
新标准小学英语第六册Module9 Unit1教案


unit 1 we laughed a lot.
步骤 多媒体辅助 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
step 1 warming up  呈现绕口令和歌曲,并播放其伴奏。 let’s say a chant and sing songs. say the chant “changes” and sing songs “we’re clever boys and girls.” “my home is the place.” 使学生放松并集中注意力,同时唤起学生对一般过去时的记忆
step 2 revision and lead in   1. what a good show, very good!(hold the  word card “show”)read after me “show, a good show” very good!
2. ok, now it’s my turn. look at my show and guess the phrases. yes, last night i …..(put the verb phrases’ past forms on the blackboard, put “told a secret、laughed a lot、wore clothes” in another line) 1. repeat the word and do the action.

2. say the phrases they leant: read a book、watch tv、play computer、drink some milk、eat an apple、play toys、eat some sweets、tell a secret、laugh a lot、wear clothes
3. repeat the verb phrase’s past forms. 利用组织教学的行为来呈现新单词,让学生在使用中理解单词。

step 3
presentation and practice 呈现课本第3部分的图片。

呈现本课单词及其在课文中所在的短语如:women: wore women’s clothes 1. let ss answer the question: what did he do last night?(while students’ answering the question, drawing each simple line drawing on the blackboard.)
2. point to the simple line drawing and let other students to answer again.
3. (holding the word “funny” and ask) look, are they funny? (help some students answer and let all student repeat.)
4. now we’re going to listen to a letter from england and find out some funny thing. before that  let’s revise some words we learnt today. follow me, women, women, wore women’s clothes.( let student’s practice reading the word in phrase. use different ways to practice. for example, low voice and high voice. )2页,当前第112
5. put three phrases on the blackboard: wore women’s clothes、told lots of jokes、laughed a lot. leave some room for their subjects. 1. some students answer.

2. answer again.

3. then repeat the word “funny”

4. read the words and phrases. 利用简笔画激发学生回答问题的兴趣。


step 4
practice  播放课文录音



 1. ok, now let’s listen to the tape and finish these sentences. ( point to the three phrases on the blackboard.) let’s see which group is the winner. if you are ready put up your hands.

2. good job! now follow the tape ….

3. now let’s open the books and listen again. then let’s find out what did lingling last week.
4. click to one small picture and ask: did lingling….? ask some students to do as teacher and give marks to their groups.
5. (put some pictures with phrases on the blackboard and point.) look, last week lingling….. good! go on. she….
6. super! oh, what a funny day did lingling have! now let’s listen to the tape and follow. please read loudly. 1. listen to the text without opening the books. then finish the sentences in groups.

2. repeat the sentences.

3. listen to the tape.

4. answer the questions. some students do as teacher do.

5. look at the pictures and finish teacher’s sentences. then repeat the sentences.

6. read the text. 进行听力训练,通过集体回答降低学生畏难心理。

step 5 consolidation and production 呈现游戏课件。xkb1 1. ok, now let’s play a game: what did they do? (比赛说明:课件中十个号码链接课文的第三部分及课文主要句型的十个不同场景的碎片。每组同学派一名代表选择一个号码,课件快速呈现碎片。让每组同学凭记忆,在小组讨论后写出句子。当一个组在看碎片时,其他组同学大声读出黑板上的句子,扰乱记忆。)
2. 结合到游戏中给暂时落后的小组一个复活机会:回答老师的问题:what did you do last?
2. give marks and assessment.
 play the game. 用其他组的扰乱活动来活跃比赛气氛,并复习本课重点。
step 6 homework and say farewell  1. homework: read the text and copy the new words (6 times). talk to your friends or family members about what they did.
2. finish doing the exercises in the activity book.  鼓励学生在生活中运用语言,

上一篇:五年级上册Unit 4 Can I have a puppy? 教案(湘少版) 下一篇:pep Book 5 Unit 5教案