
牛津小学英语5A Unit4 Halloween教学设计

教材简析:本单元以“万圣节”为话题,重点学习do you like...? yes, i do. / no, i don't. i like...等句型。学生在4b中已经学过do you like dolls? yes, i do. / no, i don't.等句型。本单元会话中出现了购物的情境,学生在3b中也学过,单词除了动物类单词a chicken , a duck , a horse , a pig以外,其他动物类单词包括a monkey , a tiger 等,在本单元以复数形式再次出现。因此,教师可采用以旧引新的方法进行本单元的会话教学。我所执教的是第一课时,句型有do you like……?及其回答yes, i do ./no , i don’t . 还有几个是常出现在万圣节晚会中的单词,如a mask , a pumpkin , a vase 等。
1、通过教学使学生掌握四会单词a pumpkin, a vase, a horse, a mask等以及句型 do you like...? yes, i do. / no, i don't. i like...
设计理念:多媒体辅助教学有利于调动学生的学习积极性,刺激学生的思维,让孩子们一节课有多个兴奋点;使教材和媒体之间优势互补。英语课的教学特色是充分发挥其语言功能,讲究对话的艺术。多媒体辅助教学课件因其具有集成文字、图像、影像、声音及动画等多种信息的功能而愈来愈受到欢迎。实践也证明,多媒体辅助教学可以产生教与学的最佳效果。我自行设计了一个《牛津小学英语》5a unit4 halloween第一课时课件,还要求学生能利用我们提供的参考资料,积极为自己提供更为广阔的学习资源背景,从而使学生不断地完成新知的建构过程。
设计思路:本节课是本单元的第一课时,主要教学a mask, a vase, a pumpkin等词汇以及part a的对话。开始free talk和学生谈论他们自身喜好,自己家房子情况,激发学生全情投入新单元的学习之中。由ben家的新房子需要什么布置客厅,引出新句型what do they/ we / you need? 的教学。然后精心设计ben的答句,自然过渡到新单词的教学中去。这个过程中单词的导入和操练形式互不雷同。对话教学做到听说相结合。纵观整个教学活动,层次分明,重难点突出。
[step1. greetings and free talk]
1. t: hello boys and girls, how are you today ?
s: we are fine, thank you .
2. t: i like english very much. do you like english?
s1: yes, i do.
t: what do you like?
s2: i like…(practice in pairs)
3. t: do you like your house?
s: yes, i do.
t: good. let’s say a rhyme together.(do you like my house?)
[step2. presentation]
1. t: now i want to know something about your house. what’s in your house? is there a …? where is it? how many …are there? are there any pictures on the wall? is there a large sitting room?
s: yes, there is./ no, there isn’t.
t: what’s in your sitting-room?
s: there’s a …there are some…
2.t: there are so many things in your sitting-room.
(呈现卡片thing/ things东西,物品) learn the word: thing
3.ben and his family have a new house now. there is a large sitting-room.3页,当前第1123
but there aren’t any things in it.(cai呈现空的客厅图)
t: what do they need? learn the word: need
s: they need some…
(板书:what do they/ you/ we need?    they/ we/ i need…)
4.practice and act
s1: what do they need?( in their new house)    s2: they need …
5.t:perhaps. but we are not sure. let’s ask ben. ok?( cai呈现ben的形象)
ss: what do you need?
ben: i need a sofa, a tea-table, some plates, a fridge and something special.
6.t: ben needs something special. what is it? can you guess?
(cai呈现模糊面具,逐渐清晰)teach: mask
t: there are some masks here. do you like masks?
s: yes, i do. / no, i don’t.
(教师准备一些小动物的面具,教师可手拿面具问:what do you like? do you like rabbits ?引导学生正确回答yes, i do. / no, i don't. 教师可用其它动物面具进行操练,边操练边引出本节课所要掌握的一些名词的复数形式,如:masks, flowers, monkeys等。)
7.t: ben needs some masks. why? because halloween is coming.
do you know halloween? do you want to know more about halloween?
s: yes. we do。(cai显示halloween图片并进行简单的介绍)
t: this is a halloween party. what can you see?
s: i can see some masks, some flowers and some chocolate.
8.t: what else can you see? look! where are the flowers?
(cai呈现花瓶)teach: a vase
t: anything else?   s: i can see a pumpkin.
t: good! (cai呈现南瓜灯) we usually eat the pumpkin. but in the west,people like to make pumpkin lanterns at halloween.
(teach: a pumpkin lantern)
9.t: do you like pumpkin lanterns?   s: yes, i do.
t: can you make one?     s: no, i can’t.
t: let’s buy a pumpkin lantern then. shall we go to the supermarket and buy the things to have a party?    s:ok.
(cai呈现书上31页图片,学生在3b中已经学过如何购物的话题,经过前面单词教学的铺垫,教师可以通过与学生进行购物表演的形式,引导学生练习交际用语 what do you need? we need some...what else do you need? ..., please.以及 how much are they? 等用语,在此基础上,可引出并学习here's your change. “这是找你的零钱”。)
[step3. practice]
1.t: ben’s family would like to buy things for a halloween party.
 look at the screen. (cai呈现书上30页图片及问题)read the passage and answer the questions
(1) who are they?
(2) what are they talking about?
(3) what would they like to buy?
2.(cai 呈现:would like to do  想要做…teach: would like to do)
3.listen and judge(cai呈现)
(1).it’s halloween today.(   )
(2).they need some chocolate ,some flowers, some masks and a vase.(   )
(3).ben likes masks.(   )
4.read after the teacher then read together
5.rewrite the dialogue(cai呈现)
(things, pumpkin, flowers, family, vase, masks)
ben and his ______  would like to buy _______ for a halloween party. they  need some ________  and a _______. ben likes ______and lanterns . they will buy a _______lantern.
[step4. homework]
2、收集有关halloween的知识, 了解西方国家的其它节日
上一篇:5A Unit 5 Review and check教案 下一篇:五年级英语上册Unit 3第二课时导学案