
Unit 4 Educational exchanges Listening A 学卷


Unit 4 Educational exchanges Listening A 学卷

unit 4 listening a 学卷

class _____________ name _______________ mark ____________ 【前置作业】 1. 学习单词,写出中文。(预习作业)

flight departure arrival aged

oxford street             london bridge the tower of london       buckingham palace           the queen 2.      find out the following information about guangzhou as much as you can.


shopping centre



guangzhou people

language pre-listening one 1. 认真看书本p53的信息卡,预测可能会填的词类。 【技巧点拨】1. 认真读图找出大意2. 猜测相关单词。 while-listening one 2. 认真听并且写出对应的答案。书本p53 【技巧点拨】听时捕捉关键的数字信息。 while-listening two 3. 听对话完成以下内容。 【技巧点拨】1.听前快速浏览a trip to london,预测所缺的信息。



a trip to london shopping places there are a lot of parks and long(1)___________ ___________. the most famous place for shopping is(2) ____________ ___________. transportation(交通方式) we took the famous(3)____________ ___________ to travel around the city, but the(4)________ way to move around in london is on the(5)___________. sightseeing we went to see(6)____________ ___________ and(7)the _____________ of  london. when we visited(8)_________ _________, we even saw the queen. post-listening 4. 小组活动:根据上述信息描述伦敦。(a组同学不能看书或学卷,其他同学允许参考学卷和书本)。 5. pair work: david will come to study in guangzhou for six months as an exchange student. he has stayed with his host family in guangzhou for one week. now, he is asking his host, uncle wang some information about guangzhou. make a dialogue between them. 【技巧点拨】描述时,注意从食物、交通、旅游、语言等方面进行(前置作业2) useful sentence patterns: can you describe guangzhou a bit? there are a lot of …. the most famous place for shopping is …. how can i travel around the city? the fastest way to move around in guangzhou is …. what kind of food do people eat in this city? where can i do sightseeing?

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