
Chapter 5 Some days; Never a dull moment


Chapter 5 Some days; Never a dull moment

chapter 5 some days; never a dull moment

part a language

i. words and expressions

1. interesting  adj. 有趣的  uninteresting  adj. 无聊的

some girls think it is very interesting to chat with friends by phone; but some boys find it uninteresting. 有些女孩子认为电话中聊天是很有趣的;但男孩子认为这很无聊。

2. activity  n. 活动  active  adj. 积极的

he is very busy. he takes an active part in all kinds of activities at school. 他很忙,他积极参加学校的各项活动。

3. speaker   n. 演讲者 speak  v. 发言    speech  n. 演说

don’t speak any longer. the speaker is giving us a wonderful speech. 别再讲话了,演讲者正在给我们做一个精彩的报告。

4. terrible  adj. 可怕的   terribly  adv. 非常,极度地

i am terribly sorry about the terrible mistake i made in the letter. 有关信件上的错误我感到很抱歉。

5. lively  adj. 活泼的,充满生气的   alive  adj.活着的

the patient is still alive. he’s a bit lively today. 那病人还活着,他今天精神好些了。

6. screamer  n. 尖叫者    scream v. 尖叫

the baby nest-door is such a screamer that she often wakes up screaming. 隔壁的宝宝是个醒来就尖叫的家伙。

7. stone deaf 完全聋了

the old man standing there is stone deaf.  站在那儿的老人完全聋了。

8. run rings 绕着圈跑

don’t run rings in the room. it makes me dizzy. 别在屋里绕着圈跑,我的头都晕了。

9. in the end 最后 终于

she tried many times to pass the examination and in the end she succeeded 她努力了多次想通过考试,最后终于成功了。

ii. language structure

1. 名词的所有格

名词的所有格有两种:一种是加’s /s’的形式,另一种以of构成的短语的形式。

1) 以’s /s’构成的所有格表示有生命的人或动物的名词;表示时间、距离、量度、国家、城市、地区等名词;还可表示店铺、楼房、建筑等词。

monkey’s heart; teachers’ office; students’ dining-room; ten minutes’ walk; today’s homework; china’s china;

the doctor’s =the doctor’s clinic 诊所

the barber’s 理发店

2) 以of构成短语的所有格表示无生命东西的名词;表示感情色彩;表示有生命东西的名词间的所有关系;表示部分的概念。

the legs of the desks; the death of the president; a friend of mine; the pretty baby of my aunt’s

2. 疑问代词指人的有(who/whose/whom)

who(主格)whose(所有格)whom (宾格)。现代语法中有时可用who代替whom。

who is the handsome man over there?

whom(who) are you waiting for?

whose watch is it? = whose is this watch?

3. 名词性物主代词的用法

名词性自物主代词(mine, his, her, theirs, ours, yours, its)可以用作主语、表语和宾语。

his brother is an engineer; mine is a manager and ours is a teacher.2页,当前第112

Chapter 5 Some days; Never a dull moment

these magazines are not ours. they are theirs.

you may use my car and i may use my husband’s.

4. 不定代词one/one’s



which glasses do you prefer? i prefer the latest ones.

which cap is yours? the blue one.

5. one…the other… 一个……另一个

some… others… 有的……有的

some… the others 一些……剩下的(全部)

another 又一个

iii. notes

1. 诗歌的格式

诗歌是人们用最精练的语言表达式思想的一种方式。诗歌的每个段落称为(a stanza/a verse);许多诗歌是押韵的。英语中诗人的名字位于诗歌的后面。

2. thank goodness! 谢天谢地(用以表示宽慰)!

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