
英语小对话--Planning an Evening Out


planning an evening out (2) 计划晚间的外出活动

it's ok to make plans with friends at the last minute. it's more polite, however, to make them ahead of time.


1.a: how about going to hear a country-and-western singer tonight?

b: i'd enjoyed that.

a: i' pick you up around 8:00.

b: ok. i'll see you then.

2.a: do you feel like going to see paul and claire tonight?

b: i'd like that very much.

a: how does 7:30 sound?

b: fine. see you late.

3.a: would you like to go to a party tonight?

b: that sounds like a good idea?

a: would 7:00 be ok?

b: that's fine. i'm looking forward to it.

4.a: why don't you have dinner with me tonight?

b: i'd love to.

a: let's say about 6:00?

b: that's ok with me.

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