
Unit 1 You Can Write Poetry


Unit 1 You Can Write poetry

unit 1 you can write poetry

一. 教学内容:

unit 1 you can write poetry

(lesson 5~lesson 8)


1. 重点单词:

n.   limerick    blank    motion    fur    thought    avenue

v.   create     stretch

adj.  single    awake

2. 重点短语:

both … and…       既……又……;不但……而且……

fill in the blanks     填空

decide to do …      决定做……

3. 语法:动词不定式


二. 重点、难点解析及词语辨析:

1. huge and beautiful! 巨大的和美丽的。(l5)

huge  adj.  极大的,巨大的。反义词是tiny,副词是hugely,名词是hugeness。

a huge house 一幢巨大的房子  a huge success 一次巨大的成功

辨析:big, large, huge

①big    adj.大的,指具体事物,多指体积之大,


he is a big man.他是个大人物。

②large  adj.  大的,多指面积之大。

china is a large country.中国是个大国。(强调面积)

③huge  adj.  巨大的,强调体型而非重量。

a huge animal  巨大的动物


2. you and brian can both help me.

你和brian都可以帮助我。 (l5)

both 两者都;both…and…  “……和……都……”,可连接名词,形容词,动词等。

当连接主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,反义词组为neither…nor…  “两者都不”

①both he and i are students.他和我都是学生。

否定句:neither he nor i am a student.他和我都不是学生。(就近原则)

②she can both sing and dance. 她既会唱歌又会跳舞。


3. this kind of poem was created by an american poet in the nineteenth century.


create  v. 创作,创造;creation  n. 创作,作品

invent  v. 发明  invention n.发明

①lu xun created a lot of works in his life. 鲁迅一生创作了大量的作品。

②the artist’s creations are over the world.



4. it is always about a single topic. 它总是关于一个单独的话题。(l6)

single  adj.

double  adj. 双个的,一打  a double 一打


a/one single+单数名词=only one+单数名词

there is a single table(only one table)in the room. 房间里只有一张桌子。


he remains single all his life. 他一生独身。


a single ticket=a one-way ticket 单程票, a return ticket 来回票


5. 辨析 fur 与 feather (l6)

fur 毛,一般指畜类动物(猫、兔、狗)等身上的软毛,绒毛

①the woman is wearing a fur coat. 这位妇女穿着一件皮大衣。

feather 羽毛,一般指禽类动物(鸟、鸡、鸭、鹅等)身上的羽毛。2页,当前第112

Unit 1 You Can Write poetry

②as light as feather 轻如鸿毛


6. express a thought and a feeling about your topic in four words.

用四个词表达你的一种想法或感觉。 (l6)

thought 想法,思维

①the man is in deep thought. 那个人陷入了深思。

②what is your thought about the problem?对这个问题你有什么想法?

③writing a poem is a way to express one’s thought.



7. i can see the bottom.  我可以看到底部。(l7)

bottom 底,底部

①we can see the bottom of the lake through the clear water.


②the bus stopped at the bottom of the mountain. 汽车停在了山脚下。

bottom的反义词是 top 顶,顶部

②there is a bird on the top of the house. 房顶上落着一只鸟。


8. it’s hard to hear the teacher clearly while others are talking loudly. (l8)

it is(adj.)+to do sth.

这种句型的 it 是形式主语,其真正的主语为后面的动词不定式。

①it is interesting to skate in water.冬天滑雪很有趣。

②it is important to learn english well.学好英语非常重要。


9. the boy is tall enough to reach the apples. (l8)




enough 后面所接的结构通常是(for+sb/sth)+to+do

①it is late enough for us to stop work.我们停止工作吧,已经够晚了。

②there is enough water for us to drink. 有足够的水给我们喝。


10. 交际用语:学会礼貌的提出自己的建议或要求

当你对某一事物或某一计划安排有自己的见解时,可以邀请对方:let us...(+do)

还可以表示为:how about...=what about...   what/how about sth./doing sth.?

为了加强语气,还可用:why don’t you ...=why not....(+do)


11. 语法小结:


动词不定式的结构为 to+动词原形,是一种非谓语动词形式,即动词不定式在句中不能用作谓语。但动词不定式可以充当除谓语以外的其他句子成分。


①动词不定式作主语  to learn english well is difficult.  学好英语很难。

(动词不定式作主语时,往往可以用 it 来代替动词不定式作形式主语,而动词不定式作真正的主语。)如:

it is my duty to look after the babies. 照看那些婴儿是我的职责。


they decided to have the sports meeting next week.他们决定下周召开运动会。


he asked me to open the door.  他叫我打开门。


what he said made us laugh.     他的话把我们逗笑了。


he went to the shop to buy some books.  他去商店买了几本书。


i have a lot of work to do.    我有许多工作要做。


my wish is to fly into the space. 我的理想是飞入太空。


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