
新目标八年级英语下册Unit 1教学设计


新目标八年级英语下册Unit 1教学设计

unit 1  will people have robots?单元教学设计方案一、教学内容: unit 1 will people have robots?二、教材及学情分析:本单元围绕“谈论问题” 及“提出建议”这两个话题,设计了相关的语言背景。section a1a-2c呈现了本单元的重点语法现象一般将来时表示猜测的用法,然后设计了听力活动、结对活动以及小组活动,从听说角度训练了本单元的核心句型,并在grammar focus中进行了归纳总结。section a3a-part4所涉及的活动则先通过与一般过去式和一般现在时的对比,让生进一步了解、掌握一般将来时的结构与用法。section b1a-2b先通过词类的分组活动,呈现了听力材料中所要用到的词汇;接着设计了两个听力活动,分别从两个层面,从宏观到细节,帮助学生掌握一般将来时的意义、结构和用法。2c- part 4设计的活动,则通过说、读、写的活动,对学生的三种时态的运用能力进行了综合训练,旨在帮助学生形成创造性地运用所学三种时态的能力。self check让学生通过活动对自己遣词造句能力及语言综合能力进行了自我评价。课后所选的阅读材料依然紧扣本单元的语言目标,学习掌握基本的阅读策略,即根据文章标题和相关图片预测文章的大体内容,以获取更多信息的能力,从而让语篇教学成为实现情感态度与价值观目标的有效载体,通过描述未来,调动学生学习积极性,发挥想象力,帮助其树立正确的人生观和价值观:只有付出,才有收获。八年级上unit 3 what are you doing for vacation? unit 10 i’m going to be a basketball player. 已经学习了一般将来时,学生已经学会用现在进行时谈论未来的计划,用be going to句型谈论未来的打算。本单元教材继续学习一般将来时,是上册教材的拓展和延续,即用will 接动词原形来表示将来要发生的动作,让学生学会预测未来,从语法层面上来讲应该顺理成章。上册教材课后语法的渗透也为学生学习本单元内容做了有益的铺垫。谈论对未来生活的预测是学生较为感兴趣的话题,可以充分发挥学生的想象,拓展思维,激发学生开口说英语的欲望,充分调动学生学习的积极性,引导学生深入探究、自主地设计自己未来的生活。三、单元整体目标分析1、知识与能力:1)to make predictions.2)to talk about future intentions in different ways.3)to review the structure “there be” and the usage of “be going to”.4)to review “few、 little、 many、 much”,learn “fewer、 less、 more” and make sure the students can master the differences among them.5)students can predict what the life will be like in the future and talk about their life experience and their dreams in the future by using target languages.   6) key words: robot, free time, pollution, astronaut, space station, apartment, rocket, moon etc.    2、过程与方法:task-based approach.learning by listening, speaking, acting, cooperation. reporting, writing.encourage the students to make some creative ideas and help them to try to fulfill their ideas.9页,当前第1123456789

新目标八年级英语下册Unit 1教学设计

3、情感态度与价值观:1)everybody has a dream.2)where there is a will, there is a way.3)  work hard, pay off.四、重点难点   1)learn more about the simple future tense.2)the language points above.3) target language:what do you think life will be like in 100 years?every home will have a robot.will kids go to school? no, they won’t. they’ll study at home.there will be fewer trees.五、教学策略与教法选择






教学环境section a1a,1c,2c复习导入新课,介入一般将来时will各种句式操练。period1 45分钟1)学习will表将来的用法;2)介绍less, more,fewer的用法;3)in和 after的用法区别4)grammar focus复习巩固相关表达和语法现象。讲练法,视听法,交际法,认知法,任务型教学法多媒体,相关图片及音响reading: do you think you will have your own robot? (a)period245分钟1)感悟阅读策略:看标题及图片预测语篇内容。2)泛读阅读材料以抓住大意。“三一三”模式;阅读技巧训练。多媒体,卡纸1)reading: do you think you will have your own robot?(b)2)listening practice: section a1b,2a,2b section b2a,2bperiod345分钟1)对阅读材料进行分析,帮助学生解决疑难问题;2)文中重点句型结构的讲练;3)处理教材后面设计的问题;4)听力训练让学生做出正确的选择,巩固三种时态的用法。听说法,交际法,认知法,任务型教学法多媒体,卡纸,语音座学会对未来进行预测;处理section a 3a,3b,3c,4, section b 1b,2bperiod445分钟1)操练will表将来句型,学会用will预测未来的工作和生活。2)写的训练。3)头脑风暴以复习相关词汇;4)学习描述过去、现在及未来的相关情况,对比三种时态的用法,学习描述自己XX年后的生活。听说法,交际法,认知法,任务型教学法多媒体,卡纸1)section b3a.3b part 4 and self check;2)revision of this unitperiod545分钟1)两个语篇的阅读和讲解;2)写的训练:仿写和遣词造句能力的训练。3)复习本单元知识。听说法,交际法,认知法,任务型教学法多媒体,试卷精练。

教学内容unit 1 will people have robots?  section a1a.1c.2c and grammar focus

课时the 1st period


the students of grade 8

设计者一、教材内容分析本节课是八年级下第一单元第一课时。是在上册学习基础上对一般将来时的深入探讨。教材首先安排了6种预言,让学生予以判断。本课时为整个单元学习打基础,所以要重点训练语言结构(will+动词原形)、in 、after及fewer,less,more的用法区别。本节课内容体现温故知新,重在呈现相关句型和语言点,最后利用grammar focus帮助归纳。9页,当前第2123456789

新目标八年级英语下册Unit 1教学设计

二、教学目标(知识与能力,情感态度与价值观)1. knowledge aims:   ⑴ words: will, robot, everything, paper, , fewer, pollution, tree.  ⑵conversation: what are you doing for vacation? i’m going sightseeing with my friends. the train is leaving in a few minutes. i’m going to be an actor in the future. will people use money in 100 years? b: no, they won’t. everything will be free. will people live to be 200 years old? a: yes, they will. etc(3)the usage of fewer, less, and more.2. ability aims: ⑴ learn to talk about what will happen in the future using the target language.⑵ learn to make predictions.3. emotion aims:  learn to study hard.三、重点、难点1)how to use the simple past tense and the present progressive tense correctly.2)the usage of fewer, less, more, the differences between “in” and “after” followed by time.四、教法选择与学法指导本课采用情景创设法、交际法、任务型教学法。帮助学生温故知新,由进行时表示将来和be going to 表示将来引出will+动词原形表示将来的句式;由few,little,much及 many的用法掌握它们的比较级的用法。五、资源准备 1)a computer for multimedia use.2) a tape recorder.六、教学过程





及资源准备organization and lead in.( 4 min)1.greetings.  2.free talk. 3.present the sentences: what are you doing for next vacation?(what are you going to do for next vacation? what will you do for next vacation?)warm up, look and guess.arouse the ss’ interesting of learning and make a good atmosphere for the students’ learning.practice training the sentence patterns including will. ( 8 min)1)present the sentence patterns by changing all kinds of forms. 2)introduce the usage of fewer, less and more.listen and do the sentence changing practice, take notes.learn to master the changing of the patterns. enable the ss to learn to share the information in their groups.   more sentence changing exercises.(13 min)show some more exercises.do the exercises and try to understand the language goal well.practice makes perfect.deal with 1a,1c.( 11 min)1. ask some students to talk about more about the future and express their opinions. 2.let ss make a conversation.make other predictions.present and master the main points and difficult points.        enable the students to use the key sentences to finish the task.summary( 7 min)1. go over the key words. 2.revise the main sentences such as: will people have…?      every home will have a robot.  there will be more/less/fewer… i agree./ i don’t agree.9页,当前第3123456789

新目标八年级英语下册Unit 1教学设计

listen and thinkconsolidate the knowledge of this period.homework( 2 min)1. finish the exercises. 2.recite the sentences in grammar focus.think and write them down.1.strengthen the knowledge. 2. enable the students to write with the key sentences they learned.七、板书设计unit 1 will people have robots?1.robot paper fewer less pollution build building builder2. …..3 years ago……now…. 2 years from now…..5 years from now…eg, i was twelve years one year ago.i am thirteen years now.i’ll be in this school three years next year.

教学内容unit 1 will people have robots?reading: do you think you will have your own robot? (1)


the 2nd period


the students of grade 8

设计者一、教材内容分析本节课是八年级下第一单元第二课时,由单元标题will people have robots?到阅读材料标题do you think you will have your own robot?穿插机器人相关知识,引入阅读材料。本课时要求学生泛读材料,抓住文章大意,能回答相关问题即可。在阅读过程中体味阅读策略和相关阅读技巧,以获取更多信息,更好地理解课文。教师要在问题设计和阅读技巧指导上花些心思。二、教学目标(知识与能力,情感态度与价值观)1. knowledge aims: ⑴.words: humans, unpleasant, make, take, shapes, might, look for, possible, toothbrushes.  ⑵ language points: in the future, help with, such, wake up, talk to, over and over , get bored, seem impossible…2. ability aims: ⑴ reading skill practice. learn to know the main ideas of the text .⑵ learn to express themselves.3. emotion aims: learn to communicate with others.三、重点、难点1.learn to predict what we’ll read about by looking at the title and the pictures.2.the key structures and the language points in the text.3.help the ss to carry out the reading strategy.四、教法选择与学法指导经过学习,学生已经学会了对自己的未来生活予以描绘,也可以对未来有些事情进行大胆预测。这时进行阅读策略教学顺理成章。可供教师选择的教学方法和策略有:直观形象的教学策略:教学要充分利用网络和多媒体,收集合适的教学资源。2.教学内容适度的教学策略:基于课本而不迷信课本。生活中的例子好,完全可以用生活中了案例,但知识点一定要回归课本。3. 引导鼓励的教学策略:教学之中要重视学生的情感因素,赏识学生,适时鼓励,学生积极性自然上来了。五、资源准备 1)a computer for multimedia use.2) some pictures of robots and future life.六、教学过程





及资源准备organization and lead in.( 2 min)1. greetings. 2. free talk.duty report: say something about my friends’life in the future.arouse the ss’ interesting of learning and revise the knowledge learned.section 1:1a and 1b.( 8 min)have the ss think about the robots with some questions.9页,当前第4123456789

新目标八年级英语下册Unit 1教学设计

listen and fill in the chart.learn the uses of robots. enable the ss prepare before reading.  lead in  get ready for reading.( 6 min)1.show the ss a picture of robot, tell the ss about the robot. 2. divide the class into pairs. allow free discussion of ideas about robots.3. ask one or two volunteers to tell the class their ideas, and draw their robot on the board.listen to the teacher and react.enable the ss think about what they might read about before they read.     enable the students to practice the reading skill of predictingcomprehensive reading ( 6 min)1. suggest a second reading to confirm their ideas and build on their knowledge. 2. ask some questions:  what kind of jobs do we want robots to do? which country has robots that can walk and dance? do all scientists agree about what robots will be able to do?read once without stopping for general understand. after reading, ask for a show of hands to indicate they have understood the general idea.  learn to understand the general idea of the passage.   language points( 10 min)1.the same as, make … do…, to take. 2. to help do…, to help with…3. in the future 2. to help do…, to help with… 4. unpleasant,unlike, unhappy, impossible 5. such 6. hundreds of 7. the same as 8. make sb. do sth.9. wake up 10. talk to sb. 11. over and over again 12. get bored 13. look for, look like, look at, look after 14. seem impossible,ect.listen and take notes. xkb1.comlearn the language pointsread the text again( 5 min)1. ask some volunteers to write some examples on the board, or say them aloud.2. do 3c. ss read again and make a list of all the uses of robots in the future.  1.go through the reading again. 2.check the words they predict. and try to rate the items on the list, and share the results with a partner.develop the ss’ ability to use specific language structures.     enable the ss to share information.listen to the tape for the text( 6 min)play the tape.listen and look at the textlistening practice.homework( 2 min) 1.read aloud the text, and the ss from group a try to recite the text.2.go over this unit and get ready for a small test.3.remember the words.4. imagine you are in 2080, what will your life be like? please write them down.listen and take notes.1.strengthen the knowledge. 2. enable the students to revise the grammar.七、板书设计do you think you’ll have your own robot?namewhat does it look like?what can it do?s1girlshelp with the  housework9页,当前第5123456789

新目标八年级英语下册Unit 1教学设计

s2mendances3handsplay the pianos4snakeslook for people under building

教学内容unit 1 will people have robots?1)reading: do you think you will have your own robot? (2)2) listening practice. section a 2a,2b section b2a,2b.


the 3rd period


the students of grade 8

设计者一、教材内容分析本节课是八年级下第一单元第三课时,要求学生进一步体味阅读策略和相关阅读技巧,掌握文中的重点词汇及句型。教师要引导学生很好的理解课文大意,掌握重点结构的用法。本课安排了听力训练,要求处理好教材中安排的所有听力训练任务,不必让学听懂每个单词,只求抓住大意能做出正确选择即可,必要时可重复播放。二、教学目标(知识与能力,情感态度与价值观)1. knowledge aims: ⑴.words: humans, unpleasant, make, take, shapes, might, look for, possible, toothbrushes. ⑵ language points: in the future, help with, such, wake up, talk to, over and over , get bored, seem impossible…2. ability aims: ⑴ learn to find out the useful structures and make sentences with them.⑵ listening practice.3. emotion aims: learn to communicate with others.三、重点、难点 1.how to understand the text better.  2.listening practice.四、教法选择与学法指导本课时为本单元的第三课时,教师要引导学生巩固阅读材料基础上,介入语言目标,通过听力训练以巩固目标语言点:more,less,fewer用法区别及三种时态的对比。五、资源准备   1)a computer for multimedia use.2)some good exercises.六、教学过程





及资源准备organization and lead in.( 2 min)1. greetings. 2. free talk.listen and think.arouse the ss’ interesting of learning and revise the knowledge learned.go over the text.( 8 min)1)point out more details of the text, such as some key structures. 2)help the ss to understand know the topic sentence of each paragraph.3)get some sentences and have the ss translate them. 1)listen to the teacher and take notes.2)do the exercises.

consolidate the knowledge of last period.listening part1: section a 2a,2b ( 8 min)play the tape and give the ss some directions on how to catch the key words to choose the right answers. listen and choose.try to improve the skills of listening.listening part2:deal with  section b 2a,2b. ( 10 min)play the tape and give the ss some directions on how to number the pictures and fill in the blanks.listen and write.listening practice.tapescripts of this unit.( 10 min)show the tapescripts and ask the ss to fill in the missing words.listen and fill in the blanks.listening and writing practice.summary(5 min)point out the important points of this period.listen and take notes.9页,当前第6123456789

新目标八年级英语下册Unit 1教学设计

consolidate the knowledge of last period.homework( 2 min)deal with the homework including some translating practice.listen and write them down.1.strengthen the knowledge. 2.enable the students to revise the grammar.七、板书设计unit 1 will people have robots?key structures:    the same as   make… do    to help do  to take… i bet…useful phrases: there will be… on computers, a lot more people, take the train to school etc.

教学内容unit 1 will people have robots?section a 3a,3b,3c,4, section b 1b,2b


the 4th period

教学对象the students of grade 8

设计者一、教材内容分析本节课是八年级下第一单元第四课时,主要是通过说和写的训练进行三种时态的对比。教师要在对前几课时知识点复习巩固的基础上,引导学生进一步掌握一般将来时的用法。要组织好学生的结对活动,书面表达训练及口语训练等。教师可将课本的相关要求做适当拓展,将自己的过去、现在和将来的相关情况写成一段话。二、教学目标(知识与能力,情感态度与价值观)1. knowledge aims: ⑴.words: building, astronaut, rocket, spaceship, space station, fiy.⑵ conversation: what do you think sally will be in five years? i think she’ll be a doctor,etc.

2. ability aims: learn to use the target language to describe the past,today and the future.3. emotion aims: everyone has a dream, so we are supposed to study hard and try to make our dreams come true三、重点、难点 1)learn to talk about one’s life in future using the target language.  2) reading comprehension.四、教法选择与学法指导经过前几课时的学习,学生对一般将来时的用法有了新的了解,对相关知识点也有所掌握。本节课重点是对比这三种时态,从而更好的予以消化,熟练运用。本课时应指导学生多说,多听,多写,以巩固目标语言项目。教法尽量多样化,组织教学要富有新意,情景创设法、交际法这些常用的方法都可能用到。五、资源准备 1)a computer for multimedia use.2)a tape recorder.六、教学过程





及资源准备organization and lead in.( 2 min)organize the class.follow the teacher and react.arouse the ss’ interesting of learning and make a good atmosphere for the students’ learning.brainstorming exercise to add more vocabulary( 4 min)show the chart of different kinds of jobs, transportation, and  other words.try to remember the words and tell the teacher.learn the key words for writing.3a and 3b( 14 min)deal with 3a and 3b. first talk about sally, then yourselves.look at the picture and do some oral and written practice.enable the students to use the key sentences to finish the task..  3c,4( 15 min)1)ask ss to write something about themselves.9页,当前第7123456789

新目标八年级英语下册Unit 1教学设计

2) draw a picture of the school or the town.3)ask one or two ss to write and draw on the blackboard.1)write sth. about their past, now and the future, just like sally.2)try to describe the picture.enable the students to write with the key sentences they learned.summary ( 6 min)1.go over the usages. 2. revise the main sentences..listen and take notes.consolidate the knowledge of this period.homework( 4 min)1.make a poster of your ideal hometown, try to describe it. 2. write down your ideal life. what will your life be like in the future?listen and write them down.1.strengthen the knowledge. 2.enable the students to write with the key sentences they learned.七、板书设计unit 1 will people have robots?1.words for jobs, transportations and the places to livejobstransportationsplaces to live2. five years ago,    today,    in five years,   ……

教学内容unit 1 will people have robots?1)section b 3a.3b part 4 and self check;   2)revision of this unit


the 5th period

教学对象the students of grade 8

设计者一、教材内容分析本节课是八年级下第一单元最后一课时,要求学生在前面学习的基础上学习更有难度教材内容。3a及selfcheck中第2部分篇幅较长。前者是一位学生对自己十年后生活、工作等的描述,后者简要回顾了人来历史上的几次预言,语篇中的重要语言点较多,教师要尽力指导学生正确把握全篇,灵活运用其中的句型、短语等。本节课重点培养学生遣词造句和书面表达能力的培养,课本中安排的仿写及用所给词的正确形式填空等内容是主体内容很好的补充和升华。二、教学目标(知识与能力,情感态度与价值观)1. knowledge aims: ⑴.words: fall in love with, as, lots of , apartment, keep a pet parrot, probably, be able to, dress, might, which,…  ⑵ language points: fall in love with, interesting/interested, alone/lonely, keep animals, be able to, even, might, etc .2. ability aims: ⑴ learn to talk about the past, present, and the future.  ⑵ learn the language points.  (3) learn to read the article of 3a.3. emotion aims: learn to express disagreement or agreement.三、重点、难点1.learn to write a short passage to introduce your life.2.learn by guessing, doing a survey to master the language points.3. go over the language points in this unit.四、教法选择与学法指导1)经过前几课时的学习,学生已经有了一定的知识储备可以对自己的未来生活予以描绘,也可以对未来有些事情进行大胆预测。同学阅读相关语篇也能够模仿着写出自己未来生活的方方面面,可以对自己的家庭生活,身边的自然环境,未来教育及政治经济进行设想。2)对本单元知识点予以大体梳理、复习并完成相关练习也是本科时重要任务之一。9页,当前第8123456789

新目标八年级英语下册Unit 1教学设计

五、资源准备 1)a computer for multimedia use.2) a tape recorder.六、教学过程





及资源准备organization and lead in.( 2 min)1. greetings. 2. free talk.warm up,look and guess.arouse the ss’ interesting of learning and make a comfortable situation for the students.3a reading comprehension( 13 min)ask the ss to read 3a and give some help if necessary.1.read for the specific information;2.read for more details.enable the ss to use the sentence patterns in the paragraph. enable the students to retell ming’s future life.a guessing game(who wrote it?)( 6 min)organize the game.listen and enjoy the game.arouse the ss’ interesting of learning and make a comfortable situation for the students.a survey(who agrees with me?)( 8 min)give ss some help for the survey.1.groupwork to do the survey.2.report.learn by doingself check1,2,3( 11 min)organize ss to deal with self check.1.make sentences.2.read the passage;3.find the words in the unit.consolidate the knowledge of this unit.summary ( 3 min)1.go over the language points in this period.

2. revise language points of this unit.

listen and take notes.

consolidate the knowledge of this period.homework( 2 min)do some translation exercises.hand out the ss the test paper.listen and write.do the exercises.1. strengthen the knowledge. 2. enable the students to translate.七、板书设计unit 1 will people have robots?a. notes for 3a:                    1.fall fell;feel, felt  fall in love with ;  2.i think…     3.go skatingb.the ss’ handwriting for making their own sentences.c. predicting the future can be difficult= it can be difficult to predict the future.9页,当前第9123456789

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