
If you go to the party you’ll have a great time教案


If you go to the party you’ll have a great time教案

if you go to the party you’ll have a great time教案

unit 5 if you go to the party , you’ll have a great time !

teaching goals:

1. words and expressions in this unit .

2. target language :

are you going to the party ?

yes , i am . i’m going to wear my jeans .

if you do , you’ll have a great time .

you should wear your cool pants .

3. 掌握现在进行时态表示将来(present progressive as future ).

4. 学习条件状语从句: if + will .

5. 进一步了解情态动词should的用法.

6. 学习谈论因果关系.

7. 做出决定是否做某事.

important and difficult points :

1. 学习运用be going to 和will构成的一般将来时。

2. if 引导的条件状语从句。

teaching aids : teaching cards , a tape recorder .

period 1

teaching contents:sectiona 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c,grammar focus .

teaching procedures :

step 1  leading in

draw two pictures on the bb ,in the first picture a boy is getting up late ,and in the second picture the boy can’t catch the early bus .then talk about the pictures with ss and write down the sentence “if you get up late , you will not catch the early bus .”read the sentences ,ss repeat .

repeat with other sets of pictures .

step 2  pre-task

sb page 34 , 1a .

1. point out the pictures and ask ss to tell what they see .

2. ask some students to read the statements and responses .

3. have ss match the statements and responses on their own .

step 3  while-task

sb page 34 , 1b .

1. play the tape and get ss to check their answers to activity 1a .

2. talk about the answers together .

sb page 34 , 1c .

1. ask two ss to read the example in the sample in activity 1c.

2. in pairs , get ss to talk about what happened in the pictures .

3. ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class .

sb page 35 , 2a & 2b .

1. read the instructions .make sure the students know what to do .

2. play the recording .ss listen and write down their answers .

3. correct the answers .

step 4  post-task

sb page 35 , 2c .

1. ask two students to read the sample dialogue .

2. in pairs ,get the students to role play the conversation between andrea and her friend .

3. ask a few pairs of students to practice their conversations for the class .

step 5  grammar focus

sb page 35 , grammar focus .

1. review the grammar focus .ask ss to say the statements and responses .

2. ask ss to work in small groups .ask each group to write down as many sentences like those in the grammar focus as they can.

3. ask some groups to share their sentences with the class .3页,当前第1123

If you go to the party you’ll have a great time教案

homework :

have ss write their sentences on their exercise books.


period 2

teaching contents: sectiona 3a,3b,4,sectionb 1,2a,2b,2c.

teaching procedures:

step 1  leading in

ask some students to make sentences with if .

step 2  pre-task

sb page 36 , 3a .

1. first ,let ss read the notice from the principal .

2. read the dialogue to the class saying bland when come to a blank line .

3. get ss read the notice again and fill in the blanks .

4. correct the answers .

step 3  while-task

sb page 36 , 3b .

1. ask some students to read out the sample dialogue and the words in the box .

2. in pairs , let ss have a conversation about the rules .

3. get some pairs to say their conversations to the class .

sb page 36 , part 4 .

1. read the instructions and ask ss to complete the work in pairs .

2. ask a few students to share their conversations .

step 4  post-task

sb page 37 , part 1 .

ask students to complete the work on their own .then do a quick check to see which things are most important to students in the class .

sb page 37 , 2a & 2b .

1. read the instructions and play the recording .

2. ss listen and write down their answers .

3. correct the answers .

sb page 37 , 2c .

in pairs , get ss to role play a conversation according to the information in activity 2b .


have ss write their conversations on their exercise books.


period  3

teaching contents :sectionb 3a , 3b , 3c , 4 , selfcheck .

teaching procedures :

step 1  leading in

check the homework .ask a few students to present their dialogue to the class .

step 2  pre-task

sb page 38 , 3a .

1. read the instruction and ask students to read the article first for the meaning .

2. let ss read the article again and complete the chart .

3. check the answers .

step 3  while-task

sb page 38 , 3b .

1. read the instructions .ask ss to look back at activity 2a and 2b to get ideas for the letter .

2. ask ss to complete the letter on their own .

3. ask some students to read their completed letters to the class .

sb page 38 , 3c .

1. ask two different students to read the two sets of sentences in the examples .

2. have ss write about their own plans .

3. ask several students to read their sentences to the class .

step 4  post-task

sb page 38 , part 4.

1. read the instructions and then have a student read the example .

2. ask the whole class to practice doing the exercise together .

3. ask ss to work in groups of four or five .then let several groups to say their stories to the class .3页,当前第2123

If you go to the party you’ll have a great time教案

step 5  selfcheck

sb page 39 , selfcheck part 1 .

1. ask ss to fill in the blanks on their own .

2. check the answers .

3. ask ss to make their own sentences with the words given .

sb page 39 , selfcheck part 2. have ss fill in the blanks on their own .correct the answers .

step 6  homework

have students write the sentences in part 2 on their exercise books .


review of units 1-5

teaching contents: review of units 1-5(sb page 40-43) .

teaching procedures:

step 1  leading in

sb page 40 , 1a .ask ss to do the crossword individually .correct the answers .

sb page 40 , 1b .

1. have ss understand what they need to do by explaining the example .

2. ask ss to do the activity in pairs .

3. ask several pairs to share their clues with the class .let the other students guess the answer .

step 2  pre-task

sb page 41 , 2a & 2b .

1. read the instructions and let ss know what to do .

2. play the recordings of conversations 1-4 .

3. correct the answers .

sb page 41 , 2c .

1. replay the second dialogue about the school fire .

2. ask two pairs of students to practice the sample dialogue for the class .

3. ss complete the task .

step 3  while-task

sb page 42 , part 3 .

1. remind ss to write in sentences .

2. ask some ss for their suggestions .

sb page 42 , part 4 .

1. ask a few ss about things they like to do ,tell ss to write five things they do .

2. ask ss to share their activities with their partner .

3. ask ss to share the answers with their partner .

step 4  post-task

sb page 42 , part 5 .

1. ask ss to rank the signs in order of importance .

2. ask ss for their answers .

sb page 43 , part 6 .

1. explain to ss that aliens landed at your school the week before .ask ss to interview several people and write down what the people said .

2. instruct ss to turn the quotes they have into reported speech in their magazine article .let ss do activity on their own .monitor and provide support as required .

step 5  homework

sb page 43 , part 7 .have ss complete the questionnaire .


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