
Unit 4 Fact and Story学案


Unit 4 Fact and Story学案

unit 4 fact and story



1. use, a, computer, when, i, six years old, could, be


2. be good at, he, playing basketball


3. just now, were, doing, what, you


4. a beautiful day, it was


5. could, get dressed, on your own, you, three years old, you, when, were




jimmy began painting when he was three years old. w hen he was five, he was already very good at it. he painted    1    beau tiful pictures and a lot of people   2     his pictures. they said, “ this boy is going to be famous when he is a lit tle older, and then we are going to sell these pictures    3    a l ot more money.”

jimmy’s pictures were    4    other people’s, because he never painted on all the paper. he painted on half of it, and the other half was always    5   .3页,当前第1123

Unit 4 Fact and Story学案

“that’s very clever,” everybody said. “   6   other painters did that before!”

one day somebody bought one of jimmy’s pictures and said to him, “please tell me this, jimmy.     7    do  you paint on the bottom half of your pictures,   8    not on the top half?”[来源:学§科§网]

“because i’m    9   , ” jimmy said, “  and my brushes don’t   10    very high.”

  1. a. many            b. few              c. a few           d. some

  2. a. found           b. bought                  c. lo oked at       d. took away

  3. a. with            b. to                      c. from           d. for

  4. a. different from   b. cheaper than     c. hard to                  d. popular with

  5. a. nice            b. blue               c. empty           d. free

  6. a. some           b. a few             c. many           d. no

  7. a. what           b. why               c. which          d. when

  8. a. then            b. or                c. so             d. but

  9. a. small           b. young            c. busy            d. strong3页,当前第2123

Unit 4 Fact and Story学案

  10. a. paint           b. reach             c. clean           d. write


(一)1. i could use a computer when i was a six years old.

2. he is good at playing basketball.

3. what were you doing just now?

4. it was a beautiful day.

5. could you get dressed on your own when you were three years old?

(二)1—5  abdac    6—10  dbdab



1. marvin, you were walking _______(slow). please walk more _______(quick).

2. susie, you were reading a letter ________  (serious).  please read it _______ (sad).

3. mary, you were setting the table too _____ (noisy). please do it _______ (quiet).

4. mike, you were bringing in the food ______ (casual). please do it ________ (formal).

5. am i speaking too ______ (fast)?

6. the weather was ________ (terrible) bad.



1. 他们勇敢地行动了。

    they ________ _________.

2. 我们不得不立即行动。

    we _____ _____ act ______.

3. 老人大声地叫喊着。

    the old man _____ ______ ______.

4. 我迅速地跑去我们家。

    i _____ _____ our house _______.

5.  我小心翼翼地把梯子靠房屋放好了。

    i _______ placed the ladder _______ the house.



okay, listen up everybody. you did that scene… er…quite well. i have just a few comments. alice, when you come into the room, don’t walk quickly. walk      . what else? oh, yes. frank, you are a little afraid of the detective, okay?

so, when you speak to him, don’t speak informally. speak more        . shirley, when you sing that song while the baby goes to sleep, don’t sing it sadly. it’s not a sad song, so sing it     .

oh, and stanley, in the part where you eat the plate of soup, don’t eat noisily, okay? that’s no good. please eat         !


(一)1. slowly quickly    2. seriously sadly  3. noisily quietly  

4. casually formally  5. fast           6. terribly

(二)1. acted, bravely   2. had to, immediately   3. was shouting, loudly

      4. ran to, quietly   5. carefully, against

(三)slowly, formally, happily, quietly

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