
2019中考英语考前错题本 (C字母篇)


2019中考英语考前错题本 (C字母篇)

XX中考英语考前错题本 (c字母篇)

call 

  [误] i'll call at mr brown.

  [正] i'll call on mr brown.

  [误] i'll call on mr brown's home.

  [正] i'll call at mr brown's home.

  [析] 作"拜访"讲时,at后面接访问地点,而on后面接访问的人。

   call on drop in visit 

  call on比较正式的为公务的访问,如:we were called on by the old students. 而drop in则是比较随便的走走,顺便拜访,如:if you're free, drop in. 而visit则是更正式的外交访问或友好往来,如:my school's headmaster will visit america next week.

  can 

  [误] a blind man can not judge colours.

  [正] a blind man cannot judge colours.

  [误] i cann't call for you at ten.

  [正] i can't call for you at ten.

  [析] can的否 定形式应为cannot或can't.

  [误] it's only six o'clock. that mustn' t be the postman.

  [正] it's only six o'clock. that can't be the postman.

  [析] must用来表示一种肯定的推断,如:she must have some problems. she keeps crying. 但在否定句中则要用can't, 要表示对过去的推测则要用"must+have+过去分词"的表达法,如:the lights have gone out.a fuse must have blown.而对过去的否定推测则多用"can't+have+过去分词",如:i don't think he can have heard you. call again.

  [误] we could not help to laugh at once.

  [正] we could not help laughing at once.

  [正] we could not help but laugh at once.

  [析] "couldn't help+动名词"表示禁不住做了某事。但could not help but与could not but后面要加不带to的不定式,意思都是不得不去做某事.如:you could not (help) but respect him.

  can be able to 

  can与be able to都可以用来表示能力,但can只有现在时与过去时,be able to则可用任何时态,如:he will be able to teach the child. 但要表示经过努力而达到的一次性动作则只 能用be able to,如:he finally was able to jump over 210 meters. 或:the plane was able to fly over the mountain. 但要注意的是这两个词都没有进行时态,而be able to后面不接不定式的被动态。

  can could 

  can与could都可以用在现在时的口语中,只是用could更为礼貌,语气更委婉。如:could you  tell us a story?

  care 

  [误] i don't care coffee.

  [正] i don't care for coffee.

  [误] take care for your steps.

  [正] take care of your steps.

  [析] care for是"对某物感兴趣",而care of是"关心,要当心某事",如:she didn't care for him. take care of what you are doing.

  [误] i don't care where we will go if it doesn't rain.

  [正] i don't care where we go if it doesn't rain.

  [析] 在it doesn't matter, i don't care, i don't mind, 及in case引出的状语从句后面要用现在时表示将来。如:i've got a football in case we have time for a game.5页,当前第112345

2019中考英语考前错题本 (C字母篇)

  change 

  [误] i want to change my camera with that one.

  [正] i want t o change my camera for that one.

  [析] change for为"以某物为交换物"。而change with则是"随……而变",如:the wood's colour changed with the season.

  cheap 

  [误] a  teacher's salary is generally very cheap.

  [正] a teacher's salary is generally very low.

  [析] 工资的高低要用low,cheap是指价格便宜,如果要讲物美价廉则要用not expensive, 如:this car is not expensive.

  choose 

  [误] we each had to have a choose of a or b.

  [正] we each had to have a choice of a or b.

  [析] choice是名词,而choose是动词。

  class 

  [误] the class is watching tv.

  [正] the class are watching tv.

  [析] class作主语时,如果作为整体讲则应用单数形式的谓语动词,如:the class was more than forty in number. 如考虑到具体的每个成员时则应用复数形式的谓语动词,如:the class are, in general, very bright.

  clean 

  [误] sorry, i didn't bought it here. i cleanly forgot.

  [正] sorry, i didn't bought it here. i clean forgot.

  [析] clean可以作为副词讲,其意为"完全",而cleanly则意为"正确地"、"干净利落地",如:the knife doesn't cut cleanly. 而clean作为形容词讲时意为"清洁的"、"干净的",如:her face is not clean now.


  [误] i'm not clever in english.

  [正] i'm not clever at english.

  [析] clever at是固定搭配,表示在某方面有特长。

  close 

  [误] it is cold outside. please keep the door close.

  [正] it is cold outside. please keep the door closed.

  [析 ] 这里的close是动词,意为"关闭",而keep后要加形容词,所以要用close的过去分词形式closed作形容词。作形容词用的close意为"近的"、"亲密的"。

  [误] come closely so that i can see you.

  [正] come close so that i can see you.

  [误] good teaching and good testing are close related.

  [正] good teaching and good testing are closely related.

  [析] close,closely同样可以作副词用,但其意义不同,close是"靠近"、"接近"之意,而closely则是"紧密"、"严密"、"密切"之意。

   [误] my school was quite close from my home.

  [正] my school was quite close to my home.

  [析] "与……接近"是close to…,例如:

  he was close to fifty.

  there is a busstop close to the station.

  close shut turn 

  shut与close是同义词,如close the door或shut the door. 但要讲把某人关在门外时则只能用shut somebody out而不能用close,因shut语气较强,并含有隔离之意。而turn off是指关上电视、电灯、煤气之类,有切断之意。

  cloth 5页,当前第212345

2019中考英语考前错题本 (C字母篇)

  [误] the children wear very good cloth to go to school.

  [正] the children wear very good clothes to go to school.

  [误] i need a lot of clothing.

  i'm going to make a new cloth. 

  [正] i need a lot  of cloth.

  i'm going to make a new dress. 

  [析] cloth是"布"、"布料",没有复数形式。一块布料是a piece of cloth, 而clothes统指衣服,是复数名词,"一套衣服"要讲a suit of clothes, 如果是"一件件衣服"应讲shirt, dress, sweater等。而clothing是衣物的总称,是不可数名词。例如:this clothing is needed in warm countries.her clothes are made of fine cloth.英语中的dress是指比较正式的服装,如a school dress(校服),a student dress(学生套装),a working dress(工作服)。

  coffee 

  [误] please give me two waters.

  [正] please give me two coffees.

  [正] please give me two cups of water.

  [析] 虽然coffee, water, tea等都是物质名词,但是只有coffee可用coffees取代若干杯coffee,而其他的却不行,其前要加a cup of或a glass of.

  colour(color) 

  [误] colours of flowers are red, yellow and white.

  [正] flowers are red, yellow and white.

  [析] 中文的"花的颜色有红色、黄色和白色",若译为英文colours of flowers are…,就显得重复了。

  [误] i like green colour.

  [正] i like green.

  [正] i like colour green.

  [析] colour green中的colour是gr een的同位语,所以这种说话方式英语是可以接受的。

  come 

  [误] i came across with an old friend in the street yesterday.

  [正] i came across an old friend in the street yesterday.

  [析] come across是"偶然碰见、遇见",要直接加宾语,如:i've just come across a beautiful poem in this magazine.

  [误] where do you come  from?

  i come from the station. 

  [正] where did you come from?

  i came from the station. 

  [正] where do you come from?

  i come from china. 

  [析] where do you come from?意为"你是什么地方的人?"而where did you come from?则是"你从何处来?" 

  [误] the stars are coming out from the cloud.

  [正] the stars are coming out of the cloud.

  [析] come out of意为"从……地方出来"。

  come in come into enter 

  come in与come into的意义相同,但come into后面要加宾语,而come in后面不用宾语。如i found someone came into my room. the door opened and the child came in.

  enter常作为及物动词使用,如:the bus entered the english tunnel.

  congratulate 

  [误] i want to congratulate you for your success with all my heart.

  [正] i want to congratulate you on your success with all my heart.5页,当前第312345

2019中考英语考前错题本 (C字母篇)

  [析] 动词congratulate somebody on something是"向某人祝贺某事"。其名词congratulation在用时一般要用复数,如:i offered him my congratulati ons  on his success.


  cook 

  [误] my father is a good cooker.

  [正] my father is a good cook.

  [析] 很多动词加上er则变为执行该动作的一种人,如workworker,teachteacher. 但cook即是动词"做饭",同时名词也是"厨师"。而cooker则是"厨具"、"炊具"之意。如:i will cook the dinner. i bought a good press cooker(高压锅)。

  corner 

  [误] there is a post office in the corner of the street.

  [正] there is a post office at the corner of the street.

  [误] a girl sat at the corner of the room.

  [正] a girl sat in the corner of the room.

  [析] in the corner是在建筑物内部的角上,而at the corner是在外部的角上,如:there is a big tree at the corner of the building.

  cost 

  [误] i cost ten dollars for the book.

  [正] i spent ten dollars on the book.

  [误] i cost two hours to do my homework.

  [正] it took me two hours to do my homework.

  [析] cost, spend. take都可以作"花费"讲,但用法不同。cost的用法是"something+cost+somebody+时间或金钱",如:the book cost me ten dollars. spend的用法是"somebody+spend+时间+(in)doing something",如:i spent two hours (in) writing this book. 或"somebody+spend+金钱+on something",如:i spend two dollars on this book. 而take的用法则要用逻辑主语it:"it+takes+somebody+时间+to do something", 如:it took me an hour to clean the classroom.

  country 

  [误] you can find cows in a country.

  [正] you can find cows in the country.

  [析] country即可作"国家"讲,也可作"农村"讲。当作"农村"讲时,一定要加定冠词,而且只有单数形式。例如:

  [误] farmers live in the countries.

  [正] farmers live in the country.

  [析] 但作为"国家"讲时则可有单、复数形式,例如:japan is an asian country. japan, china, and india are asian countries.另外,country一般指的是地理概念上的国家,如:new zealand is an agricultural country. 而nation多指民族组成的国家,如:the chinese nation(中华民族)。state多侧重于政权方面的区域、国家范围,如:the state farm(国营农场)。

  cross 

  [误] there are traffic lights at the cross.

  [正] there are traffic lights at the crossing.

  [析] cross作为名词讲时是十字架、十字形的东西,如:red cross(红十字会)。

  [误] the little boy is goin g to across the street.

  [正] the little boy is going to cross the street.

  [析] across是副词或介词,但不能作动词用。5页,当前第412345

2019中考英语考前错题本 (C字母篇)

  cross pass 

  cross是指横过某地,如:he crossed the square. 而pass则强调从某物体旁经过,如:i mailed some letters when i passed the post office.

  crowd 

  [误] the room soon was crowded by people.

  [正] the room soon was crowded with people.

  [析] crowded在这句话中应作为形容词,所以这句话不是被动语态而是系表结构,如:the room was crowded with books.

  cup 

  [误] a silver glass was given to the winner.

  [正] a silver cup was given to the winner.

  [误] my mother was looking for the whisky cup.

  [正] my mother was looking for the whisky glass.

  [析] glass一般指由玻璃制成的器皿,而cup多指用陶瓷或金属制成的杯子,且cup尤其用在奖杯上。喝酒多用的是玻璃制成的杯子,如我们讲i drink a glass of wine at supper. 而不讲i drink a cup of wine at supper.

上一篇:九年级英语单词表人教版(新课标) 下一篇:Unit 1How do you study for a test学案