
Chapter 7 A new newspaper


Chapter 7 A new newspaper


chapter 7 a new newspaper






① 虚拟现在时表示与现在事实相反的假设,其if 从句的谓语形式用动词的过去式(be 一般用were),主句用would/ should/ could/ might +动词原形,例如:if i were in your position i would marry her.

② 虚拟过去时是表示与过去事实相反的假设,if 从句的谓语形式用过去完成时即had+过去分词,主句用would / should / could / might + have +过去分词,例如:if it had not rained so hard yesterday we could have played tennis.

③ 大多数的虚拟条件句属于上面三种情况中的一种,但并不排除存在于条件和结果中,一个和现在情况相反,另一个和过去情况相反,例如:if you had followed what the doctor said, you would not have been so painful now. 这个句子在高中出现频率颇高。

④ 但是,如果结果用了虚拟语气,而条件却用陈述语气,这种用法是错误的。

1) 虚拟语气用在简单句中,表示祝愿,命令。

may you be happy. 祝你幸福。

may you have a good time. 祝愿你玩得痛快。

may the friendship between us last long. 祝愿我们的友情天长地久。

have a good journey! 祝愿你旅途愉快!

you go out! 你出去!

2) 虚拟语气用在宾语从句中。动词 wish, suggest, order, insist, propose 等词后面的宾语从句表示的是一种虚拟语气, 宾语从句中的动词动作表示的只是一种愿望,要求。

i wish she would be on my side. 我希望她能站在我这一边。

i wish i could help him. 我希望我能帮助他。

he insisted that all of us should be there on time by any means.


动词 demand, suggest, order, insist, propose 后面的从句中,“should” 可以省略。

the teacher suggested that we (should) clean the blackboard after class.


he ordered that the students wash the clothes every week by themselves.


3) 虚拟语气用在主语从句中。

在句型 “it is important (necessary, strange, natural) that . . . . ” 中,that 后面的从句中的谓语动词用: should + 动词原形

it’s necessary that we should have a walk now. 我们有必要出去散散步。

it’s natural that she should do so. 她这样做是很自然的。

it’s important that we should take good care of the patient. 重要的是我们要照顾好病人。

4) 虚拟语气用在状语从句中。



条件从句  结果从句

if i (we, you, he, they)+ 动词过去式, if i (he, she) were. . . i (we) should + 动词原形。 he (you, they) would + 动词原形。 4页,当前第11234

Chapter 7 A new newspaper


条件从句  结果从句

if i(we, you, he, they)+ had + 过去分词 i(we)should + have+ 过去分词。he (you, they) would + have + 过去分词。

if i were you, i should buy it. 如果我是你,我就买了它。

if i had time, i would study french. 如果我有时间,我会学习法语的。

if she knew english, she would not ask me for help. 如果她懂英语的话,她不会找我帮忙的。

if you had got up earlier, you could have caught the train. 如果你早一点起床,就会赶上火车的。

if it were fine tomorrow, i would go shopping. 如果明天天气好,我就去买东西。


1) 有时if引导的状语从句可以省略 if,而把从句中的动词 were, had 或 should 移到主语前面。

were she younger, she would do it. 如果她年轻点, 她就会干的。

had he known her address, he would had gone to visit her.


2) 有时表示虚拟语气的条件从句或者主句都可以省略,而只剩下一个主句或者一个条件从句。

i could help you. 我本来可以帮助你。

if i had time. 我要有时间该多好啊。

she should have come to the party. 她应该来参加聚会。

if he had much more money. 如果他有更多的钱。

3) 虚拟语气中,条件从句的动词动作可以和主句的动词动作时态不一致。

if they had studied hard, they could do it easily now.


if he had not taken my advice, he wouldn’t do it much better like this.




1. 时间状语从句

表示时间的状语从句可由when, as, while, whenever, after, before, till (until), since, once, as soon as (或the moment ), by the time, no sooner … than, hardly (scarcely) … when, every time等引导。

e. g. : when i came into the office, the teachers were having a meeting.

he started as soon as he received the news.

once you see him, you will never forget him.

no sooner had i gone to bed than i went to sleep.

2. 原因状语从句

原因状语从句是表示原因或理由的,引导这类从句的最常用的连词是because, since, as , now that(既然)等,for 表示因果关系时(它引导的不是从句)为并列连词,语气不如because强。

e. g. he is disappointed because he didn’t get the position.

as it is raining, i will not go out.

now that you mention it, i do remember.

3. 地点状语从句

引导地点状语从句的连词是where 和wherever等。4页,当前第21234

Chapter 7 A new newspaper

e. g. sit wherever you like.

make a mark where you have a question.

4. 目的状语从句

引导目的状语从句最常用的词(组)是so, so that(从句谓语常有情态动词), in order that, in case(以防,以免)等。

e. g. speak clearly, so that they may understand you.

she has bought the book in order that she could follow the tv lessons.

he left early in case he should miss the train.

5. 结果状语从句

结果状语从句是表示事态结果的从句,通常主句是原因,从句是结果。由so that (从句谓语一般没有情态动词), so … that, such … that等引导。

e. g. she was ill, so that she didn’t attend the meeting.

he was so excited that he could not say a word.

she is such a good teacher that everyone admires her.

6. 条件状语从句

条件状语从句分真实性(有可能实现的事情)与非真实性(条件与事实相反或者在说话者看来不大可能实现的事情)条件句。引导条件状语从句的词(组)主要有if, unless, so (as) long as, on condition that, so (as) far as, if only ( = if )。注意:条件从句中的if 不能用whether替换。

e. g. if he is not in the office, he must be out for lunch.

you may borrow the book so long as you keep it clean.

so far as i know(据我所知), he will be away for three months.

you can go swimming on condition that ( = if ) you don’t go too far away from the river bank.

if he had come a few minutes earlier, he could have seen her.

7. 让步状语从句

让步状语从句可由although, though, as, even if (though), however, whatever, whether … or, no matter who (when, what, …) 等引导。注意:as引导的让步状语从句一般是倒装的。

e. g. though he is a child, he knows a lot.

child as he is, he knows a lot.

whatever ( = no matter what ) you say, i’ll never change my mind.

8. 方式状语从句

方式状语从句常由as, as if (though), the way, rather than等引导。

e. g. you must do the exercise as i show you.

he acted as if nothing had happened.

9. 比较状语从句

比较状语从句常用than, so (as) … as, the more … the more等引导。

e. g. i have made a lot more mistakes than you have.

he smokes cigarettes as expensive as he can afford.

the busier he is, the happier he feels.

10. 使用状语从句时要注意的几个问题


e. g. we’ll go outing if it doesn’t rain tomorrow.

i’ll write to you as soon as i get to shanghai.

(2)有些时间、地点、条件、方式或让步从句,如果从句的主语与主句的主语一致(或不一致,是it),从句的谓语又包含动词be ,就可省略从句中的“主语 + be”部分。

e. g. when (he was) still a boy of ten, he had to work day and night.

if (you are) asked you may come in.

if (it is) necessary i’ll explain to you again. 4页,当前第31234

Chapter 7 A new newspaper


e. g. you are to find it where you left it. (地点状语从句)

tell me the address where he lives. (定语从句,句中有先行词)

i don’t know where he came from. (宾语从句)

where he has gone is not known yet. (主语从句)

this place is where they once hid. (表语从句)





they never agree about politics. 关于政治问题,他们总是意见不一致。


can we agree on a date for the next meeting? 我们能不能为下次会议确定一个时间?


he’s agreed to our suggestion about the holiday. 他已经同意我们关于假日的计划了。


they might not agree with his opinions. 他们可能不同意他的意见。


we agree to leave at once. 我们同意马上离开。


1) i can’t argue with you about that.


2) you can say that again.


3) you took the words right out of my mouth.


4) i was about to say the same thing.


5) i couldn’t agree with you more.



上列类似用语 “i couldn’t agree with you more. ”,按字面翻译为「我无法再更加同意您了」,实则表「我对您极表同意」。注意这是固定句型,助动词必须用couldn’t,而不可用can’t。


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