computer at home connecting to an inter-planet computer network.   每个学生家里将有一台电脑和行星之间的电脑网络相连接。

connect to  把……和……相连接

eg. the keyboard has been connected to the computer.  3页,当前第2123

Unit 1 Life on Mars

    在上句中,connecting to… 是现在分词短语作定语,修饰 a computer

8、however, in some ways, life on mars may not be better than life on earth today. 然后,从某些方面说,火星上的生活可能没有今天地球上的生活好。

in some ways = in a way = in one way

9、a power that keeps us from floating in the air. (p.6)  一种阻止我们在空气中漂的能力。

keep sb. from doing sth.    预防/防止某人做某事,相当于prevent sb from doing sth.

eg. the rain kept us from going out.


1、takes high-quality images  拍高画质的图像

take  在这里的意思是拍摄

eg. take photos

2、fixed to the walls to prevent floating    被固定在舱壁上以防止漂浮。

fix  用作动词,表示“将……固定在另一个物体上”,“安装”,“使……固定”,常与to连用

eg. please fix the shelf to the wall.

    the table was fixed to the floor.

3、which do you think is the least important?

the least important  最不重要的, the most important

less important   不太重要的, more important

do you think  是个插入语,不作成份


eg. who (do you think) is over there?   (你认为)谁在那里?

what (do you think) has happened?   (你认为)发生了什么事?

what do you think i should do?   你认为我该做什么?

where do you think you most like to go?   你认为你最喜欢去哪里?

grammar a

a   using ‘can’,‘could’,‘may’and‘might’to talk about permission.  用can,could,may,might表示请求或给予许可。

1、can  常用于口语中,表示非正式的请求,请求对象一般是朋友或家人。

eg. can i use your computer?

    can i watch tv, mum?

2、could  是can的过去式,但在口语中,could常代替can来向对方委婉地提出请求,比can正式,请求的对象一般是老师或成年人,这时could不表示过去时态,回答时一般用can或can’t。

eg. could i ask a question, mr. li?

    yes, you can. / no, you can’t.

3、may 也可用来征求对方的意见,表示“可以”,相当于can,但比can更正式和礼貌,请求的对象一般是陌生人或你所尊敬的人。

eg. may i borrow this helmet?

    yes, you may. / no, you may not.

4、might  是may 的过去式,但它也可以用来征求对方的意见,比may、could更礼貌,但很少用。这时might不表示过去时态,回答用may。

eg. might i speak to him now?

    yes, you may. / no, you may not. / i’m afraid not.

上一篇:Book5-Unit1 Great ssientists重点单词、词组整理 下一篇:中考英语语法精讲例析 数词