
Lesson 51


Lesson 51

language focus:

1. more and more, prefer, rather than, used, beg, beg one’s pardon, worth

2. useful expressions: prefer to do something. rather than do sth.

teaching objectives:

1. review the comparative forms of adjectives.

2. learn the future - in - the past tense.

properties: recorder; picture, overhead projector.

teaching procedures:

i. showing the teaching aims

ii. revision

1.retell standing room only.

2.let the ss give their own ideas about the worlds population.

iii. leading in

say: if you have a lot of money, what do you want to do? it’s an interesting question, they will give out kinds of answers. if some ss say they want to buy a car, then ask them: what kinds of cars do you know?

what is the cheapest? what is the most expensive?

iv. read and act

let the students read the dialogue quickly and find the answer to this question. then check the answer with the students.

play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.

then let some ss draw some cars on bb. and let the others write out the price of them.

explain some language points:

1. prefer to do something…rather than do something

i prefer to stay at home rather than go out.

2. agree with: they didn't agree with each other.

3. be worth: the book is worth 100 yuan.

then let the students read and act it out.

v. teaching grammar

make up more sentences, such as: i don't know if he will come back next week.

i didn't know if he would come back the next week.

point out the use of the future - in - the - past tense in the object clause of these sentences, because the action would happen from a given past time mentioned in the main clauses. let the students see grammar in the appendix of the students' books.

do some practice.

1. i didn't know if she would invite me to her birthday party.

2. he didn't tell me when he would come back.

3. she didn't say where she would go.

4. we never know that population would become a big problem.

vi. practice

get the students to do exercise 3 and ask the students to do more oral practice.

vii. workbook

do exercise 2 in the workbook, fill in the blanks together. the answers are:

did…go, went, did…buy, bought, were, found, hate, took, moved, know, was, was… crying, found

ix. homework

1. revise the whole lesson.

2. make up ten sentences using the future - in - the - past tense.

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