
I remember meeting all of you in Grade6


I remember meeting all of you in Grade6

unit 12 i remember meeting all of you in grade 6.


1. they _____in the school, ______ them are working hard.

a. study all, all  b. all study, all of  c. study  all, all of  d. all study, all

2. my grandma is used __________ in china.

a. to live      b. living     c. to living    d. to lives

3. he always got full ________ on a test when h e was in junior high school.

a. mark      b. a mark     c. marks      d. a marks

4. when i was in trouble, my teacher always _____ me to keep up my courage.

a. tell      b. praised     c. ask       d. encouraged

5. in spring, he used to have problems ______.

a. to breath     b. breathing    c. breath      d. breathe

6. we  had _____ camping in a tent last week.

a. a lot fun    b. lots of fun    c. a lot funny     d. a fun

7. he is _____ scared of dogs.

a. a bit of      b. a bit      c. a little of    d. a few

8. last week, he caught _______. he couldn’t go to school.

a. a bit cold     b. a bit of cold    c. a bit a cold    d. a bit of a cold

9. they are looking forward __ ___ the world cup.

a. to watch     b. watches     c. watch      d. to watching

10. the teacher ______ tom to pass the english exam.

a. wishes      b. hopes      c. will wish     d. will hope

11. who has helped you _______?

a. best      b. most      c. many      d. good

12. i want to make my parents _____ me.

a. proud of     b. pride of     c. proud      d. pride

13. her mother was out. she stayed at home _____, but she didn’t feel _____.

a. alone, alone    b. lonely, lonely   c. lonely, alone   d. alone, lonely

14. do you have difficulty _____ to sleep?

a. in get      b. to get      c. getting      d. to getting

15. —“ i will go for it in the entrance examination” means_______

a. i’ll catch the examination2页,当前第112

I remember meeting all of you in Grade6

b. i’ll do well in the  examination

c. i’ll pass the examination

d. i’ll try my best to pass the examination



1. my father always remembers _______ (win) first prize for the examination.

2. _______ (be) a volunteer is helpful to a middle school student.

3. are you l ooking forward to _________ (travel) in the summer holiday?

4. he learned ___ _ __ (ride) a bike when he was four years old.

5. when i lose my heart, i __________ (encourage) by my teacher and parents. i’m thankful for them.

6. do you have difficulty in ________ (communicate) with others?

7. he had some problems _________ (find) my home yesterday.

8. remember ____________ (bring) your homework to school tomorrow.

9. they plan to do their best ________ (achieve) their aim.

10. phrasal verbs are ____________ (most) used in speaking.



1. he used _____ be scared _______ dogs when he was young.

2. his schoolbag is full ______ homework.

3. he often gets full marks _______ tests.

4. he learned __________ speak some english when he as fifty years old.

5. last year, they camped ______ a tent for a week.

6. who raised the most money _______ charity?

7. he is working hard ______ english this year.

8. i want to make my parents and teachers proud ______me.

9. what hap pened ______ you?

10. the problem _______ students ______ english is to improve their listening.



1. 我一直记着我在初中时的一次低分。


2. 他过去害怕老师。


3. 他嗓子痛,说不出话来。


4. 在第一年,我交了许多好朋友。


5. 我希望期末考试考好。


6. 我努力学习,我不再是班里的最后一名了。


7. 他说的话使我很伤心。




【试题答 案】


1~5  bccdb   6~10  bbcda  11~15  badcd



1. winning  2. being  3. traveling  4. to ride   5. was encouraged  6. communicati ng 

7. finding  8. to bring  9. to achieve   10. mostly



1. to, of  2. of   3. on  4. to  5. in  6. for  7. at  8. of  9. to  10. for, of



1. i alway s remember getting a bad score once at junior high school.

2. he used to be  scared of teachers.

3. he has a sore throat. he has lost his voice.

4. i made many friends in the first  year.

5. i hope to go for it in the final exam.

6. i work hard, i’m no longer bottom of cl ass.

7. what he said made me sad.


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