
Unit 6 Protecting the innocent知识点及练习题


Unit 6 protecting the innocent知识点及练习题

unit 6

                                protecting the innocent                              



1. lose  lost   lost   v. 失,丢失   lose sth.    lose a game    win a game

2. a robot with a broken arm   a robot with a broken arm called lo

  with   prep. 具有,带有  a girl with long hair

3.recent    adj. 最近的,近来的   recently  adv. 最近;新近;近来

4. solve    v. 解决,解答   solution  n. 解决(方法);解答

5. rob   v.  抢劫       

6. safe  n.  保险柜       a strong safe

safe    adj.   安全的;平安的    keep ourselves safe

safely   adv.    安全地;平安地   safety   n.   安全

7. collect    v. 收集;采集   collection    n. 收集

8.steal      stole      stolen    v. 偷

steal sth. from sb. 

9.thief     n. 小偷;贼      thieves  

10.notice   n. 通知

           v. 注意;注意到

notice that+句子      notice sb. do /doing sth.

11.true  adj.  真的;真实的   truth    n.  真理;真相

12.die   v. 死   death   n.   死亡   dead   adj.   死的;无生命的

13.both  两者都   neither  两者中一个也不   either  两者之一

all   三者及以上都    none  三者及以上一个也不

14.twice 两次   once 一次     three times 三次

15.the open safe  敞开着的保险柜

leave the door open 

16.needed proof 否定是: didn’t need proof

need sth. 否定是:don’t need …

need to do sth. 否定是:don’t need to do …

don’t need do10页,当前第112345678910

Unit 6 protecting the innocent知识点及练习题

17. protect v. 保护 protect …. from 保护   免受   

18.detective  n.  v.   侦探

19. case  n  案子

20. alone  adv. 独自地

21. lock v.  锁住


1.the other  (两者中的另一个),

  the others=the other +名词复数 ( 某范围中其余的、剩下的)

  one…the other….(共两个); 

one …the other two …=one…the others(共三个);

twenty…the other thirty…=twenty…the others…(共五十个)

2.on the right /on the left 在右边/左边

in the middle (of) 在(…的)中间

3.. was painted 被动结构,一般过去时

  is/are painted 被动结构,一般现在时

will be painted 被动结构,一般将来时

can be painted  被动结构,含有情态动词

4.i’m afraid (that)+句子      恐怕……

be afraid of   害怕

5.happen to sb. 发生到某人身上   happen to do  碰巧做

6.make a mistake   make some/many/few mistakes 


7.buy a vase for 200,000 dollars   (bought)

buy sth. for sb.  =buy sb. sth.

pay (money) for sth.   (paid)

spend (money or time) on sth./(in)doing sth.    (spent)

cost sb. (money)    (cost-cost-cost)

it takes sb. some time to do sth.   (take-took-taken)

8.protect…from… 保护…免受…

9.write an article on detectives      on      prep. 关于

10.work as   担任

11.let sb do sth.   让某人做某事

12.deal with   how…deal with

do with    what… do with

13.two million yuan/pounds/dollars    两百万元/英镑/美元  

millions of pounds     成百万英镑

14.show sth. to sb.   show sb. sth   把某物给某人看

show sb the way to a place     给某人指路

show sb. around a place    带领某人参观某处

15.look for  寻找    find     找到   find out   找出;查明;了解

look up    查寻;抬头看

16.show off   炫耀

17.try to do …尽力做某事

try doing …尝试做某事

18.…(主句)…if…(从句)…   unless 除非

19.go to jail    go to school    go to college

20.a instead of b  a代替b

21.work out 作出;算出;制定出

work it out

22.belong to sb.   属于某人的     belong to me

23.next to   紧挨着;紧靠着

24.walk along a river /a street   沿着一条河/街走

25.on the other side of the road   在路的对面10页,当前第212345678910

Unit 6 protecting the innocent知识点及练习题

26.on the evening of ……在   的晚上

27.return from a place  从某处回来   return to a place   回到某处 

return sth. to sb.   把某物归还给某人

28.go upstairs/downstairs  上楼/下楼

29.say goodnight to her son  向她儿子道晚安

30.in addition  另外

31.break into    破门而入,闯入

32.my job is to protect the innocent as well as find the guilty.

his wish is to be an artist.

33. make up one’s mind 下决心

34. instead of 代替

35. no longer  不再

36. in the end 最后


1.correct    adj.  正确的 =right

改正;纠正=make right

2.like doing sth.     enjoy doing sth.

3.no=not any/not a

4.no longer=not …any longer   不再

5.in the end   最后;终于

finally  最后;最终        at last  最后;终于       

6.his own vase   他自己的花瓶     the vase of his own 

7.as well  也;又      too

as well as      and

8.arrive at/in a place    get to a place   reach a place   到达某地

9.return=come/go back   return=give back

10.enter the room =come/go into the room


二. 提高篇 (打*者为提高性的知识)

1.* broken   adj.  a broken door/glass; frozen food    * a man called bob

2. * cheat    cheated    cheated

3.  buy a vase for 200,000 dollars

* purchase a vase for 200,000 dollars

4. * admitted doing sth.   admit  v.  承认

* denied doing sth.    deny   v. 否认

5. *in jail=behind bars

6. *innocent  adj. 无辜的       innocence     n.

7. * the guilty

* the innocent

the old   the young    the blind

8. * jump to conclusions    匆忙下结论;贸然断定

9. * spotlessly clean 

* spot   n.      spotless   adj.       spotlessly    adv.

10. alone      adv.  单独地    live alone

*lonely      adj. 孤单的    feel lonely

11. steal sth. from sb.         * rob sb. of sth.

12. thief     n. 小偷;贼         *theft   n.   偷,偷窃10页,当前第312345678910

Unit 6 protecting the innocent知识点及练习题

13. * probable   adj.         probably      adv.   大概,或许

14. *make sure  确保

15. *succeeded in finding the guilty     成功地做成某事

16. die   v. 死  *dying     adj.  垂死的

三 语法

一.verbs with to 

1. 动词不定式用作宾语、宾语补足语、状语、主语和表语

1). the young girl decided to write a letter to the teacher.

2). his parents wanted him to buy a new computer.

3). we plant trees to protect the environment.

4). they have got a new topic to discuss.

5) it’s dangerous to play with fire.

6). my job is to teach children.

2. 动词不定式的否定形式在to的前面加not

3. 动词不定式可与疑问词 what, which, who(m), when, where, how等连用作宾语

4.动词不定式分带to  和不带to  两种

在感官、使役动词后作宾补时,不带to:see, watch,  notice, observe, make, let, have, hear, feel

5. 动词不定式在句中做状语时主要用做结果、目的和原因状语

1)动词不定式在句中用做结果状语时出现在: too….to   enough to    句型中并与so   that互相转换

the problem is so easy that all of us can work it out.

the problem is easy enough for all of us to work out.

the problem is so difficult that we can’t work it out.

the problem is too difficult for us to work out.

the problem isn’t easy enough for us to work out.

2) 动词不定式在句中用做目的状语时可与so that引导的目的状语从句互相转换

mr. li got up early so that he could catch the early bus.

mr. li got up early so as / in order to catch the early bus.

6. 常接不定式的动词agree  promise  decide  refuse  fail  remember  forget  seem  hope  start  manage  want  offer  wish  plan


i agreed to go with them

we decided to have lunch

they failed to pass the test

she forgot to bring her book

i hope to study in canada

he managed to find his pen

they offered to help us

we plan to visit her tomorrow

i promise to be good

she refused to pay

i remembered to buy some rice

she seemed to be unhappy

they started to leave the room

she wanted to buy it

i wish to see you soon

二、. verbs with –ing

*admit  like  *consider  love  *deny  mind  enjoy  practise  finish  prefer  go  stop  hate  suggest

*he admitted stealing the vase

*we considered leaving the hotel

*she denied killing him

she enjoys swimming

they finished doing their homework

they go shopping on sunday

i hate taking medicine10页,当前第412345678910

Unit 6 protecting the innocent知识点及练习题

i like learning english

i love traveling abroad

would you mind helping me?

she practiced singing every evening

he prefers reading to writing

stop making noise!

he suggested going to the cinema

3.有些动词既可跟不定式 “to do”作宾语,也可跟动名词 “doing”作宾语

  remember to do sth.记住要做某事;  remember doing sth.记得曾经做过某事

  forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事       forget doing sth. 忘记曾经做过某事

  stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事    stop doing sth.停止做某事 

  try to do sth.  尽力做某事        try doing sth.. 尝试作某事

exercises—unit 6

i. choose the best answer:

(    )1. they ________ the game yesterday.

        a. lose       b. lost        c. have lost        d. will lose

(    )2. i _______ my key to the door. i can’t enter the room now.

        a. lose       b. lost        c. have lost        d. will lose

(    )3. oh! what a nice photo! may i have _________ look at it?

        a. another    b. the other    c. other           d. /

(    )4. he has a cake in one hand and a knife in his ________ hand.

        a. others     b. another      c. the other        d. other

(    )5. if i have _______two hours’ sleep, i’ll feel fine.

        a. other     b. others       c. the other        d. another

(    )6. students are usually interested in sports. some like running; some like swimming; ______like ball games.

        a. the others      b. others       c. the other        d. other

(    )7. my birthday is coming. a nice present _______ to me tomorrow.

        a. will be given     b. will give      c. is given      d. was given10页,当前第512345678910

Unit 6 protecting the innocent知识点及练习题

(    )8. last sunday tom was hurt and _________ to the hospital.

        a. took     b. was taken    c. had been taken      d. would be taken

(    )9. the girl is afraid ________ dogs.

        a. to         b. of              c. at           d./

(    )10. what has happened ________ you?

        a. on         b. of             c. at           d. to

(    )11. i happened _______ meet my old friend on my way to school yesterday.

        a. on          b. to            c. of           d. at

(    )12. his father was pleased with him because he made ____ mistakes in the test.

        a. many       b. much         c. little         d. few

(    )13. ______ young are willing to serve _______ old.

        a. the, the     b. /, /           c. a, the         d. a, an

(    )14. we should try our best to _______ the flower ____ snow.

        a. protect…from   b. keep…from   c. stop…from     d. learn…from

(    )15. there’s going to be a check-up ______ eyesight this afternoon.

        a. on         b. into           c. at             d. to

(    )16. mike enjoys ________ cartoons.

        a. watches      b. watch         c. watching         d. to watch10页,当前第612345678910

Unit 6 protecting the innocent知识点及练习题

(    )17. internet bars mustn’t let people under 18 in or let anybody ____ bad things.

        a. watch        b. to watch        c. watching        d. watches

(    )18. we’ve planted about ______trees in the centre of our city.

        a. two hundred    b. two hundreds     c. hundred of    d. hundreds of

(    )19. would you please show me _______ the city?

        a. to           b. at              c. off            d. around

(    )20. did you notice the man steal the wallet ______ the old lady?

        a. of           b. from            c. on           d. at

(    )21. –shall we call a taxi?  -ok. let me __ the photo number in yellow pages.

        a. look at       b. look for          c. look up       d. look after

(    )22. have you_________ who took away my key?

       a. found          b. found out         c. looked for     d. got

(    )23. _____ of us likes this song in our class.

       a. none          b. no one           c. all           d. both

(    )24. i have a sister and two brothers._______ of them are now in japan.

       a. both           b. everyone         c. either        d. all

(    )25. ______ of my parents like music.10页,当前第712345678910

Unit 6 protecting the innocent知识点及练习题

       a. both           b. everyone         c. either        d. all

(    )26. –which do you prefer, the red one or the green one?  - ________.

       a. none          b. any              c. either        d. every

(    )27. when i entered the room, i noticed him ________ from his seat.

       a. rose           b. rise               c. raised        d. raise

(    )28. i want to go to ______ college when i grow up.

       a. a              b. an                c. the         d. /

(    )29. our hope is ________ a successful sports meeting.

       a. hold           b. to hold             c. holding      d. held

(    )30. please call us as soon as you _______ japan.

       a. reach at        b. arrive              c. get          d. get to

(    )31. with the help of computers, news can __ every corner of the world swiftly.

       a. get            b. arrive              c. reach        d. return

(    )32. _______ the night of his birth, his grandmother died.

       a. at            b. in                  c. on         d. of10页,当前第812345678910

Unit 6 protecting the innocent知识点及练习题

(    )33. have you _______ the book back to jack yet?

       a. returned       b. gave            c. given        d. given back

(    )34. the manager ____that the business would be worse after the stock (股票)  went down.

       a. talked         b. told                c. said         d. spoke

(    )35. nobody saw the man ______ the cinema.

       a. entered          b. enter into     c. come          d. come into

(    )36. the teacher often tells jim and john ___ too much time playing video games.

      a. not to spend    b. to not spend   c. don’t spend     d doesn’t spend

(    )37. the greedy inn-keeper once made the poor heron ____twice a day.

       a. dance    b. dances   c. danced   d. to dance

(    )38. “don’t always make michael ____ this or not. he is already a big boy, dear,” mr. bush said to his wife.

       a. do          b. to do       c. does       d. did

(    )39. the heavy snowstorm made the mountain climbers ___ halfway.

       a. stop          b. to stop           c. stopping       d. stopped 

(    )40. it’s time for sports. let’s ______ bowling, shall we?

       a. go          b. to go             c. going            d. goes

(    )41. “bob, you’d better ____ to much meat. you are already over weight,” said the doctor.

       a. not to eat      b. to eat               c. not eat           d. eat10页,当前第912345678910

Unit 6 protecting the innocent知识点及练习题

ii. fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms:

1. i don’t want to do anything in _________(freeze) weather. 

2. they like _________(freeze) food.

3. i haven’t received any letters from mary ___________(recent).

4. jack haven’t got the _________(solve) to the problem.

5. tim saw a bank ________( rob) in the city last night.

6. we managed to keep ourselves ______ (safety) on the way. we arrived at the village _______ (safe).

7. may i have a look at your new __________(collect) of stamps?

8. two _________ (thief) were caught by the police last night.

9. _______(final) i got to the station and saw mary waiting for me there.

10. you should tell your mother the ________.(true).

11. he has been ________(die) for three days. his _______ (die) made all of us sad.

iii. choose the word or expression in the box which is closest in meaning to the underlined part of each sentence:

a. right   b. managed to hold   c. at last    d. make right

1. have you got the correct answer?

2. they gave up in the end.

3. they succeeded in holding the meeting.

iv. rewrite the sentences as required:

1. the man is wearing a pair of glasses. he is bob. (保持愿意)

the man ________ a pair of glasses is bob.

2. he spent 5 dollars on the book. (保持愿意)

he ________ 5 dollars _______the book.

the book ________ him 5 dollars.

he _________ the book _______ 5 dollars.

3. it took her twenty minutes to go to the cinema by bike. (保持愿意)

she ________ twenty minutes ________ a bilke to the cinema.

4. she is a maths teacher in this school. (保持愿意)

she _____  _______ a maths teacher in this school.

5. i have no money with me.

i ____  have ______ money with me. (保持愿意)

6. come early tomorrow, and you will meet mr. li.

_____  ________come early tomorrow, you will meet mr. li.

________ you come early tomorrow, you ______ meet mr. li.

7. he likes maths. he likes english, too. (保持愿意)

he likes maths. he likes english ______  ________.

8. i am your teacher and your friend. (保持愿意)

i am your teacher _____   ______  ________ your friend.

9. he didn’t watch tv last night. he went to the cinema. (保持愿意)

he went to the cinema _______   _______  _______ tv last night.

10. i have been to the great wall three times. (就划线部分提问)

_____  ______  ________ have you been to the great wall?

11. this bicycle is mine. (保持愿意)

the bicycle _______  _______  me .

12. my father came back from london last night. (保持愿意)

my father _______  from london last night.

13. you’d better go to see him off at the railway station.(否定句)

you’d better ____ _____ to see him off at the railway station.

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