
Unit 2 It must belong to Carla.


 Unit 2 It must belong to Carla.

unit 2 it must belong to carla.

i  目标提示

1. 语言目标

1. 掌握情态动词must, might, could, can’t的用法

2. 学会谈论自己的推理,能灵活运用以下句型和词汇:

     whose book is it?  it must be tom’s. it has his name on it.

     whose ruler is it?  it could / might be jim’s. he has a blue one.

     whose hair band is it?  it can’t belong to mary. mary has short hair.

      belong to, much too, anxious, because of…,  ……       2. 认知目标

掌握must, might, could, can’t的用法,理解之后通过练习和运用加以巩固。

3. 情感目标



4.teaching steps.

step1.learn the new words:from“belong”to “oxford university”. this activity introduces the key vocabulary.

write the key vocabulary words on the blackboard.

say the words one by one and have students repeat several times until they can read them fluently and accurately.ask different students to explain in their own words the meanings of the words belong to, author and picnic.belong means to be owned by somebody.an author is a writer of a book or a play.and so on

step 2.master the important phrases and sentences.

短语:属于_________________ 组成________________

听古典音乐__________________ 知道,了解_____________

太小______________ 因为,由于_______________________

句子: 这个排球一定是carla的。


step3 listening  play the recording the first time. students only listen. play the recording again. this time students listen and match each person with a thing and a reason. check the answers.finish 1b 2a 2b

step4 pairwork let the students practice according to the contents of listening

step5. grammar: 情态动词表示推测

explain the grammar to the ss.

1. 情态动词must, can, may, should, could, might等可以用来表示推断。

1. must指对所推测的事情有很大的把握,意为“一定是,必然”


2. can的肯定式表示推测时,一般表示客观的可能性,表示推测的疑问句式只能用can。

3. may, might, could 表示推测时,意为“可能,也许”,其可能性比must, can要弱,常用于肯定句中。

4, can’t 和may not 用于否定句中,can’t用于很有把握的推测,意为“不可能”,而may not常用于把握性不大的推测,意为“可能不”。

2. have any/some idea “知道,了解” have no idea “不知道”


i _______________ why you were late for school.

3. it’s crucial that… 意为“…是至关重要的”

4. what do you think “anxious” means?

同义句 what’s the meaning of the word “anxious”?2页,当前第112

 Unit 2 It must belong to Carla.

what do you mean by the word “anxious”?

5. because of “因为,由于”+名词,代词,动名词(doing)

i didn’t come to school yesterday because i was ill.

i didn’t come to school yesterday because of illness.

step 6 exercises: 用must, might, could, can’t填空

1. the toy _______ be bob’s. he is the only little kid.

2. the beautiful trousers _______ be jim’s. they are too long.

3. the football _______ be wei hua’s or tian hui’s. they both play football.

4. the earring ______ be janie’s. she wears earrings sometimes.

5. the textbook _______ belong to tom. it has his name on it.


  dogs are very good pets. they are very f_______ to people and very beautiful, too. most dogs get on well with c_________ and their parents. others are good watchdogs because they cry loudly when a s_______ person arrives.

when you buy a dog, an important thing to think about is its s______ -buy a small dog if your home is small and bigger one if y______ is larger. many people don’t know what to feed their dogs. dogs eat a_________ anything! they like meat, rice, and lots of other things. you can buy lots of food m_______ for dogs in shops. don’t let your dog eat too much. feed it only once a day. always l_______ some clean water for your dog. it can get t_______ very quickly, especially in summer.

  remember that dogs need e________. you should take it for a walk every day. don’t keep your dog inside all day.

v summing up.

vi homework.1,read the words and the expressions.

             2.do exercise 1,2 in the workbook.


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