
Module 10 My perfect holiday


Module 10 My perfect holiday

unit 1 i would go to london.

一.teaching aims and demands:1. language knowledge  key vocabulary:perfect, board, flight, gate, silly, outdoor, so…that… key structure:would/wouldn’t do sth; so…that…; although 2. listening skill:understand what are sally and her friends going, help students to be familiar with some words. 3. speaking skill :practice the structure of “ would/wouldn’t do sth”; express correctly. 二.teaching aids: multi-media (or tape recorder, ohp) 三.teaching procedures:

step 1 revision and leading in

1.revise the heroes and heroines mentioned in last module.ask : “who are they?/what are they?”

2.ask student “what would you like to be?”设计意图:复习前一模块所学的内容,回忆一些英雄人物,由what would you like to be?引出本模块的would的用法;因为这个句型学生比较熟悉,由所学过的句型引出将要学的结构,学生会感觉比较自然,比较好接受。step 2 practice1.       show a picture of helen keller, introduce one of her books three days to me. 2.       have the students talk in pairs.suppose: if you are like helen, you have three days to see, what would you do?/ what wouldn’t you do? give an example to help them express themselves with “ would/wouldn’t”. 3.       practice orally: what would you do for the  coming holiday? 设计意图:通过英雄人物而引出海伦﹒凯勒,介绍她的一本书,给学生设置了一个假设的状态,从而可以进行would句型的操练;同时在情感教育上,给学生竖立学习的榜样,同时能够意识到自己的幸运,要把握好眼前的学习和生活。再接着又可以转换到第二个假设:在即将到来的假期,你该如何渡过。从而进入到该句型的大量口头练习。

step 3 listening practice(activity 1&2)

1.       show a picture of sally. sally’s holiday is coming.ask questions about the picture.

2.       students listen to the conversation and answer the questions.设计意图:通过谈论假日,转换渡假人物,设置图片相关的问题,既是设置悬念,又做好听力练习前的准备和铺垫工作。学生可以学习有的放矢的听力方法。 step 4 listen and read  1. ask: “ where will sally go?” and “where would sally’s friends go?” 2. show the table, ask the students to finish it after listening. 3.finish activity2 and 3,check the answers with the students.discuss when necessary. 4.finish the table.students ask and answer in pairs. 设计意图step 5 practice1.make clear the difference between “will” and “would” by pictures. 2.practice the use of “so…that…”. 3.practice the use of “although/but”, pay special attention that these two words mustn’t be used in one sentence. 设计意图:这是第一节课向学生呈现would的用法,要使得学生能够区别will与 would.但是用语言直接表述并不合适,所以利用图片进行处理,让学生在真实的语言环境中体会两个词所传达的语意的不同。在so...that..句型和although句型切换时采用同一幅图,使过渡比较自然,同时能培养学生的发散性思维。 step 6 homework  2页,当前第112

Module 10 My perfect holiday

1.workbook page133,ex2,5.

2.finish unit3 activity1,2 on your book.

3.preveiw unit2. finish page82 ex2,3.

4.suppose if you are a teacher.  what would you do? /what would not you do? 设计意图:扎实基础,完成书本关于本节课的相关练习。学习换位思考,假设你是老师,你会做些什么,不做什么。也是老师从学生中间吸取一些有意义的建议的机会。2页,当前第212

上一篇:八年级英语上册Units 7-12复习学案 下一篇:牛津初中英语8B Unit 1 教案和测试题