
It’s a nice day isn’t it教案


It’s a nice day isn’t it教案


【课题】:unit10 it’s a nice day, isn’t it? section b 3a-selfcheck

【励志小木屋】:learn young, learn fair. 学习趁年轻,既学就学好。

【预习目标】词汇及短语 note   come along   get along   baby

语法  能熟练使用反意疑问句




task1. 英汉互译:come along________ get along________ help with_____________

 be careful______________ 对某人友好___________ 至少_______________

想起_____________ feel like_________ wait for____________

task 2、用所给词的适当形式完成短文

dear tony,

      thanks for ____( show) me the school last week. i was having a hard time ____(find) it until you ____(come) along. and i enjoyed____(meet) carlos. he’s really good at math, isn’t he? he said he___(will) help me with my project. friends ___( like) you___(make) it a lot easier____( get) along in a new place.


task 3 完成self-check 1


1. s_____ he is late for school.   2. thanks a lot for i____ me to dinner.

3. the people in that village are f_____ to the travelers.

4. do you want to see the movie? i have two t_____ there.

5. you should write a thank-you n_____ to him.

6. i’m sure that your team will w____ the basketball match.

7. he asked me to have d____ at home.

 (三)预习反思:do you have any question?

二.课中实施:  step1.预习交流   step2. warming-up   step 3: lead- in   step4 practice  step 5 精讲点拨:

friends like you make it a lot easier to get along in a new place.


1) make it +adj. +to do sth.,其中it为形式宾语,代替后面的动词不定式,形容词为宾语补足语,用于说明宾语的状态。类似的动词还有find, think等。

① i found it very difficult to work out the problem. 我发现这个问题很难解答。

② i think it necessary for us to learn english because it’s very useful.


2)get along/on意为“相处,进展”  get along/on well with sb.“与某人相处融洽”

step 6 拓展延伸:选词填空3页,当前第1123

It’s a nice day isn’t it教案

1. i need some money. i’m going to ____ the newspaper for a holiday job.

2. thanks for ____ me to your birthday party.

3. tom was late for school because of the busy ____.

4. there are at ____ ten thousand people at the concert.

5. chinese people are____ to the foreigners.

三、 限时作业    (每空一分,共10分)                得分率______


1. please ask him___ me.   a call   b calling  c to call   d calls

2. oh, peter, ____.i have something to tell you.

a come along      b come     c go       d go there

3. you should _________your subjects before you begin to do your homework.

a . look at    b look though    c look after      d look in

4. the little girl was afraid of staying _______in the____ house.

a alone; alone    b alone; lonely    c lonely; lonely  d lonely; alone

5. thanks____ the great green wall, the land produces more crops.

 a by    b of    c for      d to

6. the old man had a hard time ____ in the old days.

a. lives  b. living   c. to live  d. lived

7 judy has___ to the great wall several times.  a been   b gone  c got  d came

8. do you feel like ____ table tennis with me?

a. play    b. to play   c. playing   d. plays

9. this story is____ more interesting than that one.

a. very   b. quite   c. too   d. a lot

10. the internet ____ it easy to get much new information in a short time.

a. takes   b. finds  c. makes   d. feels

homework: 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空

1. this dictionary ________(花费)me twenty yuan.

2. the video was really_____(fun).  3. i saw many _____(baby)in the hospital.

4. thank you a lot for_____(邀请) me.

5. please get us tickets for next____ (week) game.

6. i enjoy____ (read) novels ____(write) by lu xun.

7. i spend 50 yuan ____(buy) the dictionary.

8. he feels like_____(eat) nothing because he is ill.

9. i’m very happy___(meet) my classmate at the party.

10. be careful ____(not be) late for the train.

完成下列反义疑问句:  1. you have been waiting for ten minutes,____?

2. he won’t go to the movies,_____?  3. he has never read this book before,_____?3页,当前第2123

It’s a nice day isn’t it教案

4. he read the book,_____?    5. they can go to school,____?

完成句子:1. if he isn’t at home, please____ ____ ____ ____ ____(给他留张便条)。

2. where are you going to ____ ____ _____ _____(度假)?

3. how ____ you____ ____ _____(与…..相处)your classmates?

4. i don’t _____ _____ _____(想睡)now.


1. he is looking t_____ the newspaper for a holiday job.

2. be careful when you walk a_____ the street.

3. he often helps me w_____ my math.

4. the t____ is very busy at this time.

5. there are at l____ 100 people in the room.



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