
8a Unit2 School life教学案


8a  Unit2 School life教学案


 unit2  school life

period 1  comic strip and welcome to the unit


1. 简要谈论学校生活,复习与学校生活有关的词汇

2. 掌握相同概念在英国英语和美国英语中的不同表达法



词汇:british  lift  post  eraser   fall    vocation   math   movie  elevator   soccer


词组:go to school  __________    be like  _____________  watch tv ______________  

be smarter than ________________ fewer advertisements____________________

句型:why don’t dogs go to school, eddie?___________________________________

 what’s school like?______________________________________________

      it’s like watching tv, but there are fewer advertisements._____________________________


ⅰ. eddie和hobo心中的学校是什么样的?根据你对他们的了解,来填空吧!

    hobo wants to know 1_______ dogs don’t go to 2________ while people must go. eddie thinks dogs are 3________ than people and they 4_______ go to school. but hobo still wonders 5______ a school is like. eddie thinks it’s just 6_______ 7______ tv. but there are 8_______ 9_______ in it. do you think 10_____?

ⅱ. 观察表格, 写出相应英国英语单词的美国英语单词.

be=british english          ae=american english   

be autumn lift football maths rubber post ground

floor secondary




1. in england, we call it “autumn”, but in america, they call it “__________”.

2. in england, people go up and down by ________ in the tall building.

3. do you know another way of saying “garbage can”? i know, it’s __________.

4. what does “soccer” mean? it means __________.

5. now, can you find the __________ between british english and american english.


i 单项选择。

(    )1. why            come and play basketball with us?

a. not you         b. don’t           c. not to           d. not

(    )2.--           does mary usually go to the bubby club?  --once a week.15页,当前第1123456789101112131415

8a  Unit2 School life教学案

a. how often       b. how long        c. how far          d. how much

(    )3. my cousin is in          in shanghai no.11 middle school.

a. 3th grade       b.3 grade          c. grade 3          d. grade 3rd

(    )4. people in the uk say “lift” while people in the usa say “      ”.

a. hall            b. elevator        c. recess           d. soccer

(    )5. if it         next sunday,         you still          the great wall?

a. will rain; do; visit   b. will snow; will; visit  c. rains; do; visit    d. rains; will; visit

.2 根据句意和所给单词填空.

1. -- sorry, i am late.  -- why don’t you ________ (get) up early?

2. do you think dogs are __________ (smart) than people?

3. who is _________ ( lazy), hobo or eddie?

4. my parents like _________ (watch) tv in the evening.

5. we need __________ (little) money and ________ (few) people to do the work.

6.can you tell me any _______ (different) between ______ (britain) english and _____ (america) english?

7.-- what _______ (be) your school like?-- it ______ (look) like a beautiful garden.

8. there are too many _________ (advertisement) on tv.

9. thank you for _________ (tell) us your ideal school.

10. maths _______ (be) very important. we should work hard on it.

11. why don’t you _________ (go) to the playground.

12. the movie _________ (be) on at the cinema next week.

13. of all the things, the one on the left is __________ (bad).

14. jill isn’t as ________ (tall) as lucy.

15. i know they are trying their ___________ (good) in this matter.

.3 选用be like, look like, would like, like 的适当形式填空:

1. – what subject ______ you _______?- i ________ english.

2. – what _______ yao ming ________? -- he is tall and strong.

3. – what _____ you _______ to do on the coming holiday? -- i _______ to go to korea for holiday.

4. – what ______ his daughter _______?  – she’s lovely and very clever.

5. i am hungry, i ______ ______ something to eat.15页,当前第2123456789101112131415

8a  Unit2 School life教学案

 4根据短文内容及首字母的提示, 填入所缺的单词, 使短文意思完整.

it’s my first day in high school. i felt a little tired, b 1  i had a good time. our classroom is on the f  2  floor. so we don’t need an e  3  . i like to go outside playing f  4 after class. it’s my f  5  sport. today we h  6  6 classes. i still found m  7  was too difficult f  8  me. but the new classmate n  9  to me helped me work out a d  10  problem.

period 2  reading (第一课时)

一,教学目标1. 学会运用各种阅读方式,读懂文章,了解英美国家中学生的学校生活。

2. 了解作者的个人感受和观点。

3. 了解和掌握文中的语言点。


词汇:mixed  subject  sew   myself  tasty   even  _________________________________

guys  practice  hero  close    taste  article__________________________________________

词组:in year 8__________      a mixed school________________

do things for oneself _______________a reading week__________________-

    near the end of__________________  talk to somebody___________________

    in 9th grade________________   have driving lessons_______________________

drive somebody to___________________ twice a week________________________

spend… doing something ______________ talk to somebody about something________________

a close friend______________________  help somebody with/do something _________________-    have a great time doing something_____________ in the buddy club__________________-

home economics________as well_______________ play softball _______________________        


阅读完课文,请把下列谈及的内容给john 和nancy归类。

1. a mixed school    2. go to school in a car    3. cook healthy and tasty meals

4. talk to each other   5. home economics     6. play softball

7. go to a bubby club    8. a reading week      9. go to shopping malls

10. talk to friends about books

john _____________________________  nancy ________________________________


1.*one of the top students = one of the best students高材生之一

"one of+名词复数”表示“……之一”

2. now all of her family work in her business.所有她的家人都在她的公司工作。 15页,当前第3123456789101112131415

8a  Unit2 School life教学案

☆family表示“家庭”或“家人”,是集合名词,若视为整体,动词用单数,若逐个考虑其个体,则动词用复数。例: my family is very large.我家是个大家庭。my family are all very well.我的家人都很好。

3.☆business n.生意businessman n.商人(男)businesswoman n.商人(女)

busy adj.忙的busily adv.忙地

4.辨析:put on穿上,wear穿着,dress穿着,打扮

☆put on强调穿衣的动作,宾语须是物;wear表示穿着衣服的状态;dress既可指动作也可指状态,但宾语须是人。例:you'd better put on your coat if you want to go out.如果想出去最好把衣服穿上。

5. i always go to school in my own car. 我总是坐我自己的车去上学。

in one's car = by car坐小汽车

6. 辨析:enough to,too…to,so…that

☆enough to 和 too…to 构成简单句,so…that 构成复合句;enough to 和 so…that 表示肯定,too…to 和 so…that 表示否定。例:i am not old enough to drive.= i am too young to drive.= i am so young that i can’t drive. 我太小了不能开车。


i. 根据汉语或首字母完成句子。

1. i often play with julie. she is my ___________ (亲密的) friend.

2. jacky chen often becomes a _________(英雄) in his films.

3. i have _________ (更少的) books than li lei does.

4. life is like ________ (爬山). you need more practice.

5. you can choose ________ (任何)books to read from the school library.

6. ---what do you dream about in the next three years ?

   ---i hope to attend (参加) an i________ senior high school.

7. in american english, f______ is another way of saying autumn.

8. american people usually call lift e__________ in english.

9. we often have a good time p__________ football after school.

10. i am proud(自豪的) of the h_______ my motherland because it is as long as 5 thousand years.

ⅱ. 单项选择.

(   ) 11. tom! don’t play with your toy alone. you must learn to ________.

       a. have fun     b. play       c. share        d. enjoy yourself

(   ) 12. the child felt happy _______ he could stay at home with his parents.

       a. as        b. because of       c. because        d. but

(   ) 13. our teacher always helps __________ our study and life.

       a. us to       b. we with        c. us for         d. us with

(   ) 14. miss gao’s ______ sister works in no.1 middle school.15页,当前第4123456789101112131415

8a  Unit2 School life教学案

       a. old        b. older          c. eld           d. elder

(   ) 15. i like the tv channel with funnier programmes but ________ advertisements.

       a. few        b. fewer           c. little         d. less

(   )16. he always looks        . now he’s looking        at his new drawing.

a. happy; happily  b. happy; happy  c. happily; happily  d. happily; happy


1. john is a ______(britain) student, he comes from london.

2. my mother cooks very ______ (taste) meals.

4. you should listen to your teacher ______(careful) and work ______(hard) than before if you want to get the______ (high) points in your class.

5. if you want to be ______, you should cook ______ food and eat ______(health).

6. our school has the ______(many) students in our city.

7. we have a great time ______(play) softball after school.

8. there is ______(few) water in my bottle than in yours.

9. they were the ______(hero) of the world war ii.

ⅴ. 句型转换

1. ann didn’t leave here before her mother came back.(同义句)

 ann _____ leave here ______ her mother came back.

2.meimei dances best of all the girls. (同义句) meimei dances ______ than ______ _____ ______.

3. the old house isn’t there any longer. (同义句转换) the old house ______ _______ ______ there.

4..i spent a lot of time practising english. (同义句)  it ___ _____ ____ time_____ ______ english.

5.. my sweater is like my sister’. (同义句)my sweater and my sister’s                    .

period 3  reading /vocabulary

一,教学目标  1. 学会运用各种阅读方式,读懂文章,了解英美国家中学生的学校生活。

2. 了解作者的个人感受和观点。

3. 了解和掌握文中的语言点。


句型:i like learning how to cook and sew.___________________________________________

 i know how to cook healthy and tasty meals._______________________________________

 this is great because it takes less time than taking the bus.______________________________15页,当前第5123456789101112131415

8a  Unit2 School life教学案

 we always have a great time talking to each other._______________________________________

 what does the word “hero” mean?/ it means someone you admire very much._________________

 students in 12th grade are called seniors._________________________________________

reading week is always too short because we want to read all our classmates’ books as well.

we can even bring in books and magazines from home, but we have to tell our english teache what we are reading._____________________________________________

 三,课前预习    根据短文内容及首字母的提示, 填入所缺的单词, 使短文意思完整.

nancy is 14 years old. she is in 9th g__46__ at rocky mountain high school. her brother denver had d__47__ lessons last year. it’s great for her because he drives her to school every day. it’s f__48__than taking a bus. she plays s__49__twice a week. she spends lots of time p__50__. every monday she goes to a b__51__club. her buddy is julie. julie h__52__ nancy learn all about her new school. she helps nancy with her homework and listens to her p__53__. nancy thinks julie is a h__54__. during lunchtime, she has a good time t__55__ with her friends. sometimes, they go to shopping malls after school.


1.a mixed school: adj. 混合的 mix: v. 使…混合/融合

2. near the end of each class:每堂课快结束的时候

eg: at the end of the street/party     (at the beginning of…)   in the end=finally=at last

3. …because we want to …books as well

as well/too: 也(常用于肯定句,放在句末)

4. twice a week, i play softball after school.     how often…?  

(once a week, three times a year, often, usually, always, seldom, never, sometimes…)

5. …i spend a lot of time practicing.

* spends + 时间/金钱 + on sth/(in) doing sth   it takes + sb + 时间 + to do

  sth costs sb + 金钱/精力     pay for;    * practice=practise: v. 练习  ~ doing

6. tell/ask sb to do sth      告诉某人做某事  否定形式是 tell / ask sb not to do sth

动词不定式 (not )to do做宾语sb的宾语补足语,want sb to do sth   想某人做某事


. 根据句意和所给单词填空

1. in a __________(mix) school, boys and girls have lessons together.

2. lin tao goes to the country to see his grandparents ________(two) a month.

3. the dishes in the restaurant are very ________(taste). we often   go there.

4. i am old enough to look after _________(i). you needn’t worry  about me.15页,当前第6123456789101112131415

8a  Unit2 School life教学案

5. what’s the __________(long) of your desk? it’s about one meter.

6. we always have a great time _______(chat) with each other.

7. ___________(take) a bus is much faster than walking,

8. quiet! the students __________ (have) an english class.

9. could you tell me how _________(get) to the hospital?

10. my mother asks us _________(not watch) too much tv.


11. 你为什么不呆在家里呢?    ________ ________ you stay at home?

12. 请找出这些问题的答案。please ________ ________ the answers to these questions.

13. 他们每年去英国两次。they go to england ________ ________ ________ .

14. 现在我知道怎样学好数学。 now i ______ ______ ______ ______ maths well.

15. 我喜欢物理,因为它很有趣。 i like physics ______ ______ ______ ______ .

16. 她每天花很多的时间练习汉语。she ______ ______ ______ ______ chinese every day.                                 

17. 玛丽经常帮我学习英语。 mary often ______ ______ ______ ______ .  

18. 我比汤姆有更多的空余时间。 i have ______ ______ ______ ______ tom.

period 4   grammar  1 (第一课时)


1. 运用more …than, fewer …than,和 less…than比较数量。

2. 运用the most 比较两个以上的事物,表示数量最多,运用the fewest和the least比较两个以上的事物,表示数量最少。


词汇:point      least       health     

词组:free time__________________the funniest girl________________________

    tell funny jokes__________________ score the most points_____________________

      plant trees___________________ during reading week_________________________

句型:millie has more flowers than amy._______________________________

      daniel has fewer cds than kitty._________________________________

      simon scored the fewest points.___________________________________

amy scored the most points._____________________________________

daniel has the most money.______________________________________

kitty has the least money._______________________________________


1. comparing more than two things:   the most/the fewest + (countable) nouns.

                                 the most/the least + (uncountable) nouns.15页,当前第7123456789101112131415

8a  Unit2 School life教学案

2.please use more /fewer /less …than or the most/fewest/least to compare.

many, many—more—the most,      much, much—more—the most,

 few, few—fewer—the fewest,          little, little—less—the least,



1.please practice as _________(much) as you can.

2.as we all know, light ________ (travel) faster than sound.

3.he hopes he _______(win) the first prize again in the   olympic games.

4.wang hao spends 6 hours _________(practice) ________(play) table tennis every day.

5.it rained heavily yesterday, so my father________(drive) me to school.


1. ann didn’t leave here before her mother came back.(同义句转换)

    ann ______ leave here ______ her mother came back.

2. meimei dances best of all the girls. (同义句)  meimei dances _______ than ______ _____ ______.

3. the old house isn’t there any longer. (同义句) the old house ______ _______ ______ there.

4.i spent a lot of time practising english. (同义句) it _____ _____ _____ time_____ ______ english.

5.my sweater is like my sister’. (同义句) my sweater and my sister’s                    .



they meet ______ _______ ______ , and ______ ______ ______ ______ _____.

2. kate的毛衣和helen 的 是一样的。 kate _____ _____ ______ ______ _____ helen.

kate’s ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ helen’s.  kate’s ______ _____ _____ helen’s.

3. 他的答案与你的不同。 his answer is _____ _____ yours.

4. 我们应该用较少的人力与财力把工作做得更好。

we should use ______ people and ______ money to do the work _____.

5 在家政课上,学生们学习怎样烧健康可口的食物和缝纫。

in home economics the students learn  ______ ______ ______ healthy and tasty food and sew.

ⅰ. 根据短文内容及首字母的提示, 填入所缺的单词, 使短文意思完整.

nancy is 14 years old. she is in 9th g__46__ at rocky mountain high school. her brother denver had d__47__ lessons last year. it’s great for her because he drives her to school every day. it’s f__48__than taking a bus. she plays s__49__twice a week. she spends lots of time p__50__. every monday she goes to a b__51__club. her buddy is julie. julie h__52__ nancy learn all about her new school. she helps nancy with her homework and listens to her p__53__. nancy thinks julie is a h__54__. during lunchtime, she has a good time t__55__ with her friends. sometimes, they go to shopping malls after school.15页,当前第8123456789101112131415

8a  Unit2 School life教学案

period 5   grammar 2  (第二课时)


1. 运用the same as 和different from 做比较

2. 运用the same... as 做比较


词汇: piont   least   health  online   timetable________________________________

词组:free time   the funniest girl   tell funny jokes   score the most points   plant trees 


 during reading week   the same as    different from    the same ... as 


句型:my uniform is the same as simon's uniform.______________________________

      my uniform is different from jhon's uniform.____________________________________

      millie's pencil box is the same size as amy's pencil box._______________________________


ⅰ. 根据汉语或首字母提示,完成下列句子中的单词。

1. ---do you have any h________ ?   ---- yes, of course. jay zhou is.

2. i was a junior student two years ago. but now i am a s_______ student. how time flies.

3. we chinese students have about 7 weeks off in the s__________.

4. what’s the short form(形式) for a__________ ? it’s ad.

5. these things are u___________, throw them away.

6. if you want to keep _________ (健康),you need to exercise every day.

7. mr yang knows lots of knowledge(知识),so all of us ________(钦佩) him very much.

8. do students in your school like __________ (穿) uniforms ?

9. this is a ___________ (讨厌的) book, nobody is interested in it.

10.tim has the __________ (最少的) rice of the three.


1. their library/ our library (like) ________________________________________

2. life in the city / life in the country (alike) ________________________________________

3. the weather in the north / the weather in the south (different)_________________________________

4. amy’s trousers / millie’s trousers (the same as) _______________________________________

5. kitty/ has juice(least)________________________________________

ⅲ. 用“few, little, many, much”的适当形式填空.

 apples oranges money time spent on homework

nancy 10 6 ¥30 2 hours

daniel 8 4 ¥40 1 hour

john 6 2 ¥50 3 hour

1 nancy has ___________ apples than daniel.   2. john has _____________ oranges than daniel.15页,当前第9123456789101112131415

8a  Unit2 School life教学案

3. nancy has _______________apples.         4.john has ______________oranges.

5. john has _______money than daniel.  6. daniel spends _______time on homework than nancy.

7 john has _____________ money       8. daniel spends _______________ time on homework.

9 john has ________________ apples than daniel.   10. nancy has _______________ oranges


 用“the same as”和“different from”连接下列句子.

1.my watch is ______________ yours—they are both round.

2.an e-mail is __________ a letter—we write an e-mail on a computer but a letter on a piece of paper.

3. california’s disney land is _________florida’s disney world—they are both disney theme parks.

4.clothes washing liquid is ____________ washing power —both of them are for clothes washing.

5.railway trains are __________ underground trains—railway trains run above the ground but underground trains usually run under it.


1. i have ten yuan. he has eight yuan.(合并为一句)   he has _________ __________ than i.

2. his schoolbag is like mine. (合并为一句)   his schoolbag and mine ________ ________.

3. your bike isn’t the same as mine. (同义句)    your bike is __________ __________ mine.

4. i don’t know how i can work out this physics problem. (同义句转换)

  i don’t know _________ __________ work out this physics problem.

5. it took me two hours to read the book. (同义句)  i _________ two hours __________ this book.

根据所给汉语,完成下列句子, 每空一词.

6. 你多长时间去一次足球俱乐部? _____ _____ do you go to the football club?

7. 你的小刀像我的小刀,我认为它们看上去一样。

your knife and my knife _____ _____. i think they _____ _____ _____.


my english friend helped me _____ _____ _____ america. 


in summer chinese students _____ _____ _____ _____ than japanese students.

10.amy得到的分数最少.  amy got _____ _____ _____ . 

period 6    integrated skills

一, 教学目标  1.听取细节,提炼信息




 词汇:length      summertime_________________________

词组:number of students    length of summer holiday    have weeks off    in the summertime


8a  Unit2 School life教学案

句型:i spend less time doing homework than john does.__________________________________

     how many grade 8 classes are there at your school?_________________________________



1. 穿校服_________________       2. 休一周假 __________________

3. 做早操_____________  4. 花更少的时间进行课外活动_______________

5. 学生的数量_____________   6  暑假的长度_______________________


1. their library/ our library (like) ___________________________________

2. the weather in the north / the weather in the south (different) _________________________________________________

3.amy’s trousers / millie’s trousers (the same as) ___________________________________

: ⅱ 用所给词适当形式填空:

 1).if it _________(snow) tomorrow, we’ll make a snowman.

 2). the number of the workers __________(be)over 1290 in this factory.

 3).the _________(long)of our summer holiday is about two months.

 4). they often spend their free time _________(chat) online.

 5).chinese students have more homework than _________(britain)students.

  6).would you mind ________(go)shopping with me?

 7).laura __________(hurt) her leg last week.

 8). he can do the work better with __________(few)people and ________ (little)money.

 9).we’ll have nine _______ off next week.

 10).it looks just like __________(fly) in the sky.



1. how many is the number of students in your school?            (        )__________

       a           b    c            d

3. my school uniform is different from john.                     (        )__________

   a         b       c         d

4. my school has the least classrooms.                          (        )__________

   a        b     c     d15页,当前第11123456789101112131415

上一篇:八年级英语上册Unit1-12全套教案3 下一篇:Unit 3 Countries and Cities