
Unit 5 English and English-speaking Countries学案


Unit 5 English and English-speaking Countries学案

unit 5 english and english-speaking countries


一. 教学内容:

复习unit 5


二. 本周教学重点:





三. 具体内容:

(一)attributive clauses


the building which is on the corner was built one hundred years ago.

the king of england was the person who built this castle.

the man whose wife works there is a friend of mine.

the things that they call chips, we call french fries.


(二)tag questions 反意疑问句


you enjoy your classes, don’t you?

he didn’t complete the course, did he?

they haven’t been here before, have they?

he never reads storybooks, does he?

it would cost a lot of money, wouldn’t it?


(三)exclamatory sentences


how difficult the text is!

how hard the students work!

what a fine day it is!



lesson 17

1. on the internet

2. in english

3. speak english

4. two thirds

5. be used for doing sth.

6. official language

7. native language

8. give sth. to sb. /sb. sth.

9. take part in

10. what is more

11. apart from

12. for sure

13. be different from


lesson 19.

1. each other

2. depend on

3. talk to sb.

4. look forward to sth./doing sth.

5. in the north

6. play against

7. give up doing


lesson 20

1. consist of

2. on the left

3. most of

4. be over

5. at that moment

6.grow up

7.get married

8. be open to the public


expansion 5

1. at the crossroads

2. expect to do sth.

3. put away

4. put on

5. put up

6. take down

7. take off

8. put off



i. 单项选择和填空。

1. _____ interesting the news is!

a. how an            b. what an          c. how               d. what

2. _____ tall the girl is!

a. how                 b. how a            c. what              d. what a

3. ---_____ late for school next time. ---no, i won’t.

a. not be              b. won’t be         c. don’t be 

4. ______ good weather! why not go out for a walk?

  a. what                b. how               c. what a           d. how a 6页,当前第1123456

Unit 5 English and English-speaking Countries学案

5. ______ delicious the food is!

a. how                 b. how a            c. what             d. what a

  6. ---help! there is a big snake near the house. ---______ afraid. it will go away later.

a. don’t               b. not                c. don’t be         d. be

  7. ---did you and your friends ride your bicycles to beach yesterday afternoon?

  ---yeah. ____ we had!

a. what fun           b. what a fun       c. how fun         d. how a fun

  8. ---_____ day it is!   ---let’s go out and enjoy the sunshine!

a. what a lovely      b. how windy      c. what a rainy     d. how we

9. ____ nice flowers! where did you pick them?

a. what                b. how               c. what a           d. what an

10. ____ interesting the film is! 

a. what an            b. how an           c. what              d. how

  11. the boy ____ won the first prize is called tommy. 

  a. when                b. whom             c. who               d. which

  12. miss green is the only person ____ can help you with your english.

    a. she                   b. whom             c. which             d. that

  13. mr. green, there is someone at the front desk _____ would like to speak with you.6页,当前第2123456

Unit 5 English and English-speaking Countries学案

    a. he                   b. who               c. which             d. whom

14. the old man has two sons. one is a worker; ____ is a teacher.

a. another             b. other              c. the other         d. others

15. a: how many more oranges can i have? b: you can have one more. ____ are for tom.

a. the others        b. another           c. others            d. the other

16. i don’ t like this shirt, so i want to see some ____.

  a. other                b. the other         c. others             d. another

17. students are usually interested in sports. some like running; some like swimming; ____ like ball games.

 a. the others         b. others             c. the other         d. other

18. she always thinks of ____ more than herself.

  a. other                b. others             c. the other         d. the others

19. i bought five books yesterday. one of them is chinese. _____ books are english.

a. other                 b. another           c. the other        d. the others

20. i have four friends. _____ of them is married.

a. both                 b. all                  c. none              d. neither6页,当前第3123456

Unit 5 English and English-speaking Countries学案

21. --- would you like tea or coffee? ---_____ will do.

a. both                 b. either             c. neither

22. there are trees on ____ sides of the street.

a. both                 b. either              c. every              d. each

23. a: which sweater do you prefer, the yellow one or the pink one?

b: ____. i like a light blue one.

a. either               b. both               c. any                d. neither

24. all the boys were very tired, but ____ of them would take a rest.

  a. all                    b. neither            c. any                d. none

25. a: may i use your pen? b: yes, here are two and you can use ___ of them.

a. both                 b. every              c. any                d. either

26. a: can i come this evening or tomorrow evening?

b: ____ is ok. i’m free today and tomorrow.

 a. either               b. neither           c. both               d. none

27. a: which do you prefer, orange or coke? b: ____, thanks. i’d like a cup of tea.

 a. either               b. neither           c. both  d          . none

28. a: do you live by yourself, mr. wang? b: yes. i have three sons. but ___ of them lives with me. they are now studying in america. 6页,当前第4123456

Unit 5 English and English-speaking Countries学案

a. neither              b. both               c. none               d. either

29. a: which of her parents is a doctor? b: ____ are. 

  a. any                  b. either             c. both               d. neither

30. ____ of the students in our class has a ticket.

a. every               b. both               c. each              d. all

31. ____ of us has an english-chinese dictionary.

a. every               b. both               c. each              d. all

32. ____ of the boys in class 4 are playing games.

a. all                    b. each               c. the both         d. none

33. ____ of his parents ____ a teacher.

  a. both, are           b. all, are             c. neither, is       d. neither, isn’t

34. sally’s done her best these days, _____?

  a. hasn’t she          b. isn’t sally        c. hasn’t sally      d. isn’t she



1. sally’s unhappy these day, _____ ______?

2. my uncle has never been to a foreign country, _______ ____?

3. lily has lunch at school, _______ ____?

4. the boy has to stay at home, _______ ____?

5. there is hardly any rain this summer, ______ ____?

6. jack broke his leg yesterday ______ ______?

7. everyone is here, _______ ______?

8. no knows him, ______ _______?6页,当前第5123456

Unit 5 English and English-speaking Countries学案

9. there is little milk in the bottle, _____ _______?

10. don’t forget to return the book, _____ ________?

11. it’s dark here. turn on the light, _____ _______?

12. tom has few friends, ______ ________?

13. there is nothing in the room, ______ ________?

14. those are teachers, ______ _______?

15. this is a microwave oven, ______ _______?

16. you’d like to come with me, _____ _______?


iii. 完成句子

1. 谢谢你邀请我们。thank you ________________________.

2. 我问格林先生是否要去美国。

i asked mr. green _______________________________.

3. 你明天既可以呆在家里,也可以去图书馆。

you may ____________________________ tomorrow.

4. 英语和法语我都喜欢。

i like ______________________________.

5. 由于下雨,我们的篮球赛取消了。

    our basketball match was canceled _____________ the rain.

6. 那个团一共50人。10个是美国人,另外10个是加拿大人,剩下的是中国人。

    there are 50 students in the group. ten of them are americans; ____________ are canadians; ______________ are chinese.

7. 你的另外那个名字是什么?what’s ________________ name?

8. 其他学生都去哪儿了? where are ______________________?

9. 一些学生去了图书馆,其他人都回家了。

________________ have gone to the library. ________ have gone home.

10. 老师和学生们都不认识那个老头。

________________________________________ the old man.

  11. 我认为下届世界杯的得主不是英国就是法国。 

    i think____________________________________ will win the next world cup.

  12. 巴黎和大阪都想主办XX年奥运会。

___________________________ wanted to hold the olympics.


上一篇:九年级英语第三单元Unit 3 Section B学案 下一篇:2019年中考英语单词分类复习策略2