
8B Unit4词组与句子


8B Unit4词组与句子

8b unit 4

1. 你为什么拿着话筒?             why are you holding a microphone?

2. 他拿着一个话筒来到舞台上。(2)he came on stage with a microphone in his hand.

                                 = he came on stage holding a microphone.

3. 有很多筹款的方法。(2)        many ways to raise/ of raising money

4. 只有你少睡觉                  only if you sleep less

5. 帮助贫困的小女孩返回学校      help poor people return to school

6. 卖书筹款                      sell boos to raise money

7. 需要完成很多工作。(2)        a lot of work needs to be finished / finishing .

8. 很抱歉没能早点给你写信。      i am sorry that i didn’t write to earlier.

9. 我一直忙于帮着筹备慈善义演。  i have been busy helping with a charity show.

10. 我们2个月前开始筹备这义演,所以我们能按时做好一切。

we started working on the show two months ago, so we could do everything on time.

11. 介绍每个影星是我的工作(2)。  it’s my job to introduce each star.

                                 = my job is to introduce every star.

12. 很多别的任务                  many other duties

13. 那是很辛苦的工作,但我很高兴去做。it was hard work, but i was happy to do it.

14. 在恰当的时候                  at the right time

15. 。。。的前夜                    the night before….

16. 那隆重的日子很快到来了。      the big day came quickly.

17. 我非常地兴奋,根本无法入睡。(2)i was so excited that i couldn’t sleep at all.

                                 i couldn’t sleep at all because i was so excited .4页,当前第11234

8B Unit4词组与句子

18. 我不停地问自己。              i kept asking myself.

19. 没有时间再紧张了。            (there is ) no time to be nervous any more.

20. 弄出很多大声音                make a lot of noise

21. 一切好像发生得那么快,现在都结束了。it seemed that everything happened so fast,

…                =everything seemed to happen so fast, and now it is all over.

22. 很多钱已被捐到了绿色希望工程。much money has been donated to project hope.

23. 我们得到了地方企业的大力支持(2)。we had a lot of support from local businesses.

                                  = the show was supported by a lot of…

24. 我希望要更多地组织像这样的活动。i hope more events like this should

25. 我认为应该邀请更多的人来参加(这样的活动)。             be organized.

i think more people should be invited to take part in them.

26. 美好的祝愿                     best wishes

27. 计划好的公共活动               a planned public activity

28. 通过卖货物挣钱                 make money by selling goods

29. 从一个房间出去的路             the way out of a room

30. 使你的声音变高                 make your voice sound louder

31. 窗帘挂在舞台的前面。           the curtain hangs in front of the stage.

32. 窗帘应该横挂在舞台的前面。     = the curtain should be hung across the stage.

33. 将邀请谁来这个义演?           who will be invited to the show ?

34. 钱将用来做什么?               what will the money be used for ?4页,当前第21234

8B Unit4词组与句子

35. 出口可以贴在边门上。           the exit may be stuck on the side door.

36. 灯应该安置在舞台的两边。lights should be placed /put at/on both sides of the stage.

37. 音响可以放在礼堂的4个角落里.speakers may be put in the four corners of the hall.

38. 话筒必须安置在舞台的中央。     the microphone must be set in the middle of…

39. 座位可以安排在舞台的四周。     seats can be arranged around the stage.

40. 有明星参加那义演了吗?         did any stars go to the show ?

41. 支付他们的教育费用             pay for their education

42. 他将作为主持出现在义演上。     he will appear as a host at the show.

43. 我们相信那将会获得巨大的成功。 we believe it will be a great/big success.

44. 给你写信(3)                  write you / write to you / write a letter to you

45. 他们昨天开会做了一些决定。     they had a meeting to make some decisions.

46. 这义演将在4月29日举行(2)。  the show will be held / take place on 29th april.

47. 我们决定搭建一个舞台。         we have decided to set up a stage.

48. 我们在学生中安排了工作。       we have arranged the work among the ss.

49. 做很重要的工作                 do very important work

50. 他以前/曾经被选做过主持人(2)。he was once chosen as a host of a show.

                                  = once he was chosen to be a host of a show.

51. 义演已经结束2天了。           the show has been over for two days.

52. 一个12岁的男孩                a 12-year-old boy / a boy of 12

53. 用“with”造一个句             make a sentence with “with”

54. 保持沉默                       keep silent4页,当前第31234

8B Unit4词组与句子

55. 从那时起, 他戒烟了。          he stopped smoking from then on.

56. 从那以来,他一直教英语。       ha has taught english since then.

57. 首先                           first of all

58. 多关心需要帮助的人             care more about people in need

59. 感谢下列给了我们帮助和支持的人 thank the following… for their help & support

60. 所有的孩子学会读和写很重要。  it’s important for all children to learn to…

= it’s important that all children learn to read and write.

61. 孩子们没有上学, 相反,他们不得不去工作(2)。

children don’t go to school. instead, they go to work.

= children go to work instead of going to school.

62. 我们要感谢那些贡献了时间和物资来帮助使这次义演成为可能的人

we’d like to thank the people who have donated time and materials to help make this

63. 慈善义演的票               the tickets for…               show possible.

64. 义演最后, 观众们都兴奋得鼓掌尖叫了。

at the end of the show, the audience clapped with excitement.

65. 几首歌之后, 有短暂休息。    after a few songs, there was a break.


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