


话题必备词汇:easy-going随和的;out-going外向的;considerate善解人意的;thoughtful体谅的;optimistic乐观的;good-mannered有礼貌的;bad-mannered没礼貌的;generous慷慨大方的;friendly友好的;kind-hearted心地善良的;warm-hearted热心肠的;confident自信的;determined有决心的;responsible负责任的;hard-working勤奋的;be energetic=be full of energy精力充沛的;be enthusiastic about热情的;talented有才能的;selfless无私的;naughty淘气的;cooperative有合作精神的;dishonest不诚实的;forgetful健忘的;greedy 贪婪的;strong-willed意志坚强的;trustworthy值得信任的;well-educated受过良好教育的;open-minded虚心的;cover an area of占地面积…;surroundings周边环境;transport交通;have a population of人口多少;qualified合格的;have a history of有…历史;convenient便利的;places of interest= tourist attractions名胜;economy经济;boom繁荣


1.As a boy, he showed a great interest in maths.他小时候就对数学非常感兴趣。

2.Being kind, patient and always ready to help her students, she is very popular with all her students.由于善良,有耐心并且松狮乐于帮助她的学生们,她所有的学生都喜欢她。

3. He devoted himself to scientific research and made great contributions to the country.他致力于科研工作,为国家做出了巨大贡献。

4.Considered to be one of the greatest writers in China, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 20xx.被认为是中国最伟大的作家之一,他于20xx年被授予诺贝尔文学奖。

5.My hometown, located on the East Sea, has a history of more than 300 years and a population of 200,000.我的家乡坐落在东海之滨,有着300多年的历史,20万人口。

6.Being kind-hearted and easy-going, he fits in well with others easily wherever he goes.由于心地善良,性情随和,他每到一处总会很容易与他人相处融洽。

7.Located/ Situated on the Yellow Sea, this beautiful old city has become a popular tourist attraction now.坐落在黄海之滨,这座古老的美丽城市现在成了受欢迎的旅游胜地。

实践与应用:假如你是李华,收到了你的网友Jack 的email。请你根据下面的汉语提示给他回信。(重点提示:位置; 人口;面积;历史文化名城;交通方便发达)

Dear Li Hua,

I’m gong to the coming Weifang International Kite Festival. And I’d very much like to know something about Weifang in advance. Would you please tell me something about it? Thanks. See you then.



Dear Jack,

So glad to know that you are coming to China for Weifang International Kite Festival.

Located in the middle of Shandong Peninsula, Weifang is a famous historic and cultural city with an area of 15,859 square kilometers. With a population of more than 9 million, it is developing rapidly in agriculture and industry. Besides being world-famous as an international kite city, it is also well-known for its vegetables, sweet peaches and flowers. Besides, people here can easily enjoy convenient access to its transportation system. With many beautiful tourist attractions, it attracts visitors from all over the world every year.

I believe that you will enjoy yourself here. And I am dying to see you in advance.

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