
Chapter 5 Reading


Chapter 5 Reading

chapter 5


reading  (2课时)


1.dead  adj  死的                    the tiger is dead.

2.create  v  创造 ,创作;创建       god  created the world

3.die     vi死 (died,dying)            die of an illness,hunger; grie

因疾病 ,饥饿,悲伤而死,            die from a  wound    受伤不治而死

die by violence        横死

die by one’s own hand  自杀

die for one’s country    为国捐躯

eg  1 my dog died three years ago

2 the blacksmith died of the rum bottle and a stroke 铁匠死于酗酒和中风

3 five men died from police gunfire           5名男子被警察击毙

4.mail n邮件,信件,邮包      

he got a lot of mail yesterday

5prep 不像                  

her latest novel is quite unlike her earlier work


1.dinosaur 恐龙     

2.greece n希腊 ( 欧洲巴尔干半岛南部国家  )

3.greek adj 希腊的,希腊人的 ,希腊语的 n希腊人 , 希腊语

4.disneyland 迪斯尼乐园     

5.exist  v存在               

does life exist on mars 火星上有生命吗

6.harm n 有害                

no harm came to him 他没受到伤害

v  were the hostages harmed 人质受到伤害没有

7.harmful  adj有害的         

smoking is harmful to your health

8.harmless  adj无害的        

the dog is harmless

9.skeleton  n骨骼            

a human skeleton

a skeleton of a dinosaur

10.amusement  n  娱乐       

i only do it for amusement        

11.character     n  人物,角色 

ah q is the principal character in one of lu xun’s novels                         3页,当前第1123

Chapter 5 Reading

12.kneel  v 下跪   (knelt)    

she knelt (down) to pray   她跪下祈祷

13.belong(s)  n 所有物,财产  

he left all his belongs to his brother

14.tame    adj 不凶猛的

15.disease  n    疾病        

doctors hope that someday they can eradicate disease


16.secret  n    诀窍 ,秘诀   

what is the secret of your success


1.on earth在地球上            

2.more than 多于    

3.as  …as 与…一样       

4.know about …from从……了解关于……

5.be created  by 由……创作      

6.be famous for 以 ……著名    

7.see sb doing看见……正在做……   

8.throw away扔掉


导入新课  猜动物(用肢体语言或动物的叫声)eg bird ,cat ,dog, monkey, fish


step1 show a video about a dinosaur egg

ask  what is that, ? 

‘teach the word  “dinosaur”

write this word on the blackboard

show another video and ask was it big ?

                          how big was it ?

                          what did it eat?

                          was it gentle?

were all dinosaurs gentle?

show another video

what did it eat ?  

use a word to describe it

ask                           can we see them in the zoo  ?

get the students to say no

tell them  

they are dead

they died suddenly .   

write down the two sentences on the blackboard

ask    what do we know about them from ?  

see a video and teach “ skeleton 

write down this word on the blackboard

step2  get the students to listen and repeat it

step3  explain some key points

exit=live    more than =over   everywhere=here and there   harmless=not causing hurt or harm   harmful=causing hurt or harm  3页,当前第2123

Chapter 5 Reading

step4 show some pictures and talk about them(get the students to use the sentences in the article)


eg  shark   chick   mouse   whale   duck   cat   kangaroo   dog   elephant   pig

step5 do exercises  p62  1 2 3 4    p64 b1  1  2     b2   1  2  p65 c    1

d    1  2  3  4

step6 homework   workbook


exit       v

dinosaur   n                          dead:adj    they are dead.

skeleton   n                           die :v     they died suddenly.

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