


范文:Mrs Wilsn ,

I’ ging ut shpping , and Last but nt least, it’s everne’s respnsibilit t ae gd use f But she a als feel a sense f lss since the n lnger need her da-t-da care as the used t . This picture shws ver well the ixed feelings f parents when watching their children grw up. Fr parents , things will be uch easier. We will set up ur fail blg t pst ur phts ,urnals and audis . Once I leave fr cllege , we can cnvenientl share ur experiences and supprt each ther n atter where we are.. Their “nest’ will never be ept.

All are welce !


人们外出工作的方式通常有两种:独立完成和合作完成。两种方式各有特点。 请你以“wring individuall r wring ina tea “为题,写一篇短文 1. 独立完成:自行安排,自己解决问题 2. 合作完成:一起讨论,相互学习 3.我喜欢的方式和理由

范文 :

Wring individuall r wring in a tea

There are basicall tw was t get wr dne. One is t wr individuall . In this wa , peple can decide fr theselves when t start and hw t d it .What’s re, the will be able t learn hw t slve prbles n their wn .

Peple a als chse t wr in a tea , where the can learn fr each ther and help each ther . Besides , the a wr ut better was t get wr dne b discussin.

Persnall, I prefer t wr in a tea, which ffers e a chance t learn hw t get alng well with thers and t share experiences with the . As the wr can be divided ang several peple , it can be dne efficientl . Teawr is alwas iprtant.


目前,学校存在少数学生考试作弊现象。请以“ pinin n cheating in exainatin ”为题,写一篇短文 。


假设Thas Edisn是你最喜欢的人,请根据信息写篇短文 1. 对该人物的简单介绍 2. 喜欢该人物的理由 3. 从该人物身上得到的启示

范文: Thas Edisn

Brn in Aerica , Thas Edisn was a great scientist and inventr . He was nce thught t be a b wh was nt wrth educating . In fact , he was a an full f iaginatin.

I adire Edisn a lt because f his great cntributin t the wrld . He had re than 1000 inventins . In his life tie, he was alwas eager t nw hw things wred, which helped hi t wn the nicnae “ the wizard f Mel par” . He was als s diligent that he wred da and night . And this explained wh he had s an great inventins .

What ipresses e st is his faus saing : “ Genius is ne percent inspiratin and ninet-nine percent perspiratin “. Prbabl I can’t be an Edisn self , but I can be a hardwring teaer .Fr hi, I realize the secret t success is nt when and where u were brn ,but what u are ding and hw u d it in ur life.

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