
Unit 18 Let’s Go Further


unit 18 let’s go further
i. objectives
1. work with language
2. story time
3. fun with language
4. did you know
5. additional words

ii. procedures
1. warming up
(1) act out unit 16 dialogue
(2) read unit 17 dialogue in groups.

2. presentation
(1) work with language : listen to the teacher’s directions and put the stickers in the right places.
(2) check
(3) look at the pictures above and ask each other the way. they can use these sentences:
can you tell me the way to / how to get to…?
go straight ahead. take the first/ second/ third left.
take the first/ second/ third right.
it’s on your left/ right.
(4) fun with language: play the game catch the thief.
where’s the thief?
at the clothes shop.
how can we get to the cloth shop?
(5) ask some groups to act out the dialogue.
(6) story time
look at the pictures. ask some pupils try to tell the story briefly.
look and listen to the tape.
read after the tape.

3. development
(1) did you know
there are many parks in london. here are some photos of the big parks in london.
(2) additional words
explain the pictures then match the pictures with these directions by drawing lines.

iii. homework
1. fun with language part i.
2. project

layout              unit 17 where is the school canteen?

 can you tell me the way to / how to get to…?
go straight ahead. take the first/ second/ third left.
take the first/ second/ third right.
it’s on your left/ right.

where’s the thief?
at the clothes shop.
how can we get to the cloth shop?

上一篇:北师大版五年级英语下册Unit 7 At the airport 教案 下一篇:pep五年级英语下册第一单元单词表人教版