


period   plan





lesson 14



teaching aims

1. recognize the pronunciation skillfully.

2. enable the students to read and understand the content of read and think part.

4. ask them to master daily expressions in communication. finish the survey.


teaching tools

1. phonetic symbol cards and relevant words cards

2. recorder and text tapes

3. a form of the survey



key points

the pronunciation of the letter m , n, ng.


difficult points

finish the survey.


teaching   process


the activities of the teacher

the activities of the students

warm up

1. the teachers and students sing “how do you go to school?” together.

2. free talk

3. ask the students to read the sentence pattern while performing.


1. a survey

1) t: now boys and girls, david and his parents are going to beijing by train. how about you and your friend? let’s look at this table.

2) ask and answer

t: where are you going?    s: yantai.

t: how do you go there?    s: by ship.

fill in the survey.

3) show the sentence pattern where are you going? how do you go there? then read them.

4) ask the students to interview their friends and finish the survey.

5) report the interview results.

2. listen match and read

1) look at the pictures and find the relevant three words.

2) show the phonetic symbol words cards and read after the tape.

3) disarrange words and phonetic symbol words, ask them find a match.

4) guide them to read aloud and understand sentences, the monkeys are touching the moon in the water at night.

5) show the other words include m,n,ng.

3. read and think

1) read the essay.

2) understand the words and sentences: like traveling, near canada, the blue whales, i want to…

3) listen to the recording, understand the content of talking, answer the questions.

4) follow and read, read aloud collectively.

consolidation and extension

1) sing a sing “how do you go to the park”. 

2) have a reading contest .


1. make conversations with where are you going? how do you go there?

2. finish the exercises in the book of “after-school activities”.

3. read part 3 and part 4 .


blackboard design


/m/  moon      like traveling

/n/  night       near canada

/ŋ/  monkey     the blue whales

look back

they can grasp the pronunciation of this lesson and they understand they should be careful when they do something through the joke of part 4.5页,当前第112345


period   plan





lesson 15



teaching aims

1. enable the students to read, say and write the phrases: north / south / east, west.

2. ask them to master the sentence pattern of “where’s …” and its answer of “in the …of china”, can communicate in oral or written form in language environment.

3. ask them to understand, read and speak daily expressions in communication: i’m looking up beijing map. it’s in the center of beijing. clever! super boy! 

4. enable the students to understand and master the content of “learn to say”, read and act out the content of this dialogue.


teaching tools

1. a slide of map of china, slide of map of beijing according to the content of “learn to say” and projector.

2. some pictures of buildings and scenery that represent the city.

3. some cards: include preposition phrases “in the …of …”, “north, south, east, west”, and sentence pattern “where’s …?”

4. tape-recorder and tapes for the part of “learn to say”.

5. recoding familiar music with distinctive local characteristics.

6. some city pictures, familiarize the students with map of china and chinese folk music.



key points

in the part of “try to use”: four direction words, preposition phrases “in the …of …”, sentence pattern “where’s …?” and its answer sentences.



difficult points

the students can understand and use “north, south, east, west, center”, can read aloud the dialogue smoothly, master and act out the dialogue.


teaching   process


the activities of the teacher

the activities of the students


1. teacher and students sing the different lyrics together with the tune of “how do you go to school”.

2. teacher and students greet each other and free talk.

3. review and act out the content of “learn to say”, make several conversations and perform them.

t: everyone likes to have a trip and our country has many beautiful cities. where would you like ot go? beijing, shanghai or xi’an? i think beijing will be your first choice. (use body language and city pictures to help students understand and answer the question.)


a. try to use:

1. t: where’s beijing, do you know?

show map of china, let students mark the position of beijing, then introduce the word “north” and preposition phrases “in the north of china. stick word cards and phrase cards on blackboard, point at the cards and lead the reading several times.

2.      show the sentences card “where’s beijing?”,  stick it in front of “in the north of china”, practice the sentence in the form of half of the class and groups. 5页,当前第212345

3.      show pictures of shenzhen, shanghai and xi’an, teach the words: “south, east, west”, replace the word “north” according to their positions in the map, practice the sentence.

4.      reinforce words game: teacher say the direction, then students point at the right direction, let students go on the stage to say directions.

5.      open the book, ask students read aloud the phrase and sentences in the part of “try to use”, do pattern drill with the substitutes.

6.      game: guess the place names. firstly teacher and a student give a demonstration.

t: (show picture of huangguoshu waterfall, let a student go on the stage): where’s it?

s: it’s in guizhou.

t: where’s guizhou?

s: in the south of china.

(hint to the student that he marks the position in the map)

encourage the students take pictures; go on the stage, the other students guess and mark the position in the map.

7.      make sentences on notebook.

b. learn to say: xk   1. t(show wall map): we have enjoyed so many beautiful views. let’s go to see david. what is he doing now? look at this picture, please. david and his father are talking. listen carefully. what are they talking about?

  2. listen to the recording twice and understand the content of dialogue.

  3. t: what are they talking about? s: beijing.

  4. show slide of beijing, lead students talk about positions of some scenic spots and buildings in beijing, deepen their understanding.

  5. students listen to the recording and read after the dialogue.

  6. start a role-play reading between teacher and students.

consolidation and extension

1. ask students act out the dialogue based on reading the text fluently.

2. game: listen to music, guess place names.

  play the music with distinctive local characteristics, students guess place names according to the music, enforce their understanding about the sentence pattern.


1. copy the words learned in this text.

2. make sentences with sentence pattern of this lesson.

3. finish the exercises in the book of “after-school activities”.

4. practice and act out the dialogue.


blackboard design



north   south   east  west

where’s …?   in the … of china 


look back

they can spell the new words.to write three sentences with the new sentence pattern.

period   plan 5页,当前第312345





lesson 15



teaching aims

1. enable students to grasp the sounds of letter combinations “eer, ear”.

2. two phonetic alphabets and three followings, to learn how to use phonetic alphabet to study english words.

3. understand the part of “a joke”.

4. learn to master important sentences.


teaching tools

1. two phonetic symbol cards and some followings cards.

2. recorder and text tapes

3. a teaching wall map for the part of “let’s find out”.



key points

grasp three words: listen, match and read. find the difference of letter combinations “eer, ear” by read words repeatedly, and grasp some pronunciation ways and patterns.


difficult points

ask students to make good full use of important sentences. understand “a joke”, let students act out it personally.


teaching   process


the activities of the teacher

the activities of the students

warm up

1. sing a song: how do we go to…?

2. greet each other, talk freely.

  t: good morning? how are you?

  ss: fine, thank you.

t: how do you go to school?

s: on foot.

t: where’s beijing?

s: it’s in the north of china.

3. review the part of “learn to say” in the form of performance.

4. show pictures, ask the students to practice the sentence patterns of the part of “try to use”.


  t: you’re all excellent. now let’s learn something new.(show pictures of listen, match and read)


a. listen match and read

  1. look at pictures and listen to the tape.

  2. show cards of bear, pear and deer, let them read after teacher.

  3. decompose the sounds of the words and read them, and enable students to notice the sounds of letter combinations “eer, ear”.

  4. let them answer the sounds of “eer, ear”, then introduce two phonetic alphabets.

  5. show followings cards and let students read them, ask the students find corresponding words.

  6. look at pictures and read sentence: the deer and the bear want to share the big pear.

b. a joke

  1. listen to the tape and try to understand the content of this part.

  2. teacher explain “ i have no sense of directions” and understand its humor.

  3. read after the tape and understand the pronunciation and intonation.

  4. ask students to read the text by themselves naturally and fluently.

  5. role play this dialogue.

c. let’s find out

  1. t: the little bear’s father has showed us how to look up the map. i think you’re more clever than the little bear. here’s a map, can you look up in this map?(show pictures for this part) 5页,当前第412345

  2. lead students to look at the pictures, demonstrate question and answer.

  t: where’s the toy shop?  s: it’s in the south.

  3. practice in pairs.

  4. check on exercises of every group.

  where’s the school? it’s in the west.

  where’s the cinema? it’s in the east.

  where’s the supermarket? it’s in the north.

  where’s the park? it’s in the center.

consolidation and extension

  game: a two-man comic show

  four students for one group, two act in the front, the other two speak, then the good group are awarded “tacit cooperation”.


1. to draw a local map.

2. read part3 and part 4 skillfully.

3. finish the exercises in the book of “after-school activities”.



blackboard design


/іə/  deer             i have no sense of directions.

/eә/  pear  bear


look back

students can spell the new words. to write three sentences with the new sentence pattern.

period   plan





lesson 16



teaching aims



teaching tools



key points


difficult points


teaching   process


the activities of the teacher

the activities of the students



blackboard design

look back


period   plan








teaching aims



teaching tools



key points



difficult points


teaching   process


the activities of the teacher

the activities of the students



blackboard design

look back


period   plan








teaching aims



teaching tools



key points



difficult points


teaching   process


the activities of the teacher

the activities of the students



blackboard design

look back



period   plan







teaching aims


teaching tools


key points

difficult points

teaching   process


the activities of the teacher

the activities of the students



blackboard design5页,当前第512345

上一篇:五年级英语Unit 5 Look at the monkeys B Let's talk教案及练习 下一篇:Lesson 10 China