
Unit 2 School life复习学案


Unit 2 School life复习学案

unit 2 school life


1. free time 空闲时间

2. the funniest firl 最滑稽的女孩

3. tell funny jokes 讲笑话

 4. sco re the most points 得最多分

5. during reading week 在阅读课期间

6. the same size as 与、一样尺寸

7. be different from 与、不同

8. the length of summer holiday 假期长度

9. have two weeks off请两个星期假

10. in the summertime 在夏季

11. in fall = in autumn 在秋天

12. take a lift  坐电梯(by lift 做方式状语)

13. have a great time talking to each other彼此聊得很开心

14. in a mixed school 在一所混合学校

15. read an article written by a girl 看一个女孩写的文章

16 . have an hour of homework 有半小时的作业

17. cook healthy and tasty meals 做健 康可口的饭

18. go on trip to a museum 去博物馆旅行

19. have time for after-school activities有时间进行课外活动

20. watch tv 看电视

21. be smarter than 比、聪明

22. fewer advertisements更少的广告

23. driving lessons 驾驶课

24. my ideal school 我理想中的学校

25. get up late起床迟了

26. hae lots of time for 有大量的时间做、

27. listen to pop music听流行音乐

28. wear ties 戴领带

29. at weekends 在周末

30. have an hour for lunch 有一小时吃午餐


1. what’s school like ?学校什么样子?

2. it’s like watching tv , but there are fewer advertisements


3. reading week is always too short because we want to read all our calssmates’ books . 阅读周总是太短,因为我们想读完所有同学的书

4. it means someone you admire very much .它意思是你非常羡慕的人

5. driving to school takes less time than taking the bus .


6. my brother drives me to school ev ery day =my brother takes me to school in his car every day . 我哥哥每天开车送我去上学

7. chinese students have more weeks off in the summertime than british students


8. it finishes at 3p.m , so we will have lots of time for after-school activities


9. there is a park on one side of our school and a shopping mall on the other .




1) 比较级前可以用much ,far ,a little , a bit , a lot ,even , still , yet 等词语表示程度的轻重:the sun is much bigger than the earth .

in that small room, he seemed even bigger than i remembered him .

2)表示“越来越、” 用“比较级+and +比较级”(短形容词)

“more and more +长形容词”, 这种结构后不可以接than 从句。

things are getting better and better everyday .

she is becoming more and more beautiful .

3) 表示“越、,就越、”常用“the +比较级,the +比较级”的结构,前面的是状语从句,后者是主句。5页,当前第112345

Unit 2 School life复习学案

the more people there are , the more crowded there will be .

the more meat you eat , the fatter you will be .


1. we ______ have a big lib rary with a lot of useful books in our school.

a. too     b. as well         c. also     d. either

2. i spend much time _______ sports .

a. with    b. doing    c. in    d. to do

3. who is the man ____ black ?

a. in    b. with       c. for    d. of 

4. we each ________ our own bedroom .

a. have       b. has       c. are have    d. is have

5. my favourite food is fish. i also have fur , i like sleeping _________.

a. many        b. a lot     c. a lot of    d. lots of

6. she has written a lot of books , but _______ ar e good ones  .

a. any     b. some    c. few      d. many



1. in a             (mix) school, boys and girls have lessons together.

2. lin tao goes to the country to see his grandparents            (two) a month.

3. simon has            (little) orange juice than millie.

4. his grandfather is ill. he was even              (ill) this morning.

5. the dishes in the restaurant are very              (taste). we  often go there.

6. the singer is not popular now., and his songs are              (popular).

7. i am old enough to look after              ( i). you needn’t worry about me.

8. which subject is                   (interesting), history, geography or science?

9. what’s the               (long) of your desk? it’s about one meter.

10.please practice as               (much) as you can.5页,当前第212345

Unit 2 School life复习学案


1. as we all know, light                 (travel) faster than  sound.

2. he hopes he            (win) the first prize again in the olympic games.

3. wang hao spends 6 hours             (practice)          (play) table tennis every day.

4. it rained heavily yesterday, so my f ather           (drive) me to school.

5. we always have a great time             (chat) with each other.

6.             (take) a bus is much faster than walking,

7.quiet! the students                (have) an english class.

8. could you tell me how                 (get) to the hospital?

9. my mother asks us                (not watch) too much tv.

10. it was _________(please) to sit in a sidewalk cafe and watch people pass .


(    )1. why            come and play basketball with us?

a. not you     b. don’t      c. not to       d. not

(    )2.--            does mary usually go to the bubby club?

--once a week.

 a. how often    b. how long    c. how far    d.how much

(    )3. my cousin is in            in shanghai no.11 middle school.

a.3th grade    b.3 grade     c. grade 3     d. grade 3rd

(    )4. people in the uk say “lift” while people in the usa say “           ”.

a. hall        b.elevator      c. recess       d. soccer

(    )5. if it         next sunday,        you still      the great wall?5页,当前第312345

Unit 2 School life复习学案

a.will rain; do; visit   b. will snow; will; visit

c. rains; do; visit      d.rains; wil; visit

(    )6. he always looks        . now he’s looking         at his new drawing.

a. happy; happily   b. happy; happy  c.happily; happild. happily;happy

(    )7. what’s your best friend like?

a. he is fine. thank you.              b. he is a doctor.

c. he likes watching tv.              d. he is helpful and generous.

(    )8. chinese students have   weeks  in the summertime than american students.

      a. more; on     b. fewer; on    c. more; off d. less; off

(    )9. his uncle caught a bad cold. now he is still            .

      a. i n hospital    b. in the hospital  c. at hospital d.at the hospital

(    )10.lucy’s sports shoes are            yours.

      a. like      b. alike       c. the same   d. different

(    )11.there            an exciting softball match on tv this evening.

      a. will have   b.are going to have   c.are going to be  d. is going to be

(    )12.i’m sure you            drive a car next month.

      a. will can      b.will be able to  c. are able to   d. could

(    )13.there are many tall buildings on            side of the busy street.

      a. both side     b. all sides      c. each side   d. every side

(    )14.i have        money than you, but i have       friends than you.

      a. more; more    b.less; more     c.fewer; more   d.more; less5页,当前第412345

Unit 2 School life复习学案

(    )15.if you live near the shopping mall, you       go far to buy things.

      a. have to   b. haven’t to   c.don’t have to  d. needn’t to



nancy’s shoes            the                                  mine.

2、  露西的校服与彼得的不同。

lucy’s s chool uniform                                  peter’s.

3、  约翰比丹尼尔学的课程少,所以他的空闲时间比丹尼尔多。

john studies                                  naniel, so he has          


4、  他有两个儿子,一个是医生,另一个是教师。

he has two sons,            is a doctor,                        is a teacher.

5、  我想学如何烧出美味的食物。

i want to learn                                  nice food.

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