
8B Unit3词组与句子


8B Unit3词组与句子

8b unit 3

我不知道。    i have no idea!        电视已经打开了。   the tv is turned on.

1. 它看起来像是一台电视。                             it looks like a television.

2. 我们调台吧!                                      let’s change the channel.

3. 这个很无聊。                                           this one is boring.

4. 电脑的不同用途                                  different uses of computers

5. 你用你的电脑做什么?                    what do you use your computer for?

6. 查找信息                                            search for information

7. 八小时内环游世界                             around the world in eight hours

8. 一个叫做“八小时内环游世界”的新的教育光碟刚刚出版出来。

a new educational cd-rom called “around the world in eight hours” has just come out.

9. 听起来很有趣,不是吗?                      it sounds interesting, doesn’t it?

10. 同时学英语和地理                 learn english and geography at the same time

11. 是南希设计的。  it is designed by nancy./nancy is the desighner./nancy designed it.

12. 主角       the main character        一朵金色的云            a golden cloud5页,当前第112345

8B Unit3词组与句子

13. 上面写着这些字                               these words were written on it

14. 上面写有不同问题的颜色各异的大云朵

big clouds of different colours with questions on them

15. 你每正确回答一个问题,就可以得到一分。

you get a point every time you answer a question correctly.

16. 得到足够的分数                                         get enough points

17. 带你去你从来没有去过的地方carry you off to a place you have never visited before

18. 扮演•••的角色                                           play the role of

19. 如果你聪明,你能在八小时内环游世界。

if you are smart, you can travel around the world in eight hours!

20. 通过测试你的英语语法和词汇知识帮助你学习英语

help you learn english by testing your knowledge of english and vocabulary

21. 许多有关于那个地方的有用的信息      a lot of useful information about that place

22. 被用亮紫色标注出来                              are marked in bright purple

23. 就留给你自己去找出来。                           that is for you to find out!

24. 在他被卖完前买回来。                         get it now before it is sold out!

25. 我发现他们都没用。                    i’ve found none of them to be any good.

26. 我确定你会喜欢它的。                            i’m sure you’ll like this one.5页,当前第212345

8B Unit3词组与句子

27. 那是个很有意思的名字。 that’s a funny name. 打字很容易     type very easily

28. 键盘很舒服                                 the keyboard is very comfortable

29. 选择菜单中的一个图标                           choose one icon in the menu

30. 敲击它获得更多的信息  click on it for more details  打印出来        print it out

31. 我们有许多不同款的私人电脑。      we’ve got many kinds of personal computers.

32. 它是特别为学生设计的。                   it is designed especially for students.

33. 它是哪里制造的?  where is it made? 它使用很广泛吗?      is it used widely?

34. 你关上所有的窗口了吗?                       did you close all the windows?

35. 那么重启电脑。                                    then restart the computer.

36. 你检查设置了吗?                                did you check the settings?

37. 你电脑和键盘有没有正确连接?

did you connect the keyboard to the computer properly?

38. 双击自动运行图标                         double-click on the “auto-run” icon

39. 游戏设置在哪的?                                   where is the game set?

40. 我们必须回答问题通关。            we have to answer questions to pass a level.

41. 等级越高问题越难。      the questions get more difficult as you go to higher levels.5页,当前第312345

8B Unit3词组与句子

42. 来自澳大利亚的新的英语课程               a new english course from australia

43. 对游客和学生是有好处的。                      good for tourists and students.

44. 学习怎样使用电话。                           learn about using the telephone.

45. 话题包括旅游和宾馆。                         topics include travel and hotels.

46. 澳大利亚和新西兰的短途在线旅游。

short online tours of australia and new zealand.

47. 有必要时她会帮你。                        she will help you when necessary.

48. 我刚从广播上听到一个采访。        i’ve just listened to an interview on the radio.

49. 包裹包含一本书和五张光碟。     the package includes a book and five cd-roms.

50. 课程包括很多话题。                     many topics are covered in the course.

51. 我准备网上定一个包裹。                  i’m going to order a package oonline.

52. 你介意告诉我怎样使用这个功能吗?

do you mind telling me how to use this function?

53. 一张工作表就会出现在屏幕上。      a worksheet has just appeared on the screen.

54. 真简单。                                                   that’s simple.

55. 最爱的教育电脑游戏                      favourite educational computer game

56. 学习各个地方的历史                            learn the history of each place5页,当前第412345

8B Unit3词组与句子

57. 使用这个只是打开宝盒               use this knowledge to open the treasure box

58. 宝盒被藏在某处                          the treasure box is hidden somewhere

59. 游戏有几关?                           how many levels does the game have?

60. 游戏的目的是什么?                            what is the goal of the game?

61. 哪个公司制造的?                              which company produced it?

62. 游戏在哪些国家有的出售?                 in which countries is the game sold?

63. 一份文件被创建出来,然后你就可以开始写了。

a file is created, and then you can begin to write.

64. 你怎么才能保存文件以便以后使用?    how can you keep the file for future use?

65. 保存后就可以随时使用了。it can be used any time after it is saved.

66. 你收发邮件什么是必要的?what is necessary when you send and receive e-mails?

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