
冀教英语七年级上Unit 5 Family and home单元教案


冀教英语七年级上Unit 5 Family and home单元教案

冀教英语七年级上unit 5 family and home单元教案i. teaching objectives 单元教学目标     skill focus听listen to peopl e talking about their families.说 talk about their families.读read the texts about the family and what they usually do at home.写write short passages about their families.language focus] 功 能 句 式

1.       how old are you? i am ____ (years old). 2.       my father / mother is a _____. 3.       happy birthday to you. thanks. 4.       what are they doing? they are ____. 5.       what is he / she doing? he / she is ______.

 6.       where is it? it is above / beside / below ____.

词 汇 1. 掌握词汇 family, father, mother, brother, sister, daughter, son, young, her, my, his, name, bus, comb, computer, name, party, radio, telephone, tv, bed, cry, play, talk, work, young, above, below, beside, thirty, her, his, my 2. 认知词汇 year, grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle, cousin, mr. mrs. student, driver, worker, candle, present, tonight, bedroom, lamp, home, time, love, will, laugh, make, watch, lie, listen, sleep, count, together, after, really 3. 重点词汇 family, father, mother, brother, sister, daughter, son, student, police officer, driver, bus driver, worker, laugh, make, watch, lie, listen, sleep, count, above, below, beside 4. 短语    police officer, bus driver, listen to, go to sleep语法1. countable nouns and uncountable nouns.2. present continuous tense. 3. preposition.ii. teaching materials analyzing 教材分析   1. 教材分析   通过本单元学习,让学生学会用英语简单的介绍自己和他人的家庭,并了解一些西方的家庭活动,如生日聚会。用现在进行时态问答并掌握一些方位词。

1.1 lesson 33 li ming’s family 学习如何询问对方及他人的年龄并简单介绍自己的家庭情况。 1.2 lesson 34 jenny’s family 对家谱进行简单的描述并能介绍自己家庭成员的姓名和职业。 1.3 lesson 35 happy birthday! 了解一些生日聚会的有关内容及背景知识。 1.4 lesson 37 in the bed room 通过学习掌握一些家具和电器的名称,并能简单描述物体的位置。 1.5 lesson 38 jenny is at home 通过学习学会描述在家的一些日常活动并复习一般现在时。 1.6 lesson 39 let’s count! 学习数字20至30,并在歌曲当中学习有关日常活动的表达方式。 1.7 lesson 36 families play and work 学习现在进行时态,并了解家庭的一些常见活动。 11页,当前第11234567891011

冀教英语七年级上Unit 5 Family and home单元教案

1.8 lesson 40 unit review 通过练习及对话来复习整个单元的主要单词和表达法。2. 课型设计与课时分配

      period 1   lesson 33            listening, speaking and reading

      period 2   lesson 34            listening, speaking and reading

      period 3   lesson 35            listening, singing and speaking

period 4   lesson 37 & lesson 38 (part one)        

                              listening and speaking

      period 5   lesson 38 (part two)   listening, speaking and reading

      period 6   lesson 39            listening, reading and singing

period 7   lesson 36            listening, speaking, reading and singing

      period 8   lesson 40            task-based speaking

iii. teaching plans for each period分课时教案

period 1 listening, speaking and reading

target language 目标语言

1. words and phrases 生词和短语

  family, father, mother, brother, sister, daughter, son, young, year, grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle, cousin, love

2. key sentences 重点句子

how old are you?

i am ____ (years old).

how old is she / he?

she / he is _____ (years old).

ability goals 能力目标

enable students to ask and answer about the age and introduce their families.

learning ability goals 学能目标

help students grasp the expressions to introduce their family members: name, age and the relationship with them.

teaching important points 教学重点

how to ask about people’s age. teaching difficult points 教学难点

learn the expressions to introduce their family members. teaching methods 教学方法

listening, speaking, reading and writing. teaching aids 教具准备

audiotape. teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式step i revisiona. greeting t: good morning, boys and girls. ss: good morning, miss / mr…b. count from one to twenty. 11页,当前第21234567891011

冀教英语七年级上Unit 5 Family and home单元教案

step ii presentationa. show two pictures to present “young” and “old”. one is a picture of an old man and the other of a young man. t: (point to the old man.) he is old. old. ss: old.t: (point to the young man) he is young. young. ss: young.t: (to a student.) are you old or young? s1: i’m young.b. look at the picture of lynn in the book and learn “how old is / are ____? he / she is / i am ___.” t: is lynn old or young? ss: she is young.t: how old is she? oh, she is nine years old. explain the meaning of the sentences in chinese if necessary. t: (to a student.) how old are you? s1: (help him or her to say.) i’m twelve years old.

t: (to another student.) how about you? s2: i’m thirteen years old.step iii practicea. listen and answer t: now listen to the tape and answer the following questions. after listening, the teacher asks and the ss answer. t: how old is li ming? s1: he is twelve years old.t: how old is danny? s2: he is thirteen years old.b. listen to the tape and repeat. c. ask and answer in a chain. ste iv presentationlook at the pictures in the student book of li ming’s family and read the words several times.step v practicea. listen to the tape and repeat. the teacher writes some words on the blackboard, then ss retell according to these words. b. learn 1. in english “grandfather”, “grandmother”, “aunt”, “uncle”, “cousin”, “brother”, and “sister” have more than one meaning. 2. i have no … or … e.g. i have no brothers or sisters. i have no car or house. c. draw their own family trees and talk about “my family.” t: this is ling ming’s family tree. there are ten members. i’ll give you three minutes to draw your family trees. then show your picture and tell us the members of your family. then ask several students to present in front of class. t: good job. next class you could take a photo of your family if you like. then you can introduce your family member to us. ok? ss: ok.step vi homeworka. finish the exercise in the activity book. b. recite the passage in this lesson and write a short one about your family. c. preview lesson 34.

period 2 listening, speaking and reading

target language 目标语言

1. words and phrases 生词和短语

  her, my, his, name, bus, mr., mrs., student, police officer, driver, bus driver, worker

2. key sentences 重点句子

my ___ is a ___.

her / his name is _____.

she lives in canada.

we are the smith family

ability goals 能力目标

enable students to introduce others’ families according to the family trees and their own family members’ jobs and names. 11页,当前第31234567891011

冀教英语七年级上Unit 5 Family and home单元教案

learning ability goals 学能目标

help students grasp the expressions to introduce others’ families and their own family members’ jobs and names.

teaching important points 教学重点

how to introduce their family members. teaching difficult points 教学难点

learn to introduce the family members’ jobs and names. teaching methods 教学方法

listening, speaking and reading. teaching aids 教具准备

audiotape and pictures. teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式step i revisiona. greeting t: good morning, boys and girls. ss: good morning, miss / mr…b. ask and answer about each other’s ages.c. introduce the family according to the family tree or the phot o. t: is there anyone who take the photo of your family? if you take the photo, show it and introduce them to us. … step ii pres entationintroduce li ming’s family, present the verb form for the third person singular form and explain the use of them. t: this is li ming’s family. he lives in canada. he has no brothers or sisters. his mother and father only have one son, li ming. his uncle and aunt have one daughter, jing. he loves his family. step iii practicea. listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1. where does jenny live? (she lives in canada.) 2. who is mr. smith? (he is jenny’s father.) 3. what is her brother’s name? (her brother’s name is bob.) 4. who is lynn? (she is jenny’s sister.) b. listen to the tape and repeat. c. draw and talk let the students draw their family trees and exchange them with their partners. then talk about their partners’ family trees. step iv presentationshow pictures to introduce the new words “bus driver”, “worker”, and “policeman” and read the words several times. step v practicea. listen to the tape and answer the qu estions. t: what’s jenny’s mother, mrs. smith? (explain the meaning of the sentence in chinese.) s1: she is a bus driver.t: good. what’s jenny’s father, mr. smith? s2: he is a worker.t: right. what’s jenny’s brother, bob? s3: he is a policeman.t: what’s jenny’s sister, lynn? s4: she is a student.t: very good. you are clever. b. listen to the tape and repeat. c. learn show them to ss. 1. the smith family = the smiths 2. the family are watching tv. “family” refers to “family members”. 3. the smith family is a happy one. in this sentence, “family” is regarded as one group. so “is” is used. d. pair work t: we have known jenny’s family. now let’s have a pair work. one acts as jenny. one ask and answer about jenny’s family in pairs. a sample dialog: s1: what’s your name? s2: my name is jenny. s1: how old are you? s2: i’m twelve years old. s1: what’s your sister’s name? s2: her name is lynn. s1: is she a student? s2: yes, she is. … 11页,当前第41234567891011

冀教英语七年级上Unit 5 Family and home单元教案

step vi homeworka. finish the exercises in the activity book. b. recite the introduction about jenny’s family. c. preview lesson 35.

period 3 liste ning, singing and speaking

target language 目标语言

1. words and phrases 生词和短语

  birthday, party, candle, present, tonight, will, really

2. key sentences 重点句子

i will have a birthday party tonight.

happy birthday to you.

will you come to my birthday party, too?

ability goals 能力目标

enable students to talk about their birthday party and know the background of birthday party.

learning ability goals 学能目标

help students grasp the expressions to talk about their coming birthday party.

teaching important points 教学重点

how to talk about their birthday party. teaching difficult points 教学难点

learn to talk about their birthday party. teaching methods 教学方法

listening, speaking and singing. teaching aids 教具准备

audiotape and pictures. teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式step i revisiona. greeting t: good morning, boys and girls. ss: good morning, miss / mr… b. tell something about jenny’s family. step ii presentationa. introduce “birthday party. and tell them the birthday party is a very important family activity. 背景知识:英美人士对自己和亲友的生日都很重视,特别是年轻人。每次过生日都要举行一个别开生面的生日party. 其中尤以16岁,18岁,21岁的生日party最重要。 b. show pictures and introduce “birthday cake”, “candles”, “present” and read the new words several times. and tell the origin of the candles on the birthday cake。 见教学资源库1 step iii practicea. listen to the tape and repeat. b. explain the meaning of sentences with “will”. c. practice and act. read the dialogue with a partner and then act it out. step iv sing the song “happy birthday”this is a traditional english song that you sing to someone on their birthday, usually just be fore they blow out their birthday candles. tell the students that a name gives in the blanks. listen to the tape and follow.step v activity bookfill in to the blanks with the proper words. step vi homeworka. finish off the exercises in the activity book. b. practice reading the dialogue in the lesson. c. preview lesson 37.

period 4 listening and speaking

target language 目标语言

1. words and phrases 生词和短语

  above, below, beside, bed, tv, telephone, computer, radio, bedroom, lamp

2. key sentences 重点句子

where is it?

it’s above / beside / below _____.

ability goals 能力目标

enable students to talk about the positions of the objects. 11页,当前第51234567891011

冀教英语七年级上Unit 5 Family and home单元教案

learning ability goals 学能目标

help students grasp the expressions to ask and answer the positions of the objects.

teaching important points 教学重点

how to talk about the positions of the objects. teaching difficult points 教学难点

learn the differences between above and on, below and under. teaching methods 教学方法

listening and speaking. teaching aids 教具准备

audiotape. teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式step i revisiona. greeting b. read the dialogue in lesson 35. c. ask and answer t: where is your classroom? ss: here it is.t: (to a student) where is your pen? s1: it’s in my pencil case.t: (to another student) where is xiao hong? s2: there she is.t: good job. step ii presentationshow pictures to the students to introduce the words of “bedroom” “bed” “lamp” “tv” “telephone” “computer” and “ radio”. lead them to read the words several times. t: they are the necessities in our daily life. more and more family own the modern objects. what else do you know?let ss try their best to give more answers. step iii practice a. listen to the tape and repeat. b. ask and answer. the teacher points to different pictures and asks the students or lets the students ask and answer in pairs. t: (point to the picture of bed) what’s this? ss: it’s a bed. t: where is the bed? ss: it’s in the bedroom. t: is this a computer or tv? s: it’s a computer. t: very good. step iv presentationput an object in the classroom in different places to introduce the new words “above” “below” and “beside” and lead the students to read the new words several times. “obove” means higher than sth. “below” means at or to a lower position, level, rank, etc than sth. step v practicea. listen and answer. t: listen to the tape and answer the following questions. after listening, the teacher asks and ss answer the questions. t: where’s the picture? s1: it’s above the bed.t: where are the shoes? s2: they are below the bed.t: where is the lamp?  s3: it’s beside the bed.b. listen to the tape and repeat. c. draw and describe ask the students to draw the pictures of their own bedrooms and describe them to each other. s1: this is my bedroom. the picture is above the bed. my shoes are below the bed. the lamp is beside the bed. my radio is beside the lamp. i like my bedroom.t: good job! step vi homeworka. finish the exercises in the activity book. b. write a short passage to describe their bedrooms. c. preview lesson 38.

period 5 listening, speaking and reading11页,当前第61234567891011

冀教英语七年级上Unit 5 Family and home单元教案

target language 目标语言

1. words and phrases 生词和短语

  home, time, after, watch, lie, listen, listen to, sleep, go to sleep,

2. key sentences 重点句子

where is it?

it’s above / beside / below _____.

ability goals 能力目标

enable students to talk about the positions of the objects.

learning ability goals 学能目标

help students grasp the expressions to ask and answer the positions of the objects.

teaching important points 教学重点

how to talk about the positions of the objects. teaching difficult points 教学难点

learn the differences between above and on, below and under. teaching methods 教学方法

listening and speaking. teaching aids 教具准备

audiotape. teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式step i revisiona. greeting b. ask and answer ask and answer about the several students’ bedrooms. t: (to one student.) what do you have in your bedroom? s1: i have a bed, a picture, a lamp, and a telephone.t: where is your lamp? s1: it’s beside my bed.practice with several other students in the same way and make sure they can use the words well. if there is enough time, the students could practice in pairs. step ii presentationshow the pictures and use actions to introduce “talk on the phone”, “watch tv” “play on the computer” and “listen to the radio” and lead them to read these phrases several times and do the actions at the same time. step iii practicea. listen and act. the teacher says the phrases one by one and lets the students to do the actions together. b. look and say

let one student come to the front and act and the other students say the phrases. c. listen to the tape and answer the following questions. 1. what does jenny do with her friend? (she talks on the phone with her friend.) 2. after supper, what does jenny do? (she watches tv.) 3. later, what does she do? (she lies on the bed and listens to the radio.) let the students p ay attention to using the singular of verbs when they answer the questions. d. read and answer let the students read the text and answer more questions 1. in picture one, what does jenny’s father want her to do? (he wants her to have supper.) 2. in picture two, what does jenny’s mother want her to do? (she wants her to do homework.) 3. in picture 3, what does jenny’ father want her to do? (he wants her to go to bed.) 4. what do jenny’s father and mother want her to do? (they want her to go to sleep.) e. listen to the tape and repeat. f. explain the use of “it’s time to do sth. / for sth. e.g. it’s time for school. / it’s time to go to school. g. act out this part in groups. 11页,当前第71234567891011

冀教英语七年级上Unit 5 Family and home单元教案

step iv homeworka. finish the exercises in the activity book. b. recite part 2 in this lesson with partners. c. preview lesson 39.

period 6 listening, reading and singing

target language 目标语言

1. words and phrases 生词和短语

  comb, bush, thirty, count, brush our teeth, comb our hair, wash our hands, take a shower, wear our clo thes

2. key sentences 重点句子

this is the way we brush our hair on a sunday morning.

ability goals 能力目标

enable students to say the numbers from twenty to thirty and learn how to say what they usually do in the daily life.

learning ability goals 学能目标

help students grasp the numbers from twenty to thirty.

teaching important points 教学重点

learn the numbers from twenty to thirty. teaching difficult points 教学难点

learn how to say what they usually do in the daily life. teaching methods 教学方法

listening and speaking. teaching aids 教具准备

audiotape. teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式step i revisiona. greeting b. let several groups of students to act out part 2 in lesson 38. step ii presentationcount with the students from one to twenty. and lead them to read from twenty one to thirty several times. step iii practicea. listen to the tape and repeat.b. play a game the students form pairs or trios. each student needs a sheet of paper. call out a number. each student tries to be the first to write down the correct digit for that number. and see who has the most correct answers. c. the teacher writes the digits of number on the blackboard and lets the students read them in english. step iv presentationlook at the pictures in the book and learn the phrases “brush our hair/teeth”, “comb our hair”, “wash our hands / face”, “take a shower”, “wear our clothes”. step v practicea. listen and do say the phrases one by one and let the students do the actions. b. look and say let one student come to the front of class and do the actions and the other students say the phrases. c. listen to the tape and sing. explain the meaning of “this is the way ____.” and let the students pay attention to the prepositions “on” and “in” in the phrases of “on a sunday morning” and “in the morning”. d. learn tell some idioms about “sunday”, “monday”, “friday” and “saturday”. step iv homeworka. finish the exercises in the activity book. b. practice singing the song in lesson. c. preview lesson36.

period 7 listening, speaking, reading and singing

target language 目标语言

1. words and phrases 生词和短语11页,当前第81234567891011

冀教英语七年级上Unit 5 Family and home单元教案

  play, work, talk, cry, sing, laugh, make, together,

2. key sentences 重点句子

what are they doing?

they are ____.

what is he / she doing?

he / she is _____.

ability goals 能力目标

enable students to know how to use the present continuous tense.

learning ability goals 学能目标

help students grasp the present continuous tense.

teaching important points 教学重点

learn the present continuous tense. teaching difficult points 教学难点

learn present participle. teaching methods 教学方法

listening, speaking and singing. teaching aids 教具准备

audiotape. teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式step i revisiona. greeting t: good morning, class!

ss: good morning, mr / mrs / miss / ms ___. t: please sit down. you are sitting. i am standing. b. sing the song in lesson 39 and ask and answer about the pictures in the book. t: look at danny! what’s he doing? he’s brushing his hair. in picture 2, what’s he doing? ss: (help the students to say.) he is brushing his teeth.t: what’s he doing in picture 3? ss: he is combing his hair.t: what’s he doing in picture 4? ss: he is washing hands.t: what’s he doing in picture 5? ss: he is washing his face.t: what’s he doing in picture 6? ss: he is taking a shower.write brush-brushing, comb-combing, wash-washing and take-taking on the blackboard and lead the students to read them. step ii presentationa. do actions to demonstrate “cry” and “laugh” and ask students to read the words several times. b. say the sentences as i act: i’m crying / laughing. write the sentences on the blackboard and let the students read several times. step iii practicea. listen to the tape and repeat. b. ask and answer in pairs. step iv presentationa. look at the pictures in the student book and introduce the new words “sing” “talk” “make” and “together”. b. write the sentence “they are singing” on the blackboard and let them learn the present continuous tense. 1. show the three sentences to ss. she is crying. he is laughing. they are singing. let ss sum up the structure of the present continuous tense according to the examples:am / is / are+现在分词 2. show these words to ss brush-brushing, comb-combing, washing, sit-sitting let ss sum up the structure of the present participle according to the examples: 1. v - ing 2.去不发音的e 加 ing 3. 重读闭音节双写末尾辅音字母再加ing. 现在进行时态的用法如下: 1. 表示现在正在进行的动作。 e.g. they are playing football. 他们正在踢足球。 e.g. we are reading english now. 我们正在读英语。 2. 表示当前一段时间的活动或正在进行的动作。 e.g. they are working on the farm these days. 3. 有些动词(如come, go, leave等)的现在进行时态可以表示将要发生的动作。 e.g. mary is coming here. 玛丽就要来了。 e.g. the train is going soon. 火车就要开了。 11页,当前第91234567891011

冀教英语七年级上Unit 5 Family and home单元教案

step v sing a songa. guess let the students guess the meaning of “plus” in the sentence “one plus two is three.” b. listen to the tape and sing the song. step vi homeworka. finish the exercises in the activity book. b. practice reading the passage in this lesson. c. finish the exercise i and exercise ii in lesson 40.

period 8 task-based speaking

target language 目标语言

1. words and phrases 生词和短语

  family, father, mother, brother, sister, daughter, son, young, her, my, his, name, bus, comb, computer, name, party, radio, telephone, tv, bed, cry, play, talk, work, young, above, below, beside, thirty, her, his, my

2. key sentences 重点句子

how old are you? i am ___ (years old).

how old is she/he? she/he is _____ (years old).

my father/ mother is a _____.

where is it? it’s above/beside/below _____.

what are they doing? they are ____.

what is she/he doing? she/he is ______.

ability goals 能 力目标

enable students to review the whole unit and use the words and the expressions well.

learning ability goals 学能目标

help students use the expressions they learned in their daily life.

teaching important points 教学重点

review the present continuous tense, the simple present tense, talking about the family members: their age and ask and answer the positions of the objects. teaching difficult points 教学难点

the present continuous tense. teaching methods 教学方法

task-based speaking. teaching aids 教具准备

audiotape. teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式step i revisiona. greeting b. correct the homework step ii task-based speakingevery group will choose a task written on a piece of paper, finish it on time and show in class. group 1’s task: show your family photos to each other and talk about them. a sample dialog:s1: who is he? s2: he is my brother, tom. s3: what’s his favorite color? s2: his favorite color is blue. s4: what’s his favorite food? s2: his favorite food is dumplings. s5: how old is he? s2: he is twelve years old. s6: is he a student? s2: yes, he is. group 2’s task: talk about your family members, names, ages, and jobs with each other. a sample dialog:s7: what’s your sister’s name? s8: her name is mary. s7: how old is she? s8: she is nine years old. s7: what is she? s8: she is a student. group 3’s task: talk about how you will celebrate your birthday. a sample dialog:s9: i will have a birthday party. s10: my classmates will come to my birthday party. s11: i will have a birthday cake with thirteen candles and presents. s12: my friends will sing the song “happy birthday to you”. 11页,当前第101234567891011

冀教英语七年级上Unit 5 Family and home单元教案

group 4’ task: talk about the positions of the things in your bedroom. a sample dialog:s13: do you have computer in your bedroom? s14: yes, i do. s13: where is it? s14: it’s on the desk. do you have a telephone? s13: yes, i do. s14: where is it? s13: it’s beside my bed. group 5’s task: talk about what you usually do at home. a sample dialog:s15: i watch tv after supper. how about you? s16: i do my homework. how about? (to another student) s17: i play on the computer. how about you? (to another student) s18: i listen to the radio. group 6’ task: do actions and let your group members guess what you are doing. a sample dialog: s 19: (pretend to cry) what am i doing? s20: you are crying. s19: (pretend to be making dumplings) what am i doing? group 7’s task: play a game about numbers. work in pairs. one student calls out ten numbers between one and thirty. the other students write down the correct digits for those numbers. and then see who can do better. step iii homeworka. finish the exercises in the activity book. b. sum up what they have learned in this unit . c. preview lesson 41. i. 背景知识:生日蛋糕上的candles在日常生活中,同学们一定建国生日庆典活动中过生日的人吹灭插在蛋糕上的蜡烛(candles)的情景。那么你知道这个习俗的来历吗? 它最早起源于古希腊(ancient greece)。据说,古希腊的月神和狩猎女神阿尔特弥斯(artemis)过生日时,其崇拜者们(worships),在圣坛上摆上插有蜡烛的甜蛋糕(sweet cake)。 后来,古希腊人(ancient greek)在其他人的生日蛋糕上也同样插上点燃的蜡烛(burning  candle),并增加了吹灭(blow out candles)的内容。他们相信,燃烧中的蜡烛具有神秘的力量(power)。如果人们在此时许下心愿(wish),然后一口气吹灭这些蜡烛就能如愿以偿。这一习俗流传至今,已被世界各地采纳。  ii. 与星期有关的短语1. 与sunday有关的: sunday best 高档,漂亮的衣裳 sunday run 长距离 sunday painter 业余画家 sunday school truth 众所周知的道理或事实。 2. 与monday 有关的: blue monday 沮丧,郁闷(相对与欢乐的周末而言。) mad monday 忙乱的星期一 monday morning feeling  monday feeling 美国人在周末休假后星期一不想工作的那样一种心情。 3. 与friday有关的: friday 忠仆,随从(源于鲁滨逊漂流记) man friday 男仆 girl friday 得力助手(尤指女秘书) friday face 神色不佳之人。 4. 与saturday有关的: saturday-to-monday 周末休假的,周末的 black saturday 黑色星期六(指工人预借工资无钱可领的星期六)11页,当前第111234567891011
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